THE U. OF M. DAILY 2~T TI~ T7O ~NEW G DS, I SEE THE NEW LINE OF NWGOODS, ______NEW GOODS. TeJ. T. iJacobs Co., f - Qvrco t~ -The 4T. T. JTacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. - 2 rT r t 7- N. B-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats I. .iBLITZ.. to be closed out at Greatly Redoced Prices. kATM AJRo8111 Llllllily. COAL. GEORGE L. MOORE,(Mooe cahe tr.) + + WORKCALED OR nd DLIVRED FO HAR AN SOT CAL, A Fall Line of all College Text Books, ancluding Law asd Medical Hoots, by ie sacs. C;ALL ON Cheapest plaee for Note Books asd Fountain Pas in the eity. Freshmen crowd in. Cotae along SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. MSr- .-R lsieends. I nowhave myentireestoekat mystore on No,.6 S. M AIN ST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WVEST WAaSHINGTON STREET. O5EO.LI. 1vSOOIL . i WARSBOOKSTORE, DOWN TOWN. BGllLZ~ DI__RECTORY Every Student will save nioney by buying University Text-Books and all supplies at IHeadquarters. We allow; Order corVERYHAiK ND art, cddiogoLIE., special discounlt on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, DENTAL BOOKS, is short, every Book used in the' apromply attee oIc. IUiversity. 5,000 Black Books at lowest prices.rephn0.21NSaStp. csGfce ' ~~i MISS JUD IAAITNHGRAVES, LEADING BOOK STORIE IN THlE CITY. Highest Gradco't'aught. Apply at Wvlsey' RiQhmond Sfmaight Qcut THE CAMPUS.,uiorc than 140,000 memubers. Miss THr1E - EXCEL.SIOR .- I.AUNPRiV No1Aue rggs read apoeni. The paredto turnsJut first class work o hotsno CIGARETTES. Thsc receipts for the gale-Prince- chsurch was beautifully dccoratcd. Prcsrc.meas oiwn ssctdsc ssed CigaretoSmoersowho tonlgamc are estimated at $,0 nt ali ivr elrws20 Ease HluoseFc. .i F. i OERT' , cnictrcs are willing tos nay a little>> maore than the price South college girls engaged 300 thle motto sif the urdter, "In IHis 0 .ATN Ucharged toe the ordinary-, DEALER IN trade Cigarettes, will find seats for the Yale-tHarcardl ganie at Nacue. "Clt Cak sM tli tTaco BRaAsNsaperior to ClthCgseteMtd.i all others. Srigied.-. . --ANti COIMMON tCOFS'1E. S>t! ThoeRichmnondl Straight .-Spr--ln ---- Cat Na I Cigarettes are made tram the bright- '1 he Columbia Athletic Union Method If Reading Latin. J. A. POLHEMUS, est, moat delicately flavored and highest cost ______p Gold Lest grawn in Virginia. Thi is the Old linmits -its membership to stuidents o- -J.. V = t._ and Original Brand of Straight Cat Cigarettes, Prof. J . G Hale the eminent - and wan brought oat by us ill the yearl1875. who have paid in $5 or more. ' ALSO 'BUS HACE AND BAGGAGE LINE, Beware or imitatians, and obnerve that the LatinphiloogistwhooldshechirNrth__ainSreet trn name as belote Is an every package. Senator Stanford has offered to ampiooitwohlstecarNri ti tet The ALLEN &GINTER Branch of Latin at Harvard, addressed a RINSEY & SEABOLT, Ot the American Tobaceo Ca.. build fraternity houses for all those Bakers and dealers in Manuftactarern, - - Eichmond, Virginia. eiigtea le~S ~ . select audience of teachers and up- Goeis rvsosiu n ed II.t rw~ u ~Ilil'~ik The Northwestern college foot- per clansmen last evening, on the S and S E._lWashington St. Capitatl.3,000. Surplss and Prafila, $710 ball league consists