THE U. OF M. DAILY. t / 1 ate receipts at Cleveland, was to 09a have been 20 per cent. We act- ually received $50, which is upon Published Daily (Sundays exceptedi durnga the basis of a total attendance of sie collegre ear, by THEU. F . IDEENDNTASSOCIATION 500 people. This is very much out THE . O M.INDPENENTof the way, to phrase it mildly. The,- ,re r- at th,.e rvloes't esti- Subscription price $2.501 per year, iavariably i n adsvace Single coois 3 cents. Os sale at Sneesas and Post Office news sad at l12 oclock, nion. Subscriptions may be left at she sfince of the DAILY, Opera Hose block, at Sheehansa, at Stoflect's, or wish ansy of the editors. Csosmaunications shossld reasab the office by Vo'clock t..i hey are to appear the next day. Addrtsa all matler intended for publics- tion to the Masaging Editor. All business commsunications should be sent to the Busi- nss Masager. THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Nick. EDITORSn. RALP'HSTOusE, '92, Managing Editor. S. Wv. CcaTISS, '92, Assist. Managing Editor. 0.5T.. Cissesca, '(c, Assist. Managing Editor. J. C. TRsAVIS, '92, Buosiness IS asoger. F. k. JAsNoEr, '10, Asist.flosises saagr. C. W. flICtotoS, '94, Assist. Bluosiess Mange. f. D. JowEss.. P. 0. s.H.DELLENBsAC'.'(t2 F. f) Ossecs,'o'2. IF. E. Olcoosc, '52. W. P. PaeasR, 'El. J. 5R. AsEss., '01. 0. B. lyggert. 'El. IC. P. Wmstu. 'H4. W. E. MeEseuito, '93.'1CiSo. BlAIR, '95. 'rHo indications are that the con cert in the Choral Union series, this evening will he largely attended. 'rie soloists are all nmusicians of note, and arc headed by one of the celebrated violinists of the world. THE athletic directors did the right thing in decidinig to address letters of thanks to the D~etroit Ath1- letic Club and to Mr. M. C. Murphy for their isnterest in athletics at the University. 'The D. A. C. have, for the past few years, done consider- able to encourage the development of athletics here, and Mr. Murphy has seconded their good work by the valuable contribution of his services and professional advice. Itt has been due in great part to his en- ergy that foot-ball was given such an impetus, towards the close of the season. If r. Murphy had been an alumnus his interest in the suc- cess of athletics at the University would not ihave been so unexpected, but the fact that he is bound by no college tie, make his services much more to be appreciated. IT looks very much as though the Cleveland Athletic Club had used the Michigan foot-ball team as a nmoney making attraction, and treated them in the business arrangements as honestly as in the game. It seems to be unsafe to entrust the management of foot-ball games en- tirely to athletic clubs having no, connection with a college, as the experience of Yule and Princeton with the. Manhattan Athletic Club, as our experiehce with the C. A. C., attests. Michigan's share of the mate, ,sons people present, which would make Michigans share $8o at the very least. BUSINESS LOCALS, .Notices inserted in this column at thse rase of 10 ceists per lise. Slpeial rates for longer lime. assd eatra liars furnsihesd by applying at the DAsILYOffic,] LOST-A pair of giild eyo-glasses in idark-hrowns leather cane. Finider pleaoe loave at U. ofP M. DAILY offie and re- ceive reward. LOST-A silver mounite'd fousntaiss poll. initials S. C. G. ensgraved upons it. Finiier please retursi to IDAILY olfice or to S. C. Gliidden. 'The finest diisplay ever maide here iss thiscity is rugs, eail he seers 5in the -susw swindossof Martill Hailer. handsiisonme desiggis ill Moquetto, Wit- tosilyzaiitinieSmiyrniaandiFur. For Chi stloas lie siiilts special low prices. Ini flueothiirsshiowswinsdow is just as hi'isomeiiua' isplay inl idsaperies. cie- 1oinHlidaisGooids. Beaiitiful ltanii Paisited Asrtieleselieapiest flshlGoouds in the eity ,isndsmaniy siseful and ornsa- nuentatl tins, go to Mrs. M. Pondi's -tatestrcot stole.Gsasid opessing on Wedtuesdasy anitiThuurstday. Doss't forget owe keep sweaters, host quality, $3.50 to $4.25. Mack & Schimid. Laudies' Mackinitoshiesisniseasitifiul varieties, just receiveid at Maek & Sechmid's. (lot ansd eolid tathis 10 cees, at Post Ofice Barber Shois. Full lissesiewv style eiillars, 4 ply, 15e or 2 for 25. Mack & Schimidi. $1.95-800i silk umbrellas worth $3.90 to $4.90, marked $1.95 at Mack & Sclimid's. Ladies of the U. of M. will finid it greatly