T-HE U-,OF MK DAILY _. _---- -..- .Y Y c ax NEW. THE -COAT DRESS SHIRT + + + AT THE TWO SAMS.K OPERA OVERCOATS AND DRESS SUITS. ' I '' COME AND SEE THE Cargo of Neckwear J ust Received Good Value at $1.00, bnt will1 be Sold for 50c and 75c. j 'Come to The I. T. Jacobs Company. 'loadnarters for Bents' iFurnishiings.j - - HFADQUARTERS. - - 1' 117 r03 117. TELEPHONE NO. 99. AT THE TWO SAIS. Arlilr 11oeamlLa1lhI11Y, CO A L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mocsore&Tr) + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Fall Line of all College Text tents, including Law sad Medica Jl soby the starts. CALL ON Cheapest place tor Note Bootsanod FSsoaFseh etin the city. Freshmen crowd in. (sime along SPECIAL RATES TOSTDN . old friends. I nowhavemy entiestockiat my'store on NO. 6 S...M AIN ST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WEST WASHINGTON STREET. GEO.=* MO F W FUSIESSIPSTO tS LIVERY, SlACK ANtI IBAGGAGE INC. EeyStudentwilsvmoe by bulying Universtty TetBosadal upisat Headqtarters. We allow !Ordeco for leaiss.partes, sttodings, etc. special tdiscotunt on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS.1)DENTAL BOOKS, in tiSl~rt, every Book usoed in the re ph omptlattended0tcr University. .5,000 lBlank Books at loweot prices. MISS JUDITH GRAVES, ,.__PIAOIS'O''- LE 96Iehmond Straight Qcxf. CIGARETTES.l r} Cigarette Smtokers teho are 'wiling to pay a little atore than the price charged foe the ordinasry '5 trade Cigarettes, wsill find S Tisss BRAND superior to \ all others. SO The Richmond Straight Ct No.1I Cigarettes are made from the hright- est, mot delicately flavored and highest cot (told Lent grown in 'Virginia. This is the Old and Original Brand of Straight Cat Cigarettes. and wan hroughtout hy us in the year 1875. Beware of imitations, and ohaerve that the term name as helowe is an every package. The ALLEN & GINTEE Branch Of the American Tohacs Co., Manufactarers, . - Richmond. Virginia. tku t-res n 4,* 1 s 11 Capital, $50,00. Srpina sond Projttt, $17,00. Does a-generalSanaking husiness. Pays in- tereat on Saving Deposits. Man safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. R. KEMPF, Prens. a' . BJELSER, Cashier. Bank open Saturdav evening. Ann Arbor Savings 'Bank Ann Arhor Mich. Capital Stock, $50,00, Surplus, $10,00. Organized under the General Banking Laws of thia tate. Receives Deposits, hops and sells exchaage on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed apse proper identification. Officers: CHRISNiot MACK, Pres., W. D. HRRIMsAN. Vice Pres., CHASs. . RIStOCK, Cashier. SPOONS A.T Wign. Arnold's, S36Sain StreeL. ANDALg FINE PHOTOGRAPkS. MILLINERY ANDI ART GOODS ! 30tEfisHuHres Sirent, BSRORTIIAND TAKE OA IT .WILL PAT TOI.", '$55IsasI'St llYNe Shslllnai south state Street. ADtNG BOOK STORE IN THlE CITY. Highest Grades Taught. Apply aitlsiey's Angell-Bayard. season not a score was made against THE - EXCELSiOR - I.AUNi)RV _____ Basueall the ismptroved msachiterty, and is prer. Mis luis lsyrdth folrilYale. Thie eleven of '88 is the only pared to turn'out fist clsssworks onsshort no- Yale tfami that has a like recordl. Prices reasontable andwoknaa'sntt'ed Eo- dlaughtfr of