ij4 tto Al . WIa~II VOL. 1.-NO. 52. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1591i. RICEs, THREEs CENTS. Ancient Egypt in the Light of Mod- ern Discoveries. Anew and exhaustive historical, pictorial anil descriptive work enti- tied ':ancient Egypt in the Light of Moderns Discoveries" is nosy beisg prepsared hy Charles Ft. S. D)avis, M. D)., Ph. 1)., msember of the Aisicicasi IPiilologicai Society and Association for the Advancemns of Sciesice, etc., anti Res. Camdien M. Cobern, A. 13., Pb. D., of this city, wchoe is also a imember of the Society if Btibiicai Archaeology, of tLoindoin; Associate of the Victoria Institute; Flloissvof the Society of Science, Letters and Arts, of London, and oneit of the local honorary secretaries of the Egy-pt and Palestine Explora- tionsFiiid. The svork wiii be an entirely new within five minutes walk of Lake New Building for Yale.' r OF YOUR Michigan, and the campus will cover four entire blocks. Work upon the f0ohuosrc o cv ulig~' O IT A G frthe Shseffielid Scientific Schsoolssi IL 1 huidiigsxxii h bguniiuie~ia hysnbeens awarded to a Bridgeport and by next year enough xiii bet Mailed to You -= completedtoacmoaeoosu firmi, the bid being a little less{ :-TruhY r dents. 's'he geiseral plais of the tia i n ouo. Tse building will NXX bidnswlbeafolw:Tebe untel for the niechsanical eiigiii- H P TA E liidig vi ea olw:'ieeeriisg department, antI xiii be sit- -'x -- -"-_ ci~rnetfrsene vi c u natecd between North Shneffield Hll Upon - onse sqhuare; the gracduate depart- niodSefed fl.I vi ePR-ICE 0 PPLICA.TION. jietsiocsx6i iu feet Sinchies loisg isy 8-tfeet ssfflcen, recitation rooius, departmnist . .l labsoratories, the adjoiniisg osie; the iscies wiide, is the shaise tof a IttIfII f 'T'leological department, Osgood parallelogramsi xithirouindi turrets WLSTI Scenifc chol uni Shol fat earls end aisd a boiler ansd enieiamxe Msnturers of FinestPliii Scietifc Scool an Schol f nani.jewveiledsi set0 Badges. Practical Arts another, ansi the Col- rossm on one sisie. 'There xiii he DETROIT, _ MICH. legatedeprimista fssitis 'Vsefour stories us all withs a basemeist. gymnasiunm will he niodelesd after tue On the first floor will lie wisod-work.- Vale gymnlasiuim, and the .Ml.C.A. lug miachsiinery ansd the macinie tool building after Dwsigsth-tail. 'rhe rooms over tire boiler and engin rooms, besides separate draught. isrincipal tdonors are asfolloxws: Halfin rois frjuoseirnu I onr, eimbodyiisg the results of miocd- iinlansdswas giveni uy asla iscm, enssliciseres ii ha woderulof Ciicago. Joshn D). Rockafeller graduate stuidents, lecture room, li- cousitry, andsilii contalin a vivid hsas givenis$lu,uuu for teDlivinity bayadsuis iescn lo doritoy, hic wil b beun x iiilise dividedsip iisto rooissfor descripitisuis of all the startlinig von-drs oy,'xvaiciouviiiueese tihet third o ectto d~ers ivhichs modern research has since, besides gicllsgat cbftereist times sns o eiaii isrsssistti liht isiiig tse ~tover $Iroo0.000. 'Tie (Osgoodi Sd- rooms studies assd srasigiting rrooms, brogh t lihtduingth pstasisithe fsssrthi floor xvilconstaiisnItwo tsrenty-five years. cistific School is fosiidesi onsass en- large lsalts. Amossng the subljects treated illviilosysmenit of abosst$ s ,oo,oou left isy ii steil(ftiebsllii vi tsrtin s'oioy msss etisslog ofMr. Osgood, tinefirst msayoirif Clii- lie Nisrte lriifsteiletisrig, ill pethtistologyssgan ihnlteraurecage). lHathvsesrergasssleststbsatick, - trim V - ' l:' 7 " go.sisIst h lucr rdut dprt helngae xviidllsisersaturseig csiesxxihsbsss of pressdubiscksins architectue seal terresndcpaitta. ittxviii wlie elcoursesleasingit ar slcur 1iiisr adpit it he eree of i3. A. assd B. S. 