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October 05, 1891 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-10-05

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--AGENTS FOR- ________S__
~ YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. c+- The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
- The ~J. T. Jacobs Co.,
Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
Cal and see us. I 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR.
L. 13ITLZ. N. B-We still have a nice assortment of ILight Weight Overcoats
to e closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices.
An rbr tem 1.. O A . G O G .MOOR , kMoore T &Tar t
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED,. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A FsltLine sr all Clege Text Boks, iacluding Law adl M'ial Rolf.;. by te stk
tALLs.ON Chepest ptsceeoe Note Basead Festtaini ini the city. Freshmecow ed i. Comoa long
SPECIALRATES TO STUDENTS. ST A2S E LJR, sd friends. I now have my entire stck as my sore n No. 6 . MH IN ST
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WEST WASHINGTON STREET rO. z. MPOOS.
Every Student will save money y buying University Text-Books and all supplies at Ieadquarters. We allow -PtANT-
Highest Grades Tugh t.StApply at Wileys
special discosunt on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS, in short, every Book usted in the MdscSep
Utniversity. 5,000 Blank Books at lowest prices. THE - EXCEL SOR - 1LAUNUI RT
" 0 . J "r 'T A 'L'T ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~.Hs all the impoed machinery, and is pee. i,"."tt unot is ls oko hr o
tice. Cmmaercial soelk tred et sase ay.
LEADINGI BOOK STORE IN THE CITY. Prices reasnale adwoseesguaranted. N-
____________________ 25East Hares t. AF. COEIff, Prpieter.
.?,ihmonGI Straight Cut. Foot-Ball News. Bllti:Bar. .MARP. -
____inBord DEALER IN
No.I Cloth Caskets, Metallic
CIGARETTES. There are only four of last year's NOTICE.Memberehip tickets for ANDI COMMON COFFeNS.
Cigarette Snihereswhe eleven at Harvard thisyer Traf-sle Athletic Association can ese- --j- A. POLHEMUS,
are silling to aysa little frLk i er cured of any of the directors or at
mre than the price fod ae alwell and Newell. ofieiV~i.
charged fee the erdisors ticket ofc nMi Hall any mor-
P may goU log fromCorbtotso.yALSO 'US ACK AND BAGGAGE LINE,
trade Cigarettes will find osby Up ton ganu Corheteto o.SNth Main Street.
nHIS iBRAND uphort ack later in the season. On the NOTICE-The S. C. A. oard will RINSEY & SEABOLT,
r Theefrc hnd ghttraight firs a fuat
CuttNo.l1 ugarettesnare madefrm thehigt dyo patce last year 40 have a meeting in Alpha No hall Bkesand delerin
es., mot delicately flavored and highet cnst- this afternoon at o'clock. Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed,
Gld Leaf grown in Virginia. Thin is the Old men put 1n an appearance. Ths 5
and Original Brand nf Straight Ct Cigarette,,Bad8E asigot
and wanbraught otbyau nnthe year 187a. year only 25 turned out. NOTICE-Students in Philosophy SnO.'ahntnt
Beware of imitatons, and bse's that theHitrofBtshEicwl J.HALLER
firm name an below in an every package. Barbour, Hartwell, Heffelfinger 7a isoy o rts tis il ~ .HALLER
The ALLEN & INTER Branch Pie meet the instructor in ROOM 2, 3- S'CE R
Of the American Toacc Co.,' McClung, Coxe, Wallis, Pie
Manufactarers, .-.Richmond. Virgna r n dilsafYle ae 4 p. i.,to-morrow (Tuesday). Repairing apecialty. 41 SOHMAIN ST.
Bead ad Biss ofYal, hvere- NOTICE-Gothic, Historical Ger- V 'F tISN (GS S
® iI I 'ad tul$&'ik. turned and have been in training for man Grammar.-Students wishing U 1 TI~N C~OIS
RSI5L~~ ten days. Morrison will not e ack to take the course in Gothic Granm- State Street Groers.
CpiaLll,00. Surplus a nd Prejlt, $715x1. until November. mar or in German course 17, His- Students patron age especially solicited.
Does a general Banking business. Pays in- trclGra rmawl 1s TT TET
terest on Saving Deposits. Haa safety toialGemnrramrwilplease - Id5arTSEE.
Dieposit Bosnfor ReaL etm usaOt 6 t3p .W.BAE
. KEMPF, Pees . H . BELSER. Cashier. Mr. Frank Y. Mosely, lit '94, ismeteTusaO.6,t3p.MW.BAE
Bako~nSaturday evening. i., in Room B, to arrange hours, PICTURES, FRAMES, A ND
Bnonsteaching school in Kalamazoo, Mich. etc. GEORGE A. HENCH. ART GOODS. 1 West Huron St.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank Professor Dewey will conduct the NOTICE-Stdents-inending t
Ann Arbor Mich. Caital tock, 5560,000, NTC.Suetinndgto--
Ogsesurpia,ssttsss. exercises in Newberry Hall next take German 15 (Herder) will meet
Ognzdunder the Genera morning.s --
Of thi state. Receives DepsisbsankigLw Sunday mrig Mr. Winkler in room 3 o o0 a,07 r
sells exchange on the principal cities of the.Ot
united State. Drafta cased span proper J. T. Condon, law '91, as a poo-Oct'5,a t :15 a. mn. or at 3 p m.
identification. offices:
CHRISTIANMCFe. io sassatNOTICE-French, Course D, Si- _-AND-
w. . HMnalss, ViceasPssis.an, and is also taking entific Prose, will meet in Room M, O Y G A
C. D . HAS. HscocK, Caher. a post-graduate course in North- Mna n ensa,34
You Probably have some Broken*Arti- western University Law School, Geman SudetsGletinSCors
cle of Chicago, 111. i 9, Tick's Romantic Dramas, will IU.
JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT The S. C. A. will give an informal please meet in Room M, Monday,
OF REPAIR, reception to the Freshmen on Mon. 4-5 to arrange hours. __-A'l'
WM. ARNOLD, 36 MAIN STREET, day, Tuesday, Wednesday and NOTICE-I shall meet my classes
In the Place toeo hrdyatrnoso hs e and lectures at the hours announced.
_______________________ aternons ofthis eekCourse 3 will be given by me, while ('l R,
A N D A L fGm 5 to 6, in Newberry Hall. cosrse 9 will be assumed by Mr. UY~iJA1Tqi Phft1mftg ,
4% ..The editors of the DAILY are in Lloyd until Dr. Mead arrives.
receipt of a complimentary season Cuir.eadllnt comhunsoud
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. ni r edcoebtsol
MILINEY ND RTGOOS!ticket to the San Diego county fair e elected now. Students desiring
through the kindness of W. W. Hor- advanced credit should call at room
? 30 Est Hra,. Steet, - 'ne lit '86. He also sends his 21 and not at my hue I will
SHOR THAND TAKE A "best wishes for all you who are meet students for conultaton about4
+s~uws~i ;OURISE now striving for what the grand old work every evening thsweek afterL
IT WILL PAY YOU. Sorthand Senol New inttto a nsoefryu 8 o'clock, at i5 Forest ave
eiissaugioSnth Sate Street. isiuinhsi soefryu" JGHN Dapa, 71 Dort St, wst.: -Dtrot. Mich.

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