THE U. OF M. DAILY. ll- WE ARE THE PEOPLE. "-> ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Alimendlinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroon, - - - - - - - - - fiorner oJ lit ison and Liber-ty Streets. I will 'Open the Bill" by placing a fille stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRIOES:THAT. WILL ASTONISH YOU. Fled 'S7 7=zmE 'sM vtmc Sromm, 25 Seuth Fourth Avenue, City. Not ,bilk Umbrella3 Stor stainBU sT rs AT A. L, NOBLE'S SIGN OF THE RED STAR. A NEW LINE OF strops~ R azOrP, Etc% AT CALKINS' PHARMACY. .SELL . AND ALL 05tud nW ' uplig~s, Lease Orders fer all ATHLETIC- + GOODS.C ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED 1851. COURSE, 01ne year. Three fueli terms requliredi. Terms begill, September, January and March. ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. roll Corps of Instuors ani Lcturers. Degree of LL. B. Conferred. Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Address tlie Dean sr Secretary, ALBANY, N. Y. ----For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. New Goods, news'hall Goods. newv Winter Goods, Full Dress Ssitings. Silk Vestinags, Overcoatisigo, LonisonaSsitings. Trolaserinigs a specialty. Largest sod most complete stock in the city, at the lowest prices. Please call and examine. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST., niear Mails. =INTC HIGH FIRE Our "REDl STAR" Oil is 1350 Fire onily 1200. "RED STAR" busrns withiout chia gives a clear white light.,slid is absolute low test oils iln this niarket. N. B-This Oil can be obtained eel1 D)F2A N c 3L C -- TYPE WRITING:. Allskinds ofrWork seal SothU iverit Ave'. YOU C AN GET riht, (it BROWN>S DRUG STOREH. Chemical Physical Apparatus SC. P. nd -are (.llerncal;, Microscopical Supplies. EB.IIICBACI[ & SON. AII+. EYLEION Op). Courtousse. OCCDEPT71Li -; 12'OThh . STDENTS' HEADQUARTERS., "By",i yosu use looksigfo as' su f0 your Isien Is, takss aS chair in the O)ccidental HoelI office lor tess misutse. Tou will surely see these Five o'clock sdiuner, Sundays. Special srales. PIIOTOMG]RAPHRR NO. 12 W.: HURON ST. LEAVE YOUR_ ORDERS F. 0. NETWS STAITI --FOR' - x Newspapers, Maaines, 'Periodicais, ..,.in~ Centertiens. Cigars and Teobacce.. THE CAMPUS. P~rof. Cooley appeared at chsapel ycsterdlay mornling. Thle 11e1' microscope's for liar cheissacal labocratory 111acverricecl. Prcsf. Spaisuldinagwill giv'c his first wsritlen quiz1 in botasay Wednesday nmornsing. Dr. XWill Dunnu, 'ginaedic, whso hsas bern aick for thc last six wecks, 55 oust again. Thce'"Elitc Tcrpasiclhorc''hlaa very lelasant mseetinag at Granger's laall last nightl. Prof. Dclos Fall, of Albiona Col- legc, delivercd a lectarc beforceliar Chsemaical Soriety Tlaursdlay evenaing. T'hs Biological Society met last evening at tse holanical laboratory. Prof. Spauldisag read anaintcresing p~aper. 'Thejusaior foot-ball banciuet awill takc placsaext Friday evenaing. Nearly one hunclred havc signifiedi thscir intcntion of going. Prcsidet Low, of Columbia, has bccn clected prcsidcnt of the Amer. iran Society for University Exten- sion, to succeed President Gilman.I Grace Ford, of Jackson, Margaret Cahill of Lansing, Miss Baldwin of Pontiac, and Miss Ada Gilbert, at- tended the Gamma Phi Beta' conven- lionThursday evening. Mrs:. Livermore will lecture on "°Columbus and the Discovery of America," to-night at Unity' Club. Admission, 25 cents. Tickets for BILLIAKID PARLORS TEST OIL.'legantly refitted during the pust summer. TESTOIL.Nicerluneh counter in cmnection. Test, while the present State test is BTS&HZE OD rrinig wick, emalts 110 odor or smoke, STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR. ly safe. Retailed at the samae price as y at osur store No. 44, Mails St., Sosuths. TEAGS9 o .A Y_ + NS J0113 fPJIJ Ia _________________________AT Isosw PRICES. fssll lecture cossrse, isnclsssisng tis FIRST NATIONAL BANK lecture, FSi. OS ANN ARB~OR. 'lia youssgrt college presislent in caplital, 0150.010. Suirpls ansI Profits, 130,000. t~lecolll~r as '. . . sirier, 'Trasass's a gensersal lsssling bsssiness, for- the ounry s F A.Turerofligncansse said, letters of esedst proeured L. icolns i versity in Nebiraska. ftsravsseles sbread. C. H. RICHMOI5ND, Pres. P. BACH, 5'.PIee. He is iisenit -nsuieyears olsd ansilis S.Wrss.s.s1. shises. n'suw fillissgIsis positionifos the ilised year. -1s. 5 GR~A-T0-BR' Somse three hiusacredl laiws, acconm- panaiedlIsy their friends, sereiadedci(1 ffn i n DARI" 1 f NIX an ~rs Brdeuxat their 0i HUUA CIb homiie usa Williams street, lust evena lng. Mr. Bordeaux, aftcr lualting a Now openi for receptions of Psisils. very neat little speech, retired. A graduaie of Yale '65 has offered $soa towards aia intecolllegiatecup, i New styles in to be contested for by reprcsenia- LINEN COLLARS. lives of thac 1Harvard, Vale, Prise-1 tosa ansi Columabia chess clubs, if the samae amousat ran be raised by ecrl 1 New EffeeitS in of thae other colleges. +-) NECKWEAR. Sevein girls passed the examna- i lions for admission to the Freshnman l__ class of Brown University acco rdisg New Ideas in to thae systesm of co-educatiola lately WhIITE SHIRTS. adopted. Thaey are allowed to take_________________ the regular examinations but arc not allowed to recite in the class room. A AC\T i? C ~, (of tA new Sunday School will be TAILORS AND FURNaSHERS. organized in the Church of Christ, ________________ on So. University aye, Sunday, Dec. 6, at .12 o'clock. In addition so the Handsome regular classes for younger members, V M ATN S there will be formed a number of ,4 YIQO TN S special classes, for University and High School, students, and others $tylish, wvihing to take up special lines of. work. SUIT INGS.