THE U. OF M. DAILY 2NEWT T 4~~vE x rr ~ 4 __________________ OJ4SO SEE THE NEW LINE OF The ~J. T. Jacobs Co., -Overcocatp The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 AN!) 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. ~T T ~ T-~~-O ~N. B.-We still have a nice assortment of light Weigh tOvercoats L.. BLITZ. to be closed out atGral Reduced Prices. Al rbrXtll J.1ll~irY. 0 !. GEORGE L. MOORE, ucesort WRCALDFRadELIVEREJD O ADAN TCA. AFall Line of all College Teat Bonks, including 1Low an (I 2 M >edicallv ol'8'. by the ,tacks. CALL US Cheapest place for Note Bookstand Fountain Pest in tine city. Freshmentc rtottitint.(otitatlsng SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. srls= = siodfriends. I nose have my entice sleek at my sttore on No. 6 S-M1141 ST.b3 F5 Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. NOs. 11 WEST WASINGiTON STREET. GEO.LI.. aCo _a WAH'SBOOKSTORE, DOWN TOWN Every Stuident will save mnsey by bntying Univ ersity Text-Bosks andl all suppalies :it Hteadqtiarters. We allow slpeial discount onl LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DI NTAL BOOKS. ii0isort, every Boiok tised in the ttnivetsil5. 5'(00 Blatnk Books at lowest prices. LEADtING1100K STORE IN THtE CITY. tiQhmond Straight Quf. No. I CIGARETTES. Cigaeette Smtoheetsewho a ; areswillingto eay a little taore titant the peice chtaeged eon the oedittary ltadeCigarettes, swill fSad ' Hts BRANsuperior to aj all otheen. V t The Richmond Steaight Cat No.1I Cigarettes arceatade feem the height- rat, mnat delicately flavered and highest coat Gold Leae enewa in Virginia. Thin is the Old and Original Brand nf Straight Cat Cigarettes, and wan bronght eat hy as in the year 1811. Bemare of imitations, and observe thiat the trn name an helem is an every package. The ALLEN & GINTER Biranch Of the American Tohacco Cn., Manuefaturers. - - Richmond. Virginia. Capital, $50,000. Sureplusad iPrelnofits1,00i0. Does a general Banking businens. Pays ini- terest on Saving tDepnnita. Has safety Deposit Boxes far Heat. H. KEMPF, Fees. F. H. BELSER, Canhier. Hank neen Satardav evening. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ann Arbor Mich. Capital Stock, $50,000, Sarplus, $100.000. Organized unader the General Bankintg Lawn of thin tate. lReceives Bepensins,huyn and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United Staten. Draftn cashed utposs proper identiication. Oilcers: CHRnSTINisMACK, Fres., WC. liiiHAnsIMAs. Vice Frea., CHAS. F. HISCOeK, Canhier. ~C" of i ir BM=OONie ,A2' Win. Arnold's, S fiMain Street. ~ANDAL4, FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! C0 ast HuoStreet SHORTHAND R IT WILL PAY TOU. SbgrthandI School, Newn Buiding, 2B SoulS Slate'StreeC a THE CAMPUS. Professor Rolfe wvas too ill t at- tendt his rlassen, yesterday. This is the first time in ten years of teact- log that he has missed a recitation. Seventy-six per cent. of Yale's students are from Newo England andi the Middle States. IHarvard's tper cent. from the same section is eighsty- two. AJapanaese. sttident describes Harvard in a home letter thus: "A very large tbuilding where the boys play foot-lball antI on wvet days read books. " The Engineering Society meets this evening in Prof. Greene's room. Grand River Survey. The Trip, F. A.! Sager; Field Work, E. L. Allor; Office Work, H. Blaldwsin. Sunday evening, Rev. Dr. Cobern will give his last study on the "wit and Humor of the Bible" at the Methodist chulrch, the special topic being " The Hunior of the Gos- pets.'' Peninsylvtasiatiaise adotleid atn uni- versity pini for graiduates aunitier- egradutlaes in the formt of a retd anid blue etamteleid pennlattwitti the let- ters 11'UT a"' in goltdtipotithestar- fare. Peter Conway, coach of last year's base ball teamsoas badly scalileal in the railroatd accident in Toledo last Saturday. He had breathed some of the escaping steam, and if pneu- monia cats be averteid, his life can be saved. Yusiro Senshu, '9I medic, whso has been pursuing a post-graduate course at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York city, has ~boon in the city for the past few days. lelintends practicing his pro- fession itt Japan. 1' . 1.Travis, laxe'90o, whso has bseen wills the firm of Montgomery & Blundy for some time, wilt become a metiber of thse firni January ist, 00 thse retirement of Judge .Alont- gomery for the suorene court. The LflTI1TLSS DIECORT GIZLL SWNOW'S I.VERY,' HACK ANDI BAGGlAGLtb INE. 'Orderesfo ir st, partlies, e ldings, etc., prompitlaittenrsto tt 'n estheicS.11 N IlitotSt tt.o i'i Pst (115ce. SMISS JUDITH GRAVES, -iI1A NIST- Iiiect tGratdese'l'i,gt. Aptly it;xWilsey' Mtisic- Store. -THE _-IXCEISIOlt I