THE U. OF M. DAILY .AT~ ~7 ~NEW 8,DS J EW GOODS, NEW GOODS* SEE THE NEW LINE OF N 'The J. T. Jacobs Co., -fverco ate The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. ...4.W' jT -0 N. B-W'e still have a nice assortment of Light Weight'Overcoats I HITZ" to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. Al ANYorSteamfiLgiuty,' CO0.AL. GEORGE L. M OORE,(Sccss )+Mor + WR ALLDFRadDLVRD O ADADSF OL A Full Line of all College Teat fBosks, including Law awl Medical Books, by bhe statks. CALn. 55 Cheapest place for Note Boots sont Fountain Pesis in the city. Feeshmen erowd an. Comee along SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. sV T o8~T lslfriends. Ianoschave myentire stoek atmy storeonn1N0. 6 V. MAIN44ST. 3' Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. NO. 11 WEST WASHIINGTON STREET. O-R0., I.. JORoo_ WAH'SBOOKSTORE, DOWN TOWN Every Student wilt save nioney by belying University Text-Books and all supplies at Headquarters. We allow special diocouint on LAWY BOOKS, MED)ICAL BOOKS. I)ENTAL. BOOKS, ill shirt, every Book usesd in the I ii's itill ((0 ltanik Books at lowest piices. LL'ADING BOOK STORE IN THE CITY. 9,jghmond Straight Qut. No. 5 - CIGARETTES. zCigarette Smsokers who ace silling to nay a little mssre than thse poise chsarged for the orsdinrsy .sossdeCcigarettes, will fSad 41 Tilts BRADss superior to alnl others. t+ Y The Richmond Straighst Lot No.1I Cigarettes ace made from She bright- est, moat delicately Slavored and highest east Golsd Leaf grown in Virginia. Thin is the Old and Original Brand osf Straight Cat Cigarettes, and wan brought sut by us un the year 1875. Beware at imitations, and obsrve that the firm name as below innsn every package. The ALLEN & GINTEE Branch Of the American Tobacco Cs., Manufacturers, - - Richmond, Virginia. Copil, t50,000. Surplusmul Profits, $17,000. Dosa a general Banking businens. Pays in- tereat on Saving Deposits. Has safety tDeposit Boors for Rent. It. KEMPF, Pins. P. H. BELSEEt, Casier. Bunk oven Saturday evening. Ann Arbor Savings Barak Ainn Arbr Mih.Capital Stsck, $50,010, Supu,$0.000. Organized under the General Banking Laws of this state. Receives Deposits. buys and sells exchango on the principal cities of the United States. Drats cashedaupon proper dentification. Officers: CHiISIsANs oMA, Pres., W. i. HARRIMiAN. Vice Fees., CHAS. E. ISCOCK, Cashier. ' ' E ORI0GITNA.J SPOONSTB.5AT Win. Arnold's, 36 Main Sret. ~ANDALE FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! 30 fast HouErnret, SHORTHAND AORE IT .Wl ,L PAY YOU.- Shorthand 8eIchnl, New. Building, 20 Smith tate street. THE CAMPUS. It is estimiatedl that the numinber of books io collcge libraries its the lt itedl States aggrcgates 3,000,000. J. J. Hteonderson, '91icildic, is louse surgeon of the New York Polytechnic hoospital, in Nesv York City. Three-fourths of the natioinal col- leges founded in thec last twenty years are south of the Mason and Dixon line. W. IH. Smith, a niember of the '95 law class during its junior year, is a member of the law firm of Wills. erbee & Smith, Detroit. There are 40,000 women studying in the various colleges in America, yet it is only 25 years since the first college in the land wsuC opened to women. The faculty of Oberlin have voted to appoint a standing committee on debate it was decidesd to gisve womiatn the right of suffrage. tAt a vell atteinsedl bsisinessnieeting the followviug were iunaniimously voted hoiiorary members of theso s-ciety. -Mrs. Prof. iemian, Mr. G. W. Collins, antI-Mr. Mcell Gillespie. NOT IoE.