'I'istractastwllb iihdi ingss its religiron, andid omsetic life - 0 ,. hard woiod, hseatesh by steams, ansd .ssd sinusirs, its sciesnce, isecisasi- iAhtegaismteas iesgri will sane the iltest smsosernimpsihrove- cai andishndustrial arts, millitary schoolsxviiillemopeiseienextTail.eA- equimen, a~riultue ec. o rt iawv school, school of eninseerinsg, tqxspntnt aricltue, tc, tgets-school of peaoync hosol of fiue trance xiiilie thsrissghs a snisi-rci- cr i xthsass interestiing descriptions of idg yin stimne andr brick puirchs. srts and school of siusic will lie or- MohidernisiEgypt. "i--e-a-nonasth.fsn+-ofth T o thin niny students of ancient gaie sso'stefnso h Ann Arbor. the University and tine University permsit. .Prof. '. I'. Ab- Saloons. I- syptiass history, ansi to all who are isnherested iii this remsarkable cosis- Yot.si~aso hePu mt xvisosavenot te Thue first gesseral examnsatisissxci lsTenboxve is the subject of si, p yybehoseave settthesine.rA.nityta paper to lie rtadl befosre thin Stusiests' iii usae eploatioss hseneiesto have soile chiarge of the athsittis . (hiristian Associationi, sy Prouf. J. 13. this wock xiii be assisnvalxuabile oust.gI' Sttert, Susndhay, Dec. 6i, at 9:a5 sa. _ae wvortk xiiile issed ion tiventy - - s.,in NewbtriyHail. Prof. Steere's four parts, large quacto, oh hearp Jetfersoniams Public Entertainment.lnreincinAnrbad tonxeth Iaier, each part constainiioi h su euhisei i rir uu lurs orhify poto ngrvins. hire first 1public enttrtainntsthiss wvihtdexpieritsceint stempleranice xor iiiobefifty uedioengevrygsOnth, ivens by the Jeffersesnias Siociety ixvork conmbine to smake tireipaiper hartngwt ex auay h this year xiii occur is)tire lair her- one of unusual interest. It luaulinr lidcexvii e oe ollr serpat, utture ruins Friday evening, D~ec. ills, prepared withi the utmst care. (ir piocerlltone thelltriden tfbmo-'rhe folioxing excellent programmeIDecemsber 13, at the sanseiulace at 3 xviiidr be irentelerednt:op.odir., the iastors of thue city- xiii erne seas ssop~orurstyo soses Iresidenst's Adduirs----------A... avis (iiiscuis thse samue luestion. the ivork, it will be deliveredi to the I'iae noSlo . ..-------- s-- M iiss ne ODavis - --...- - first five hundrnei subscribers for (Orstile------------------- A. F. Wentwnrth fifty cent a part.'ornietlSoo- - - -0_________. 5W. Coliniss Yesterday morning Dr. Carroxw fitycntahrt Sciety papes'. ..----------J:. in.tely ursedi a part of his hour in readinig Vocal Sols .- ._____ Mrs. Frsfeesor Ilemiss Chicago, University. Debate. Rtesiold,'ThaI Seltishnsess is a asnd explaining the rules of thin nexw ______ - Greator OCilizor than Ilene viileice,". hospital. 'rie- rules were adopted Thesn iewly established Chicago ---------Y.A, C . 09{ily; Neon-it. A. Hair Guitr Slo ------ -s--- -- urJr. ci by the clinical professors asid the Universty, of which Prof. Harper is Quaattte., -essrs.: Yz Horn,PamrDvirentadpoiefrthcmot president; will be formnallyopened salasat awePrsrgnsadprvd o h ofr Y " -- +-- - - of tihe patients, the convenhence of in September,- 1892. It is situated The first graduation at Ilarsard the hospital staff anti the,'good of in the southern part of Chicago, University was in n1646l. - thse siudents. Whren yuwant theotLatest MetropitauissniSt-ins ini Shoies sit 50e it l a aii'ir lissnAssnsArbsor R. H. FYFE & &. I )1DETOIT, Ih, It Chaxs. Speller & ~ Unliversity- Outfittrs, Wit), Sisur f Sn~isSi., AN A hhhORh. Neckwear, Dress Shirts, Gloves, Underwear, 'kkCENTS' FUJRNISINGS, 'I lest ,,FOOT1-BfiLL GOODS)" S ifinllsil i~lisaklatosllcs, Athlhetic atou.h . (4y lidrruG(oods, or(.)Fxsitv iYDCRsIPTION. SAYE TIME ANTD MONEYT By Bluiyinosus sfitsiiiwhile wetore lucre. CALLAGH N c& ,CO.. FOBIISHERS,* .114 Monroe Si., Chicagos -. ;- 50 S. Stale St., Ann Arbor.