to their advasitage to call on us whiensiii need of Cloaks, Dress Goods or Fancy Dry Goods. Musck & Schmid. U. of M. Busttons, 50 centa eachs, and with duoss year, 75 cents each. We are the only maakers of the three-eighth inclshbuttons, with correct colors and polished eniamel. They don't fade or soil, anid last forever. Sent postpaid upon receipt of price. Students are invited to visit no when in town. Roehm & Sosns, Jewelers, Grand Circus Park, 271 Wiiodward ave.,.Detroit. Anew lisse of Neekwear just received and no better styles 51ill ho founsd in towni. You will say thsey are onse-half the price you pay for them elsewhere. Mack & Sehmid. Full Dross Suits. Made of fine dress worsted, csut ansi trimmed iii the most approved style, worth fully $90.00 for only $99.00. See Mr. Rosengartens, at Cook house, Fri- day, 11th inst. Ite will have a full hine of oamples anid will he pleased to submit the er tire line of the Goldens Eagle, Detr-oit. Those contemplating orderinig anything in the clothsing line, will do well to see this line. Announcement. I am makinig great preparations for Christmas, and will show the finest line of goods, ever displayed. in this city. My success in, the past. ye r, and es- pecially this fall, has encouraged me to enlarge; my. -stock.; Look out for next week's advertisement Respectfll LEE eSH^ +H+I"( &8' Qo., etade 8gf., have received for toe opensng. of eollege 20,000 Books, new and second hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, Germasi, Law and Medical Books, which they will aell at Greatly Reduced Prices. Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books for 189k-2. Is the LEADING OSCHOOL of n BSIstF: S your departments- Coiso seal, No cteto r - ~ormanuscript wos k- gush. Shorthand and Penmasiship. 1legst tbuilding, tage as tnaceicetisrcoswokto-ough, livng expesseresmely lose,$2251t 10 50 per werek, students assisedso positions. Fior catalogue, address P. R. CLFARYPesident. I . MICHIGAN GLNuT AL JAS. M. STAFFORD, Th igr Ft ot, F Th S~inessoTIMETABLE (REVSED NOVEMBER, 15,1891. STATIOSil Du1 aylSlice N Y Nil All. i nFashiosi Exp tim itos' lx.IRap Acc (TTT 7Gi(l f Merclianlt Tail- I- A.M . .'. M. P.. . M U U T vIlI f'hicago,iL.17 0i5f1(122 310) 95110i01i46 O- ing ine ackson.....1295 d42i1).308 47 40 015 5 925 "1g. 1551 helsea.. 3 9 ..... ..15108i710'1026l Doxter.... 414)........ .. 5'' V i11. 5 line of Piece! Delhi Mills... 4301..... I5.3 2 7335 SANN ARBOiR.. 4 421 525 6022 9s4515 43 E7 45 1+i ,I} ;FGoods to select I {toiiti.... 5 71; ........ 9566151 7 3'130 f rom. Call forr Detroit An - I61) 5 7210 100'4,5121-.1 15 a fine fittllg5suo . 0' 4075 n 09. "o" WESTWARD. suit. - Ci. Hits I STTOS.tDe rChi. ILisis Eve. ~his Pac Mail 19 S. MAIN ST., ,No. if)9oy p SaEpps. ;tim Co. Ace. Street. A.M. A A. M. AMalt M.eA.3M. ANN ARBOR. 'uses. 0. 1519151 reetiaffialo,. no... a2'30 959340 125( 05.5 A . M. AM0 .0.M.. sitPtm.sP.nY. Dtroit, Lv... 8 2" 7 41 il21soc09 21 9 15 443 wayseJuseo ....50 . 8 3,.. .-9sa5s5u ""^ ""' Ypssilnti.... 22815 2105 9500 . isi1S15so~ AN 5ROR.9358041 2 1 158Io ila 10 32 5 52 Deihi Mills.. 9 43... 937 . _________________ _Dxtr.. . ....945....10 52 617 ___________________ Jack_ son..... 1009 351,451040111151 55 5 ttitcsgn, AR. 7 5.5 3555500 650 4110 i t5 111 GIAND FE1 TT.HOUSE O.W.MRUGGLES. H. W. BA YES, GRATE PE A I G. P. & T. A. Chieago. Ag't Ann Arbor One Solid Week, Commencing Monday Eve., Dec. 7, 1891. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Engagen etof the Favorite Actress, I(Ei V~ra oftkujd Asssted by ALBERT TAVERNIER. And a Capable Company is the Followicg Repertioire: XIONDA F-The Galley Shove. TUESDAY-Lcretia Borgia. WEDNESDAY-Lady Clare. THURSDAY-Oliver Tweiaf. .FRIDA F-The IHomiymoon. SATURDAY-Damon and Pythiaes, MATINEE-The Mutual Ps-find. Prices, - is, 25 and 35 Cts. Renarved Seats as Sale at tie P. 0. Sews Stand. Plan open Friday morning. Is eiet December 6, 1891. Arrival of trains at Ansn Arbor only. No. 1. Mail and Express...... 7"7 a. m. No.13 Passgr. Ass Arbor Arcom. 510 m. No. 5. Mail Passenger ......425 p. m. No. 2. -Mail Passenger ..........108a. m. No. 4. SMail Espress. ....8 40p. m. No.06. Passenger, Toledo Accom.... 2510a. m. Trais 3ansd 6 renbetweeni AssaAeborad Toledo only. Central Standard Time. All Trains Daily except Sunday. W. H. BENNETT, R1. S. GREENWOOD. Gen Pass. Agent. Local Agent. Vi4IW