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December 08, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-12-08

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t Ijc t I, o

~n. Wa~Ijj.

VOL. 1.-No. 55.


The University Record.
The third number of the Univer-
sity Record is out. It contains_ an
account of important events that
have happened since last June, with
comments. Many interesting topics
are treatedi. lelowv we give a brief
review of souse of them.
The Alumni Societyivas organized
is 1874, for the purpose of promot-
ing literary and scientific pursuits,
especially in the U. of M. It holds
two fellowships, the Williams
amounting to $1o,ooo, and the Fel-
lowship Fund. The latter has grown
out of an effort to estabilish a series
of alumni fellowships, yieldling an

oughs instruction in the essential its utmost capacity. The performane
poins b-givn-a thebegnnin. A was very satisfaetory, swith the same
poins begivn atthe egining 1Acast as Ibefore except the part of Pfaf-
solid, grammatical foundation shouldf feur, whiieh van takein hy Emil Seeger.
be laid ine the High School, so that aiins most ably sustained. lfii voie
rang oust heautiful and strung through
the French literature may he studied every tart of the :'rest house, and
mnure carefully in the University. swas, destpite the difficulties of the
score, perfectly true in intsoation.-l
A' description of several courses of Ness York Trilsuine.
study is made. Notably of German Jne Parmater's several renditions
and Philosophy. An exhsaustive sdisplayedi a fine voice, broad msethmd,
goud style and expression, iand heir
review of the first part of Goethe's generous efirts to please wvere heartily
Faust is gvn also Course II in appreciated. She is recogized to-day-
given, a one of America's best iiiezeo-soi-
Aesthetics. The rest of thy issue is tirillos.
devoted to minor points and to pets- Meeting ofn Che Athletic Board.



IMailed to You -:-
-Through Your


Upnn .

licatinssritten b~ynmembers of the
Choral Union.

A qiuoritni being ipresenit, the
board proceesdcd to go through the
usual rosutine of hiisiiicss. At the