fx-Secetary of Slate 20 East Hsronstc. A . ". t '<1'li' 1 t ;irtn V. 2.llayrd, The following are the games and_ T -.Byrof Wilmington, lDrl., 0. M. MARTIN, will he married to IDr. Frank Angell scores of this seaso: Septetiter 30, DEALER IN Yale 28, Wesleyan o; October 3,I Cloth Caskets, Metallic of New York, on IM1ontay, D~ec. 21. AND CO)MMON COPFINS. lDr. Angell is one of the most brit- Yale 26, Crescents o; October 7, liant of the young Americans who Yale 36, 'rrinity o; October to, J.APLHMS won honors ill the Gernian univfrsi- Yale 46, Wsilliams o; Otober 14,:Ai.1 SO B K NDBACAC LNE tics this year. lie obtained the YaeaSag em0 coe 4, North Malis StreeL. degree of Ph. D. at leipsig, with the Yale 36, Orange Athletics o;, Octo- RINSEY & SEABOLT, hihs itnto nthe deatmnber 31r, Yale 38, Lehigh o; 'Novemt- Bakers ad dealers in heretditiciN n e-rmetGroceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, of physiological psychology. He be ,3 Yale 70, Crescent o; Noven- 6 and S3E. Washington SL. was formerly connected with the her 7, Yale 76, Wesleyan o; Novem-- _______________ fautbfteWahntnHg er 12, Yale 27, Amherst o; Novem- J. H A L L E R School. Dr. Angell is the son of her 14, Yale 48, University of Penn- Charles Angell, a prominent busi- slai ;Nvme 1 aesR~arnafeiit. dl~vsnae ness mnan of New'York, and is art vard 0o; November 26r, Yale 1o, J D TM~T & Sis nephew of President Angell. Princeton o. Total, 113 games. State Street Grocers. Miss Bayard, who is the neat to Yale 488, opponents o. Stnudelltspatronage especially solicited. -0- 24 S. STATE STREET. the youngest daughter of Mr. Bay- A Mad Crowd Of Studens. ard, was one of the most popular young wvomen in the brilliant circle The last motor from Ypsilanti last of official life in Washington during night was foil of students. Wsshen it, her father's long residence there as arrived at the junction there was no United States senator and Secretary electric car to mteet it, and the stuo- of Slate. dentsowere compelled to tramop about 71 Fort St.. Wesn. - Detroit, Mieh. aml ndahlthogsnwThe Foot-Ball Season at Yale. drifts. and in a driving'snow storm I. ther roms Tosaythat they' Ann Arbor. and Ypsilanti Street A bettereleven never represented tothirom.T sa Railways. Yale. 'Such -is the general verdict were mad is to put it mildly. 'The, Time taste saking effeet Octoher d4,1891. ,o l olg e h aewatched son 'of the president of the roa4 raeAn vlr ,m sar Hstee eS 'o allolg enwohv a eav rn.rrf~rt (ott1iu4 t61 Captain MlcClungs'men during the the students to understand ;'that a vv,92. S.se oistas., ansd 3fS1, 220t, 3.50, kitS, 55550' s contests with the cisin ar would be at- the }unction leo meetiltijeasenpssalstie t 8 oit_. is, 5,0,1010. a. ins., pigskin. r. adai.a,:ix, a50.; 5, s~~.3© lt lnp. im. In the fast fifteen years Yale has the motor.TBLR 'wo the-ohampionehip 'sevein times, 4";&eas'e u. A fww rom'etear'esat S2.. Prnctnfie~in~1so ntre'Mr. S. C, ..Spitzer has. been +dected 3r 5o,52; 6.wts,.82,i":>P1. oe'eafficna it 'wk wnbt'aarded. .Ha'rv-assistant business -anal ; ger .a 5ie .4.1 ft p. Ia na ~s..aa.61.se aid has 'bSt'en Y-ale 'ontrie. T i§ tBuletin. et .54nae b11/ Slt.Cupnlkea i