THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Collgey ear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price $2.5 per yer, invariably ie adraere Oileicoic cets. On sale at 6neass and Pst Office ness stand at 1 o'clock, see. Subcriptions may be lft at tbe oilier of the tDALY, Opera Hlese blc, at Sheehan's, at Stottet's, or with ay of the editors. Commnicatinsa soul reach te of1icc by 7 sclects . hi. it they are to appear the ae day. Address all matter inlended oe public- ists to the Managing Editor. All bsiness communtictions should be et to the uel" neon Manager. THE U. of X. DAILY, Amn Arbr, ich. EDITORS. sALatesSOE, '2.Maagig ldtr. S. W. CRoss, '2, Assist. MaagigEdior. G. 1L. CeArAN, 112, Assist. Maagig Editor. J. C. TRAVIvS, '32, Bustiness Maager. F. E. JANETTE, ', Asst.Busitess Maaer. C. W. RtfCrxET, '4, Assist. Busiaes Mang. 5. D. JEWEst.. 1. 0 W.t.DctELEssAr,'55 F.D RI) lat, '1.'. . Rus. R s '02. W. 1'. PARKtEt, '1. J. 1t. Attsa., '10. G. 11. Iligert. 10. 1'C. . WELE, '14. W.. MCtRtOicsss'3. I itts. llxtttt,'. Ai'ioooos of tle sentinents x- pressed in tle ((ALY sevffal days ago with respect to (he lack of inef- es) manifestedl by (tif alsiiini in a- letics at tile Uiversity, ile conduct of the Chicago alumniion00the occa- sion of the gane wih Cornell here, might bc citced in illustfaion. T(hr game seemeid (o excite no attention among the alonini. Outside of (le committee ff0111 (le M\ichigan alumni association, there were less than half a dozen alumni who called up- on the earn at the Gfand Pacific Hotel. At the game, the under- graduates from Michigan far out- numbered the alumni, and there were a great many more Cornell alumni present to cheer their team, although Michigan's alumni nimer four times as many as Cornell's alumni in Chicago and vicinity. 'This is not very complimentary to to tile Chicago alumni, 1o say the least. To be sure, the game xas not very extensively advertised until the morning of the day of the game, but even that brief notice should have brought every alumni to witness the game and encourage ,Michigan's lean. The Library Question. The extraordinary ability which some of our esteemed contempora- ries exhibit in choosing from their exchange clippings just the ones which either belong to a former gen- eration or have been authoritatively contradicted anywhere from one to twelve times is surprising. Here is that aged fake about the Ann Arbor Lihrary being open on Sunday. Only two weeks ago the U. O' M. DAILY wailed forth its fifth wail, beseeching its exchanges to give the lie just a little time to rest, but all in vainfor here among our latest bunch of pa- pers we find the oft-clipped clipping makes its appearance twice. Start a lie on tile rounds of the college papers, assd nothing known will stop it-The Occident. The Castalian. Prizes asvardied to Arthur Holmes for best poem, and to M. D. for best story. 'The person signing himself M1. D. will oblige the board by rail- tng on H. D. Haskins, 3 Geddes aye., and revealing his name. A nnounc ement. I am mal~kitng great prepsaratiotns for ('hristmas, atid wiii show 'h(linest line of gioids ever sdisplayesinit this eity. My siuceiss in the past yeatr, and es- peially this fall, las eneoitraged ole to e'ilargs' ty stoek. Liockoout for neat weet's aidvertiseme't Respl'etfillly, ROSINESS LOCALS. ~H~HA & Q., safe st., havix reeeved too thle opetitag of college 20,000 Books, ttew and seceond hiand of all ktnds, Gteek, Latiti, Freneci, Germall, Law anld Medieal Books, wshlch they wtll sell at G~reatly Reduced Prices. Mathematieal Istruments andlf Laboratory sstpplies. See out Note Books foi 1891-2. Is the LEING0SCtHOtOL efltlt.OINFc your depatmIents-Commuereial, ts teat-bool. 5 . ormanusctspt sork- &ngls.hortha1nud and Petsmanshsp.Elegattbuitldinglls,!e at- - -- -= t asanreeffci~ren titctos obkthore n - ouagh, livsng expess etrmely low, $2.21 to $25per steek; students assisted 50 poitons. 5,ades oC A~ ods "The Nligara Falls Roufe. JAS.l.A ShrAFFORD, Ixotiles insertes initts11 olumn lltte rote .of 10ents per line. Seciallrlstes toe sanger time, aurudextra lines furnsiishbyub pplyinlgat TT'V761/ the DAstLY ofilh. ilfYk}u The Tolerdo A Atili Arbor roadsilli xi chanitge timue next Ssiiday.IDee. 6. 'Ihils is mnade liecessairy tilllac'ounlt of flue Granl~d'Tritik Wy retllrninig (t1a1n through thiceirix'w tulnnel lit Por Jllroll~elllhilg a shlorteninlg u111of ther timle. Ais this is (ioi valuable a coni- iietioti fur the T1. 