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December 08, 1891 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-12-08

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Cargo of Ncckwcar Just Rcceived
Good Valto at $1.00, but will be Sold for 50c and 75C.
Come to
The I. T. JacobS Company.
lleaslquartei s for Gents' Furnishings.




Mill Arlor StIl1Lallllry. CO0A L. GEORGE L. MOOREf1J ( More Siabr)+
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED, FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A FoluLine of oil College Text Boobse, including Law and Medical Boohks,:by the taocto.
(ALL .oN Cheapest piace for Mte Bootks00(d Foontaioo P000 in the city. Freeshmen crowod in. Come along
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. \/. SZ.2S 7:Ta-', old friends. I new hove my entice stock a1 my 000re0o0 No. 6 s ..t] A[N:ST.
Ofc. - 23 South Fourth Ave. NO. 11 WEST WA5INCTON STREET. G :..zso '1' H R B J IN S
Every Student will oave money by bnying University 'Text-Books and oil supplies at Ileadquarters. We allow !Oedceo lfoe toIIpotico,ANDBAGoEdddINEgt.,
special dliscouint oni LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS, in shiort, every Book: used in theie promptly attened to.
University. 5,000 IBlank Books at lowest prices. 'eehn 8 1N aiItp.hs fie
C L ~ ~ 2 I P__IANST-
LEADING BOOK STORE IN THlE CITY. Highest Graeds Taught. Apply a0 Wiloeypo
le~hmond Straight Quf, Epworth Leaguo Lecturo, Ann Arbor banjo anid guitar cluib, THE - EXCELSIOR - ILTPUNRY
No. of xvhilMlillsis lcader,1-188 al the improved mochu rgvantd is pee.
Giioie ,pared tooeuee ott fisc las oor li ott short no-
l'ucs daiv evening, Dc-c. 0 lblie.Cohechofor twrhiotchtO dt.
CIGRETES 'will fitrnish music during thec even Priereoabole and1 tork fo-eoltnctsl. No-
Cigarette hmokeeo who RvinnilnM.Ccr.wlld- o'Thercexiii also bc a debatc on Oottit:O..(P00f1_iorio.
are willing to ty a little liver a lertoire at tile M. E. church b .M.ATN
moregethan the rce the qulestionl Should a lawyer also DELiI
foeS BANDsher~~ji~iortnole h pcs fteWsynbe a politician -?"Students of the ;Cloth Caskets, Metallic
alterHsn. oprort Guild Chapter of the Epwortb ah n l to eatet fte At (MO OttO
cxi The Richmond Straight ea et "mog lwadalohrdprmnsoth1_ CAT iIONOFNS
Cut No.1 Cigaeettes are made from the ight- 1agiicsubjet: "mog the
rot. most delicately flavorcd and highoest cootst . Arbssol University, atnd citizens, arc cordi- J. A. POLH EM US,
Cold Leaf grown in' Virginia. Thisotnthe Otd I fc.5, Aab Endgyptians. al nitdt-ttnrh-eeig J \ B E,J
and Original Brand of Straight Cot Cigarettes, aDryCobvineista Iraendethr ofefin-
aond wanheroughtouthby on-on-the year-1875. Dr-Cobrmisa-tavle-o-e- ALSO 'BIUS HACK AND BIAGGAGE LIRE,
Beware of imitations, and ohoerven that the tcden~ ~ North Mi ovt
fm name ao helow in an every package. cpMiccaoenotifSavadrecelutil.tk
The ALLEN & CINTPEE Hranch Th.HrvrdGlelCubwilIak. RINSEY & SEABOLT,
Of the American Tohacco Co., best Egyptologists to the country, Christmas ti hog the west, nenaddaeoi
Sanfacaren, - ichond Vigina. nd hislecurewil befro pesotalthe dates being as follows: Deccus- roceries, Provisions, Flour and Feed,