income of5$0o earls.I The second concert in the series U. of 't. game in Cleveland, ti
The nivrsiy ias cmplmenedwill be given in University Hall text per cent received amuiited to
by the appointment of Prof. H-ar- pWednesday evening, Decc. 9, at 8 The Association was guiarai
ring ton as Chief oif the Weather p nb h vi uasCnet$5. fit ao
Ilsreaihuu ws a - Company. The folluosisng oress no1- the attendance at Chicago is
hsonor, for the feeling of pride is no tcsiiiaeth sanngofte2hofNviirsasosml
recompense for the loss. tlr. liar- artists swho msake op this c omp-sny.else team onily psaid~ expess.
cililoi - s te r~htissss or ls. X hiope every seast ii t icsvesity lUniversilty (Club lost qiuits. is.
position.i lC i.Burs.aiuihishseesn halvil.bs.osscupis.Slitill tstrisellis. sui s sssf
ciisiel cc irosiuued uiid~c is ii 0 visdeu 1sin Niliii -.allhe sait lisei apica stiuinsfoii us. iisiii
entiely re rga ize un er is i fOi it iltheiy iwor l u-as nott i l v y heis.lts.ri-toilsgits. I-is-s ll
rectionl. thiglilt ? A ioiluixt-.xCistn luon ri l i to ,po a l o d tsc
Thie ness asditsiuns tothe ILisvglistlid iwih liiiii tsilsis istrIisitun i tssi n ib;s
and there i Istha trio iiii-,iscil rti-sts, scuie.is l'y i lt littls. I
11lillgisnossvbeistg isiilt it aicosxt ohIit-iiiii Xliliiliiij,5iaind i-- x s- I t
, sliardt sdiosI--elMit t C o 2s5l. (lU l ississ iii l' anitit 5is \CI ll' lilir
a osv siliits Isi he o-iscss to ttei Iitli -.slutr s theii furith Iln ii t vo foteis ill isetla issi n est
asnew iling)1 fcor t- ofgil.e esto iihis.isetis is i notiiii lii ~ ,fo h ot-alsht ads
iii i lasisi sis111 is ti i al u sand s is ii sis liis ii
occ-llprseniti s ills.o the 000ntalii ussitrit. Alss iniluiiatbrit ohch e playii esisowlesvy
Tluednles istudes. siwill sisausse to liss sis in.Its. representedlvuri odees--i-c- tcn. ~l
tiig wsthlshis marliveloius bllssii iiill eairnsdsi ltscs isiailsdsde s.ethesmi
the lithoita~il, sosoiistoi is vatcated.d elci-os fin in-'s nugas is c. nei ithtie i .IIiiris si it
Vise gyssi si-sfront is sItii liviig stir sistirgind sliniiirsix is i g rissiiistiis
'I'egymasumis tin ofth iotshria ass. ofimusic uit soisuitls tis stiait reisltsis laii s ii
issisre...lr isis ney miiusst bs. iaissesIgrisws andirose udistinict suid its.ar, nis
is orsder to biuildl os. ars. hits.stir illy I slii insis ways 5iigiaiier frllusinsistres sy is ise s. tlt. is its
siorthsy osithei.(Iof At.1Eswsllsif isil dyiiig--iiwa y iilint seissilisis s
use~~~~~~~~~ tihsuu-fss-i f ie.At Itices sii . rs-er is ctrweisu-in atlestisatit hs.'ivsis.s
sheila i wngi s cutt 0 00 f1 , th I ii"t ylIri is lsoldness, stilt osl ist isissw "i Irsesolutionssiii 15 1 bis.priisisdit ll
wil c s t00 0 i'c \Atlilsetis j d l l Iiii lei embiaieis Vosi iii his i s
grundti ii s .wi is.e ueay for ue Ixini n ; traiistiltl youiieinliht, Ym.Iisl)ctritandsoil A borspapits.
text fail. I~~~i~ei andsighsd.-C s I ushTibluus- I li iisiiiyisist hs Ii
riue ile xti-tibls s In.all respectsilafer-soil.sil ; leeisii il it f pasingi-a isiustssr iof isis
Soeiivlinsoingthat Itis.atteiisanue in tse ', iiiIts u is ssiiil e iIxseut iu ion -lrci-i,-sc -kplan to reislcseiis it wis pl o
Si eaiitsifsil rimslieu delctestaccasetto, Aindiioor sathleiccmseet xiiil si
U'nis-ersity hiss doiuhbldini te sist bogtte osIolinfe h
eightleas In x885 teaennc:"sang, b lesidesstfie Aihuit minsashvu, the sosme timse i(srisig the wi
yer. th tenhn I Prockb air saissivariiatiosandtuani ci- Wrsln adsprigwl
swas 1295, at present it i2,fins. ; lcore,swhichirseetoncludedh sithli Mar-~ etiigaslslarsgml
The newc lawv relating to thme Stale relosisly clctir E.-New YuorksWsurld. place, providing the consentl i
teachers' certificate is disrcussed to Ruger Diupisy, Chic great Frecuih teinor faculty csns be gainied for the 1,
soue engh. T~e csustiu nha ow miaskiing his lirst iappeairahsec im The principal ohjc f h m
sm legh Th qusinhsAmneriesa, is a mnifiicenittartist.Il~e jc fte'n
p~eens agitated since 1879, and the ivas biornu in P'aris in 18111, amud at thue will he to raise mnuey to eqjui
aige of 22 receiveid the first prize st tihe base-ball team.
arguments in favor of it, have been :-aris Coinservatory of Miusic. Siiice
thttm ehs'entelaig Tenx etn ftevery strong. The last session of the tteo tehe gadoea fMnLeiltrlaeteUivriya-Nc n ais iseesueseery-imig ltheunext meetngaofathe0
thority to issue a certificate equmal ho where has bean immsediate anmd spun- in Alpha Nui Hall.
tuaneous, and a veritable ovation was
that given by the Normal. accorded him wherever lie made his
Attention is called to the relations second appearance. This great tenor The annual exhibition of thi
was secured atC a large salary for twvo Arbor Art Club will be held i
existing between. the High School years, to support Mr. Missin in Ameni-Laisibryuldnoti
and the University, and especially in ca and Australia.Laisibryuldnoth
regrdtoth sud o Fenh.It The season of German Opera closed oth and m ith of-December. C
yesterday with a brilliant performauec e inns sovenirs, done in colors, w
is particularly desirable that thor- of Siegfried, the house being filled t 0s sold.

)n the
ai ly.~ i
Fiii it) in
lii) to '
Were 1

SS W116111, KUV & CoJ,,
Si anui lisisris o1 Finest Plin
and iJewelleud Soncty Badiges.
hen youis-sim eL tes tuiMeItrsolitam Styles
Shoe1,5c to $L (ia piiles sosan AAric
prcs se sndlfr Ct1lto
H. FYFE & G.5
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University Out fittnils,
Dress Shirts, Gloves,
Illidltlil lsimuil ('mods
Byluings your

p the
ill be

of us while wc erheli.
1114 Monroe St., Chicago.
50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.

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