~IJ U.Of , n. W1ail i. VOL. II.-No. 56. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1891. Silk rTiles" for the Senior Laws. Tlhe senior law class met in the law lectulre room yesterday morning after Prof. Thompson's lecture. on motion of A. J. Loeb, a corn- nittee was alppointed to meet with conimittees from other classes in all departmnents, for the purpose of making arraugmeats for the proper celebration of the anniversary of Washington's birthday. The follow- ing is tie commmitee: H. A. Smith, A. A. McI~aulghlin and C. 0. Holly. Whsen this business was dis- patced, a motion was made thlat a rommlnittee be appointed to select a :ilk "tile'' to be tused by the class on class clay. Some one suggested that one hlat would not be sufficient for 300 stludenits. A motion was maduse to amend lay subhstituting a tennis cap, and an additional motion seas mande that thse question be referred to tile commitee on brick- yarsds. 'Ihe original mlotion and all its ainendmnents were lost. 't'wo notions, thsat the class select a class Prof. Langley on Metallurgy. Ovide Musin. PRICE, THREE CENTS. OF YOUR SOCIETY BADGE Prof. J. WV. Langley, of the Cres-I cent Steel Works, of Pittsburgh, has begun his series of lectttres before the Metallurgy- class. They will continne during this week, and are held in Room: B of, the Chemical Laboratory at as1:3o. Prof. Langley treats of the oractical side of the nmanufacture of steel, and of electro- metallurgy, in a very interesting manner. The Mathematinal Club. At tie last three mseetings of this club, the early Grseek geometers have been quite thoroughly dis- cussed. It is well knowii, however, that some of the greatest advances in this subject were made by the Hindoo and Arabian nathemati- clans. In accordance therewith, the elub has decided to devote one even- ing to tihe orks of those ancients outside of tile Greek school, and at the next meeting, Frisday eveining, Dec. i1 sil, illRoom i17,I'r-Of. lwet To-night's progrmme will be one in which all can find enjoyment. UR ise are sure that no violinist could I Mailed to You hr brought here who wvould more --- Through Your comnmand attention than Silr. Oside N'EW Musin.CHAPTE~k 1. F. fliesa.Suite foeeiasnoad violin- - - Upon : ...... ...... .... Ovisle RMis i ndibsed Scharf PRICE *-APPLICATION. ?. Waner.ESilas' Dresa, ,oiegri-_- -- - - - - - - - ------------------Ie-aratsee 3t. MassenetI. Air ti-oni "Tie Maggie".-___ ? L 4. Mozaret. Ale frmiMagin Slaute Ossiny _ LIST Hlliiit& v. ----------------- --------Aniinviieoisev''niier-Musia i Maaiilctueresatfisestlini ). ilalery. Ale l'eoai "La ''uie"EiaiiSenger ind Jeiwelled Sciety IBadges. 6i. Chopin. Neourne i Psaip. DTOT I- IH Sgainibati. Minuo,DTOT IH Wvagier-Birassiii. "aogic Fire".-__ .....--------------------_1 5uasid Scharf i. Artat. Variationsfoe voice and vialin,, -------------------- - - Me.ssnd Mad.SiisiiiI 85. tRubinstein Oiio---- ----. ._ _ ----- ---- ----- --.nez arm-ate ndlEmit "enger 1. a Wanier-Wiiheli. Preeislied.E bSMasin. CipriceieCocsrt ill. Verdi. Quartette Ceiim Iigollettin Such an elegant programme should lie ceard liy all, anil we trust that tie aunace at this concert msay he iiiooanteiistMeeliiitre esven larger than at the first. in Shosii t0ino SIa iirleless liihan i,AelArbe __ ,f . - rices, send foriCtlo getoi canle a:id a class tin veire voted trill gil-c a talk iiii 'The early hisio- Foot-gall opinions from Afar.i R I. FY E & ( losw-. ry of mathalletiis, inspartici-lar 'I J. 1-t. Whiitely then secureid ihicamionag tile \rabiaiis."' '.11int~er- There hislaeeii aniistiallllal>its-1>I TIO'1'l'h ' Il !loor, after thaeiioise ia n iiieswhiat estedin i the sljent are i rili-il to sence ofsggg ti ear. Whlat j -a~' lbtd n oe hti e te ten.t ittle 111nncrcssara row ghtless there jejhat§ eller & to. seiise if the' class that a silk. stile" LwUprmno h .C .!wslalst year sras eiitirels- remodios-vrst 1tftes hoe adotitedl as a class hit. This _____andl ileaneir exliibiiionsif fiiot-liall i 0 I l i Sri T Sir.. A N A ItB0ll.l mosihoni was1carieud by a rising vote ITle menmhers of itie Studenils' liiiecnicieriblen ciliiiisrii lint on of: to to hS .Ihiiriii" the progress Chiristians Association froiiithe liwtate IC iii lic illIveisity leamiiofINeckweear, of the count Niessrs5.1 lotiiilil oi d departmneit --has-a desviscd a plaiito .Chicao-an iiwshich "Slnu, C i lii Dress Shirts, Gloves, MNc("arty- eiiagedin i a he-ated alter-incirease interest ini their lreetiligs Ortlly aind"''Profe ssion-al Ames play eahioli over ticeituestiooi tileIc' whlichi are hell iln Nessblerry Ha ll I has estaiblished tareputlionorl liii 1IUnderwvear, o~r 110 "tile",and fiiially fell to ever y'T'uesdlay evenling.Instead of ( "entleimanly tlay. if the reportes "GENTS' FURNISHINGS, "1 Best 'scrappig" toler the beinchies aiii the usual seeekly depaartmieint prayer j thiat ireacih 115iciiiiithii Univiisty iif ihl- iii tlie floiri Whiei the comiiaan lts mleeting, 10 seriesuif hiatf-hour talks -\Nlichiiiaiii -re tru iitelailitey r they " FO L GOODS," wcare separiteidItch.arty's idamiaiedin by hrominlenlt lilelillels of thicbar c hardly to be doubtudcdIonrioiiiiateil Iose lewas foundllhtol hitthe tiii iiI!iandIothers,Ilas Ibeena arraiigeid. Tle is they aieliy the C hicago dilies ics l111151 ackitIafli( , casuialty. first of these talks seas giv en tiy Iiac.IthleAll-ivuseirsity- teaiishIls playedh Athiletictt