1& A. to lose, (lie tinle of their traitis xwiii also be -.o - chalnlgedI, paissinlg Aiit Arbor 11s fol- lsos: TIMETABLE (REVISED) NOVEMBER, 11, 1891. J. Al. STAEFORD I CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. The Loader EASTWARD. y 11Fl' I2S 11jSTATIOSealMail Oay'8rto N Y1iiNi'siAl a Exp/thnEuo ls!1:p Aec. Mlerel. ant Tail- inA. .M.. .Mr !es. . iP .A C~hc, Lv.l7 051 9 001ill 3 10'521,1110'011 '' Jackssn....0211 a25L 30l8547 4 15 15ll12 O r i D. F11110efhelsea...... . 35 (1,7 1' l0t2 Raster......41-1,.I.....5l4li 72,11' litne of 1Piee Delhi Mills... 4301. . .Ill793.1. . AN dABO,.4 21525i 022 9 4515143 7411.3, Goods to select ayeun 17i. . 111...67 801130:1 fr'oto. 'all for Detoteit, Aer- 61116041 7210 l4l; 7 151 9l201110 !a fine fittinlg i Bufflo. 5111....80t d 10 01125 31.-jt605915 WESTWARD. SoT1 rATaONt. Dir ChOli.iI istEv. OilePao Meail No. 19 Cup1)5Hp Eap hap. tim Ex. Act. S. Alain Street. Buffalo....n... . 1 63 94 30 151.C A.4..M. r. n. r.MO. I . M5, M. r. M. DetrittL...8Ott 7140 1 21 500 91511514dd5 WayneJune 9501.... 083' --. 519 1 Ypssiatlli....0I2 5021015900 ...101115Q A lIARBOR.. 9 31 0402 159 918 lIsis 10 32 5ll Delhi Mills.. 941---..5917 . Dexte r....95 . 9to - st e0i51 7 - Chelnea.... 1010 .... 5...1107 010 '1W Jacksn.....100 935 3ltd10 4011 15 t1 R55 t leags, Ar. 7 5 5 9 50 010 4050 75161 ll L1 TOTS O W RG ES. H.W. HAYES, L.A 11uS G. P. A T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor Commencing Dec.7, 191. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Dec.7, 191. Michigan Railway. GINGilNOR1TH'l. GOING OU51THll. (1 :7a. in.... (starts from tere) 7:005 a. ta. (6, (3) 12 nloon~ (stops here) .....11:18 "(2~ (5) 4:21 p.m . . ..-----------8:40 p. m. (4 Thinllest display ever tnade here in1 this city itn rugs, eall be seen inlthle sho0w windoxxs of Martin Htaller. Htandlsome designls in Moquette, W~il- ton, Byzalntine, Smyrtasatnd Fur. For Chlristmas lite makes special low prices. InI the othler shtow win~dow is just as hsandsome a display in draperies, cite- Dtille and silk curtains. For Htoliday Goods, Beautifol ((and Paitnted Articles, chteapest Plush Goods in thse city, and many tusef nl anti ortna- mlental things, go to Mrs. M. Pond's State street store. Gltand opening otn Wednesday atsd Thlursday. Don't forget we keep sweaters, best quality, $1.50 to $4.25. Mack & Schimid. Laidies' Maekintoshles in beautiful varieties, just received at Mack & Sehimid's. Hot atnd eold baths 10 cents, at Post Office Barber Shop. Futll line nexv style collars, 4 ply, 1-5c or 2 for 2-5. Mack & Schlmidl. $1.95-800 silk umbrellas worth $3.50 to $4.50, mlarked $1.95 at Mack & Sehid's. Laidies of (lie U. of M. xwifllfd it greatly to tiheir advantage to call on us so lli need of Cloaks, Dress Goods or Faney Dry Goods. Maek & Scbmid. UT. of M. Buttons, 50 cents each, and xith class year, 75 cents each. We are tite only makers of the three-ighth inlch button, with correct colors and polished enamel. They don't fade or soil, and last forever. Sent postpaid utpon receipt of price. Students are invited to visit us when in town. Roellm & Sons, Jewelers, Grand Circua Park, 271 Woodward ave., Detroit. Anew line of Neckwear just received and no better stylesa will be found in town. You will say they are one-half the price you pay for them elsewhere. Mack & Schmid. 19 S. MAIN ST.. OneSoslid Week, Monday Eve., I sgaterest 01 the Flavorite Acress, Assisted by ALBERT TAVERNIER. And a Capable Company in the Followting Repertoire:1 110JN'DAY-Thc Galley.S'lanc. TUESDAY-Lucretia Borgia. WEDNESDAY-Lady Chore. THURSDAY-Oliver Twist. FRIDAY-The .Honseymnl. SATURDAY-.Damon and Pythiao. MATINEE-TheXMutsat Fr'iind. Prices, - 151 25 and 35 Cts. Reserved Seats en Sale at the P. 0. Dews Stand. Plan open Fridlay moerning. 'ime Table goiag ilo effect September 13, 1891 Aerival oftrains at Ann Atbor. No. 2. Through Mail and Express... ; 40a. m. No.)4. Ann Arbor & Toledo Aerom..11150 a. m. No. 0. Clare Passenger....... .Ito05p. m, Eel1. Clare and Toledo Aecom.. 11130a. m. No. a. Through Mail ...5....9N0p. m. No. 5. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom.. 7(20a. m. Teaini 4 and 5 cronItetween AnnIArbor and 'Toledo only. Central Standard Time. All Trains Daily except Sunday. W. to. BENNETT, Ro. S. GREENW'OOD, Gen. Pass. Agent, Local Agent.