of. Madison, " Method of Reading Latin."c The J.H L E Doeo a general Banhing businesn. Payn in- Evatnstonc Lake Forest and Beloit. poesrgv eyii-etn tereat on Saving De posita. Ban safety sr edin ashlksor talk, which was followed by a profit- Deposit Baxes ear Heat. Repaendglingecsays. h6 OlikesINour R. KEMPF, Fees. F. H.BLtahe. able discussion. pcigsri~t. dlsl~5M5 T Banh oven Saturdayvevessing. audience; that it is one of the finest- . .ST SO & SOS An rbrSvigiBn e finds in his season. So said Mr. NOTICE.-The S L L A. comnmittee J .SI Seet Grocer , Ann Arbor Mich. Capital Stock, $5,00, owers. are to make their final report Thurs- Suet arngepcllyslctd Sarplas,$ISOl00.f f Cornell Uni- dar, between a ansd 2 o'clock, at Su~nsarnaeseilyslctd Organized snder the General Hanhing Laws Professor Haer0ofCor74 S. STATE STREET. o1 thss state. Receives Deposoitss.bays andvrtwilecueotavned Alpha No halt. sells exchange on the principal cities of the vriy, wl etr oteavne United States. Drafts eaohed supoe proper suet-n ai hs vnn n'rn pra Hou. dentification. Officera:SuetcnLti hseeigo GadOeaHue CH.ST 0.M HAsnans. ,ice P'res., "The Art of Reading Latin." -- RIA CHAS.__E.__HISCOCK,__Cashier._ Dwight Freeman, son of Professor <,MViss Johinstone, who is the Iza in the '('lerucacean Case" produetion, which TIT20o~imaPAZ Freeman of Madison, whilc practic- aplpelirs bore Thursday evenintg, wealrs ig wsadresses thaut are worthy of partietart P o ' - ngfoot-ballwa throws, duringa menltions. Eaci onie is fitted to shiw "itrusth and cad his leg broken and her voluptuouisiiess. 171 Fort St.. West, - Detroit, Mich. HpOO17a A , badly splintered. He may lose it. Sybil Johunstone, who ias made soush WVm. A rmold's,' a suecess as lza in the "Cletnencean 16 Main Sreet. A large audience, including fifty ('ase," whiech appears here Thiursday, - Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street King's Daughters from the different is described as a tall, shapely anid very. graceful womns,and the possessor of , Railway, oraizations in the city, assembled a pair of eyes that accomplish mice+ ro imtne thing effect Octcober 4,1891. _______________ in the Unitarian church last Sunday than the dialogue slto stters. cc_________"__ Leave Ascn Acdcc-or fCourt Hccases t6.15, morning to hear Rev. Mr. Sunder- The "Clementean Case," as it will 7.30,92s0.1:.50 a. in., and 12.51, 2.20, 3.50, h.20. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, be presented by the Brady Company 6.ns, m0,, 1i.24 p. MILIER ADAR GOD!Opportunity Open to Educated the strongest dramas on the road this and 11.31, 2.00, 3.3u5.0. , 6.0, .0, .010p.i. 30___ East___Huron ____StreeMssinneasn.Those who contemplate a - seNsx'Isa wIME A. Young Women.r Mis ine gratifieation of their morbid tastes ILeave UnA"sAcor trom Court Hnuse at 2.20, UEYDUIIKA 1i' T A K W alton read a short paper giving an will be sadly disappointed. 6 n~ . i, .lc, 954, sip. M. accont oCthUhisory.aim Man Willard Newell has made a suc- . vn -Fpitaati at 2.00, 3.30, 5s0o, 6.30. 5.00. IT WtLL PAY YOU. Shorthsand School, New - cess of thus part of Peer Clmnea, nas ran asn (City Tiae. Coupon tickets. 10 Bulig o ot of the order, which now has I thse wronged husband. cenats. For sale by condauctors.