anJemnscnesber 23, Philadolphia; 24, Pittohurgh; nd0.-a--gtnS
______ Only a nominal admission fee, aten.Wshnto t
Capiltl,,00._Surplusand.Proft, 17,000. cents, will be cagdand te0are26' St. Louis;'a8,Minneapolis; 29, U - H L.~
Does agenera Bankig busiess. Pys in-St. Paul; 31, Mlilwaukee; JanuaryI T=7 ,R
terest ono Saving tiepooits. Hasonafety church will no doubt he filled on
Depoit iBoxsfortoeRent. t, Chicago. Repairing anpeciltly. 46 nOUTH 0MAI0 ST.
Ri. KEMPF, Pren. F. H. HELBER, Cashier. this occasion. retir, etreuo teCa--o- --
Hank oven Saturdav evening. Tj thrdleTureupnQte Car
Ann Arbor Savings Bank Inter-Fraternity Base-Ball. lteWodScu fndainwl Stacy, Street Grocers.
Ann Aro h . Ca ital Stock, sasOoe,___ be delivered in Harris ball this even- Stet arng oeilyshctd
Supu,>1.050. Suet aroaeepcalyslctd
Organiednnder the General Honking Lawn An in-door base-ball league has ing at 8 o'clock. All students who 200s. STATE STREET.
of thin state. Receives Depositsn,buys and
selos exchanige nn the principai cities of the been organied, consisting of the caD spare the time should not fail ho
United Staten. Drafts caohed upon proper ha hs etrs r utni
identification. Officers: Palladium fraternitics. Hugh F.hertselcus.IrFuoni
W5. D HAnRIMAeN. vice Pres., VanDeventer, Alpha Delta Phi, has a man of decided ability. His first
CHAS. 5F. HIoCOCK, Cashier.
been elected president; Johnstone, two hectures not only showed a' =OT_=__ h ap Pi iepeiet e-shlrymn n iehsoia
C. of W .1J erenz, Delta TIauu Delta, secretary research, bui tIhey were delivered
SPOONSand treasurer. The games will 'be in a strong and eloquent manner. 71 Fort St.. Wese. - Detroit, Mich.
Wlm. A rnold's, played in thse rink twice a -ieek. '" I- - --- -- _______
00 Main Street. --T"-------IdVaCotnd Ann 'Arbor and Ypsilanti Street
Law Students of Dickens' Noveln. IdVaCotonisboefrth I Railway
opera house all thte week. The open-;r Tlime taireOtking fifeet Octoher 4,1891.
4A_>ThDsA.veLi g at 8 o'oclock Profes- i1og play, Monday night, was the come-'l
dy drama,'Th Galley Shave."' and on leave Ann Acthor freo (outtHonceat 6.15,
so ahn"Abbott, o h lawde Tuesday the tragedy iiLeucetia Bus'- 7.3,95i15 (0 a. in.,.anod .12.500., 2.20, .15,
FINE PHOTOGRAPH S,. :(;&U .0:p.0pm
- Ipartmer01, will deliver an :addressoon gia.' the company plays at the very T.-01,11,115 .0.5,a.a.
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS 'Thereasonable prices of 15,.25 and 35cents, and l t (it. .. 9 5.0, .a. Ml.a,
30aLawsStdentsnofDickens'and have been doing a large buseiness
I oo tre, Nve h ad il en-this season. The pe-has given .the etsvN mn TM'TABLe .
company good notiees -wherever'theysLeave'6.0nn8.A, fop.m at a. I
'(TAE A der the auspices .of the Webster So- have'plAyed. Indeed, fs-It 5 5lt ff meI cia 90,-.0 0,tt .0
SnOR H 0)wUTAS'Fp 'haerpati.a r01 . b06:. .)
ciety, and =will .be delivered-in -the the, best company she h as ,ever ;-had,. 9, , .~
IT WILLP T TOU. Sbertt adhejol, 1ev.. - al and the repertuire is -of unusual ex- +C ="e en Cty te'e . evepfn tiekets, 10
Buildng,O South State Street. hit* ldeththftootIf. The :juslmed I celence. ee. Flebr eo t aetnra.

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