THE U. OF M. DAILY. SWE. ARE..THE- PEOPLE., < ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,~ Formerly Ailimneinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroonis, - - - = K _ - - - - Cornaer oft Main and Liberig Streets. I will "Open thie Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find -,u' ai9E-zs Sivc , o~E 25 South Fourth AvenuoCity. Not ,bilk Umbrella3 -BUT- ALBANY LAWs SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED 1851. 'COURSE, one year. Three full terms required. Terms begin, September, January and March. ENTrRANCE AT ANY TERM. AT- A, L1 NOBLE'S SIGN OF THE RED STAR. Take a Camera with You, GO TO- WV1W ) u g lshome ror Cho,.is r'. BY ulCar ps ~ of Instr~uctors and Leurers, CALKINS' PHARMACY. Degree ofLLU. B. Conferred. r FrHGETCASTIOIG Fall Term iof 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Newv Goods, nosy Fall Gxoodls, new Winter Goodls, Fnll Dress Snitings, Silk Vestings, Overcoatings, London Suitings. Trouserings a specialty. Largest and mlost complete stock in the city, at the lowest prices. Please ral Address the Dean-or Secretary, and examine. ALBANY, N. Y. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST., near Main. B E, JOLLY & 60 ,T ILAR A L R HG IE ETOL Elegantly refied daring the post summer. SELHIhFR ETOL Nice lunch counter in connection. Oulr "RED STAR- Oil is 1550 Fire Test, while the present State test is BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, _____________ olnly, 120°., 'RED STAR" burns withsout chsarriiig wick, ernits 1i0 odor or smoke, STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR. AN D ALL~ gives a clear white light, anld is absolutely safe. Retailed at thse same price ac x etfdenfa' Ci1i JIIlow test oils ini this niarket. -TEAGEs- N. B3-This Oil can be obtanied only at onr Store No. 44, Mails St., South. .-nTOdesHoEalFlN 01 AGUSNS-. ATHLETIC + GOODS. fIeJ JJf.Q 72P'1 I1IGr. THE CAMPUS. troit this evening by tine Masonic FIRSTI NATIONAL BANK Mi indls oxtwork e nails---odecof A'" Ar sir. .5...who wih doneaicaonabepries. >iOFANN ARBuOR. J . c. nc oxensce>, IDay K rol ik, xy i lit, slietnt Sandday maiygo. lickets are on) sale at the C,,iiial,,tliSO(5i5. Surplus ands Profis, 5~,0(0 nal , thCvric i .c. voinig friends inthe cityxis t to f >n. a ee t-l-e ix , x cha d nige soii,.leisers ofreit prcuredc x' 1 xN I ). A. lPray, lave rihas iiih icil cciii'. I ciii lrsirt5 10 'or.t1a.lers aboa.n' s.nrl,. , - _1l.. - lse laxw-ssfice of C. It..Kliixe. W LRSO.n,_ w cety is b ligng atdi n i ~is liii i~ 5 't ii isI' n ni! h Tie grup ix hve f lie Ioilthe literasrydepartmnent, 1foliithlulparn- banllIteam is onexhbiitio~n at Spevll- hose ot studiy iig parlincit Ian lw R N~ ProfN~l)5I+SOR. e ss. rScott lectiredllast sweek Seiiil.iIictive illcbe lmpoied ois Chenmical_ Physcal Apparatus to Detroit andl Chicago, uipon ''io tos w ent1 rlug. erItscill e iuet o 1'4ff[ jl - , ~~~to Reaid the M1oderin Neswspape." txenyoeibv,.n vi ictoc 1 UJtlL \ UP i ;x syanee. No sanie has bieenisettled C P.and /10 §'lnn freslinen classes ace being xi ytNowS010opnruecptioni otfIiipils. ,- (1oncals,-McrcpicSppliesexanninedi inn Trigonsonnetry - Higher_____________________ L1 1[i''C1 & ON aleba wllbe akn u nxt ee. 'ie liroivnx Daily Iherald, wh-iichi ElIIII- CI SO. ageia vii li tkeu xii extsnek.has juxst niaxie its apnpeaance, is theic HAVEsEAREi As Caspasr \n i hitixex, of I larpec' s Zt olg diy ieoiirtxcI New Styles in vs sinsmx is einayilycechi otyhercuexur ,,n r~E. s-ems ciii ,,y ats r nelybacoxneit fift legis r" ixUAIMeing tine Harvarni (rimson, Corinell LIT EI\ COLLARIS. '. (5 YOUR TRA-DEnu foot-bail ciriticismis. -Si,' l ev nlC c.tI i somI'[')The erxldi is qiuite small, aind con- Ai).SE'l'LEI{ Ii I N tennisisplyesJcisvll go abroaxdii taii ...hl i cimte x Io~5i °-ixximnth, and wilineet a nuxmbnier of O~I~ l k ~ Iu thneibest foreigin llayeccx. Ine jnor-orot-ball lbansxueti will I - ---__ lae rlinvni Te tntal nmbuer of stuidents at nk saetlnslyeesis;nxex New Idecas in s~-teNr' ll.~sUArihus Criel cciing 0tie e i of Friiiay, ansninounced. 'Vie coinn- 4I * yu re lookoki n L fo r nyanyo ~r ornll acordngto he egste 1WHITE SKIRTS. '°ir.,~xi o xin~~ n ~ your 5~for S1s91-9 nstis iittee oin arrangemsents are as fnd- t'in s, taii.achaiiiciiriciOciienta ol ustissued, is ,489 xxine for en miinutes. vsiuxcilsonicyoie lowss MIessrs. Sanderson, Belden, ithci. Iire ixcinckinnse,sunxdays. Speciali wills i~o professors aind instructors. Q, cates. Miss Lizzie Edwards, wvlo has Wiudes, Mayhesw and Fishser. It \X2...GNbI? & Co# been visiting friends in Anm Arbor wilbehl in thne Armory. Hangs- rn h attowes eundtre ilctr ALR N UNSES to her home in Lansing yesterday The Yale and Princeton foot-bal PIIO O~RA IIRR morning. managers have refused checks of I NO. rj 12W. HROPN S IT mhenioro smeiofat the recoin- $14,000 each from the Manhattan H"n~m _____________________ofsomeof their faculty, Athletic-Club, au their share, 40 per LEAVE YOURORPERS are favorably 'diaciussing purchasing cent each, of -the receipts of the 4 VROTNS -AT- caps and gowns, to be worn for the Thanksgiving game. 'They insist- P. 0. IT S, STAND first time at the dedication of the that there were 32,000 people pres. $tyjig N-poaer. xncain- new hospital. _ cot and demand a settlement on that SUTIGS tewspape aainn s , erodicualsine Antexcursion will he given to De. basis. SIf) GS Confctins, igas an Toacc .i G t'