THE U. OF M. DAILY. . of 1 U. ' xi . Published Daily (undays excepted) during the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably in advance single copiesa 3cents. Os sale at dreenan's and Post Office news stand at 12 o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at the office of the DAILY, Opera House block, at Sheehan's, at Sofflet's, or with any of the editors. Conmunictions should reach the office by 7 O'clochP. M. it they are to appear the next day. Address all matter intended for puslics- tin to the Managing Editor. All business communications should be sent to the Busi- ness Manager. THE U. of X. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Xic. EDITORS. RALPH STONE, '92, Managing Editor. S. W. CURTISS, '92, Assist. Managing Editor. G. L. CnrAsN, 72, Assist. Managing Editor. J. C. TAVIs, '12, Boiness Manager. F. F. JANETTE, 'rl, Asit.Bsineanagtsrer. C. W. RICKETTs,'94, Assist. Business Man'gr. H. D. JEwELL,P. G. W.H.DELaNAcuK,'92I F. 1) GIEN, '2. F. E. Uto(LEs, '10. w. t. P.ARKER, '93. J. R. AoNEtr, '3. G. 1. Dygert. '9. I (. . WELLa o'r. W. E. MCENCOE, '93. CHAS. BAIRD, '. SEvERAL times the DAILY has men- tioned the fact that the library is but dimly lighted. There are burners in the back part of the room which appear to be for ornamental pur- poses only, also one large chande- lier which burns only on special oc- casions. The lighting of these would materially help the situation. But the best of all would be the intro- duction of r50 incandescent lights. Cannot this change be made ? IT is disagreeable under any cir- cumstances to have to call attention to petty thefts occurring in the col- lege community, but several have taken place during the last few weeks which need attention. Sun- dry overcoats and hats have myste- riously disappeared from public places, leaving no traces behind them. On two different occasions, the rooms of students have been entered, with the object of plunder, but at only one was anything taken. The latest comes from the S. C. A. reading room, where the December number of a magazine was delib- erately taken from the files and carried away. The authorities are making endeavors to discover the perpetrators, but so far have been unsuccessful. All we can say is for students to exercise more care, and to lock the doors on going out. Communication. Editors U. OF M. DAILY We would respectfully recommend that some of th members of the medical faculty, and especially those possessed of special skill and knowl- edge concerning the eye, should visit the reading room of the University library during the evening or the af- ternoon after five o'clock, with a view to ascertainingwhether the con- ditions of lighting in this room are not, as a rule, such as to seriously injure the eyes of students who are obliged to make use of the library during these hours. We think we give expression to a common feeling when we say that when the gas-burners give their best light, comparatively few persons, i. e., those seated near the burners, are furnished with a light strong enough and steady enough for a safe use of the eyes. But during a large part of the time, not even those seated directly under the burners, to say nothing of others, can get sufficient light to enable them to read without injury. A STUDENT. Announcement. I am making great preparations for iristmnas, aid will show the itest le of gods ever displayed ii this city. My success in the past year, and es- peially this fall, has encouraged me to eilarge my stock. Look out for next week sadvertisement Res petuly MARTIN ItALLER. BUSINESS LOCALS. [Notices inserted in this column at the rate of 10 cents per line. Special rates for longer time, and extra lines furnished by applying at the DAILY offie. The Toledo & Ann Arbor road will change time next SundayDec. I. This is made necessary on account of the Grand Trunkk ty returning trains through their new tunnel at Port Hiuroncausing a shortening up of their time. As this is too valuable a con- nection for the T. & A. to lose, the time of their trains will also be changed, passing Ann Arbor as fol- lows: GOING NORTH. OING SOUTH. (1) 7:27a.m.... (starts from here:0a. m. (1, ()12 Inoon (stopoiere......