-reshman Independent caucus Saturday, Dcc. 5, at 8 a. m. Tsharp. NosTiE.-Freshman class meet- ing Saturday, Dcc. 5, at 2:30O p. m. sharp. NOTICE-The S. L.. A. committee are to snake their final report Thurs- day, between zasitd 2 o'clock, at Alpha No hail. NoICE-Let all members of the "Elite Terpsichore" be present at tthe hall on next Friday evening, Dec. 4, promptly at 8 o'clock. The march will begin at5 minutes past 8 o'clock. lIda Van Cortlnd. FUSINESS DIRECTORY. G-IL.. 5 1NO'Ts LIVERYV, HACK ANDi BAGGAG1E LINE. Orders for trains, partirs, tscrdsdin,0s, etc., preomptly atendeto. - , Telrphonss,11.21 B, Mui St5.,app. st Ol(libe. MISSIJDITHIGRAVES, -IANIST-- HiolesGrades Tauoght. Apply st Wilsry's ___ IMusie Store. THE . -1FXCFEISIOR -I.AINOjtM Baa all she iscotdmanerbi sy, csi is pe pared tsturn out firstlcilaswkown shsorst no- ticer. Commereisalswosrkc srsedousedsay. Prires reassnabtleosnd fworkurted.No- l.0 East Hureos. AF. (tOtEIWT, Psipto, 0. M.MARTIN, IDEALER IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic ANO COMMON COFFINS. J. A. POLHEMUS, ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BAGGAGE .LINE. North Main Street. RINSEY &SEABOLT. tBakers and dealers in Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, S and 8SE.Washiigton SL J. HALLER, Bepairing a seeisity. 46 SOUTii MAIN ST., J. D. 'OTIMSOIT & SONlS State Street Grocers. Stsidents pntronage especially solicited, 2d S. STATE STREET. university extension. The commit. Ida Van Cortlandl is rapidly gettinig tee will soon issue a ciciilar to be tos the hieasd of the list of femitle stars ' " iiAmuerica to-day, distinguished alike (/ 5 sent to neighboring towns and cities, for icr acknowledged rtistic lbility ~ ~ stating the objects and methods of aiid her good iqulities of head an1d Fr t.Ws.-Dtot h heart. Iter great reputation has been 71 Fr t.Ws.-Dtot ih university extension, and giving ah- gaised solely by her tability as an at-t-___ nouncements of the courses offered ress. She lisa resorted to nsone of the by he ollge rofssos.advertisinog devices which have beens Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street bytecleepoesr. used to bring thi n ames at many other Riwy actresses prominently before thin pub- alwy lie. H~er chaims for favor is based up- Time tasble taking effeet October 4,1891.=! Honorary Members of the Webster on tier merits alone, and thie favor Society. whilchs.n been accorded her proves Leave Anna Arbor frosm* Csurt House at 6.154 that her gesius is recognized aind up- 7.5,5920. M~R) i. mi nstd 1L.5, 2.20,.5t0, f5.0. An excelent program was ren- preciated°. Miss Van Cortland is- a 6Mh8.t0,.5"1.2. men. credit to the stage, and, well, deserving t Leave I'soilanni at 600. 7.51,5.01.0 a. m,.. dered by the Webster Society last the reputationi shin has gained. The. and 12.80; 2.00, 3 3t. 50 .30 S, .0010, 151o.0p.m nighthbefore a crowded' house. Vocal prices of admission all next week are 9 SUsNoAY Tusa TAnLE. by Ms.. eman and ianoso moderate as to be withiin the reach Leave Ann Arlsssr frm Court H~ouse at 2.20. solos b r,.Bmn n in of a1t, anld the repertoire,.an can be 3.0,5-°,6.51 ':' .5 ' . solosbyMiss' Davis. helped to en- 'seen by referrinig to the advet tianiment 's p .xsitatta.20;ss,50 .a .0 liven ~ ~ ~ i the occasion. After a s 'td t is sele ted from the best d uanatic lit- Cars euns sOf .Cuon i.keC.1 spirt erature. cent.Feersae by conductorns.