-11:10 " (21 5 4:25 p.n -----8:40p. m. 4) Thefinest display ever made here in this city in rugs, can be seen in the show windows of Mastin Haller. Handsome designs in Moquette, Wil- ton, Byantine, Smyriaand Fur. For Christnaas le makes special low pries. In the other show window' is just as handsome a display in draperies. che- tille and silk curtains. For Holiday Goods, Beautiful Hand Painted Articles, cheapest Plush Goods in the city, and many useful and orna- mental things, go to Mrs. M. Pond's State street store. Giand opening on Wednesday and Thursday. Don't forget we keep sweaters, best quality, $3.50 to $4.25. Mack & Schmid. Ladies' Mackintoshes in beautiful varietis, just received at Mack & Schimid's. Hot and cold baths 10 cents, at Post Office Barber Shop. Full line new style collars, 4 ply, 15e or 2 for 25. Mack & Schmid. $1.95-800 silk umbrellas worth $3.50 to $4 50, marked $1.95 at Mack & Schmid's. Ladies of the U. of M. will find it greatly to their advantage to call on uso when in need of Cloaks, Dress Goods or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Schmid. U. of M. Buttons, 50 cents each, and with class year, 75 cents each. We are the only makers of the three-eighths inch button, with correct colors and polished enamel. They don't fade or soil, and last forever. Sent postpaid upon receipt of price. Students, are invited to visit us when in town. Roehm & Sons, Jewelers, Grand Circus Park, 271 Woodward ave., Detroit. Anew line of Neckwear just received and no better styles will be found in town. You wilt say they are one-half the price you pay for them elsewhere. Mack & Schmid. eSH^IHA+ N &Qo., 8ft&fe 05f., have received for te opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books, which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices. Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books for 1891-2. Is the LEADING SCHOOL ofobUSINEF Four departments-Commercial, No text-book or manuscriptwork-&nglish. Shorthandand Penmanship. Elegant building. lage t0t- tendane, efiient instructors, woik thor sbough,living expenses extremely low, $2.25 to $'50 per week, students assisted so positios. For catalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, President. MICHIGAN GENTRAIL "The Miagara Falls Route." JAS. M. STAFFORD, TIMETABLE (REVISED) NOVEMBER,15,1891. J. M. STAFFORD CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Z The Leader EASTwARD. N'th in Fashions in ( STATIONS Mail Day Shre N Y Ni't Atl. Kal ai sExp Lim Exp1i Ex. Exp Acc. jTOY M rcl aitTail- A iA.. enP.. Ps. n.MA.X Merellanet chicago,Lv. 705 9f lI12 t3 5925 110 56 lJ U OI'1n 11'1eJackss...2 55, dI5S;:018S47 4 156 1.1 9?5 rig. IF 1 tChelsea.... 1. . .1108711:j2i ine of Pieco Deli Mills. 431.... 5R273,.. ANN ABOR.. 442 6. . ; 1:45 543 7451 i G stselect y. Ypsilanti.... 02 .. 45 1 I°" _ -.75.. 5 .jA0.A'Mn.o from. Call for Detroit,Ar6e 01' 645 70410 4 as 1 1510211210 A. M. A.MIA.M P. .1. M. a fine fitting ufnalo........ so0(4y) o725 s1I 60 915 suit. WsTWARD. 19 S. MAIN ST., NO. l STATIONs. Detr Chi. Liin Eve hrPae MAI E h No. x p C ap.Li mEx. Ace. 7 A. a. A. M. A. M. A.M P.a. A. ANN ARBOR,' MiOH S. Main Street. iutsalo,........ 12t630 545134 12516 I A. . .. . .IA.1si esi.PV Detroit, Lv... 802::7I4:12200251 015 44 WayneJune 900... 83 .. . 955 S51 " fsilanti..... 9 21 S 25 2 05 9 00 ... 101 5540 AENNARBI 3 d84: 219 910 1 10 32 552 _______Delhi MEllis.9d45......0.931 ...... . Dester.2'5....0954..1052 6il Cthesea..10 10.. 9158...I 1:7 6 10 Jacksan..1100 9 5 3 14t100 11t1 11s5665 P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A. M. A. 3. Chicano, Ar. 755 355 9 o 6 50 450 7 51115 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. &T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor One Solid Week, Commencing Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Monday Eve., Dec. 7, 1891. MihgnRlwy - Michigan Railway. Time Table going int effect September 13, 1891 Arrival of trains at Ann Arbor. Engagen ent of the Favorite Actress, GOING NORTH. No. 2. Through Mail and Express... 7 40 a. m. No.4. Ann Arbor& ToledoAccon. 1150 a. m. No.6. Clare Passenger.............. .5005 p. m. Not1. Clare and Toledo Accom......11 30 a. m. Asisted by No.3. Through Mail. ..920 p. n. No. 5. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accona.. I7Ru. a. Trins 4 and 5 rsbetei n ru o ALBERT TAVERNIER. Toedo only.n runbetween Ann Arbor and Central Standard Time. All Trains Daily except Sunday. And a Capable Company in the Following A. BENN y . SBEay. Repertoire: W. H BENNETT, K. S. GREENWOOD, Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent. MONDAY-The Galley Slave . TUESDAY-Lucretia Borgia. WEDNESDAY-Lady Clare. THURSDAY-Oliver Twist. PRIDAY-The Honeymoon. SATURDAY-Damon and Pythias. MATINEE-The Mutual Frind. Prices, - 15, 25 and 35 Cts. Reserved Seats on Sale at the P. O. News stand. Plan open Friday morning. AD ' F