THE U. OF M. DAILY. SWE ARE THE PEOPLE.~ - ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. .New Wfarerooms, - - - - - - - - - Corner of Main and Libei St 3reets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. N tSl m rla NoAT-kUmrela PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find i TsmY'm s MymwcSTORE, 25 Seuth Fourth Avenue, City. A NEW TINE OF- -Strops, R azorc AT ALAYLAWC SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED 1851. COUR1SE, one year. Three foil terms required. Terms begin, September, January and March. ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. E cN1Corps of Instructors and o urorsi iEDegree of LL. B. Cnerd Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Address the Dean or Cae-re lacy, Storm staIying UIislors, AT A. LNOBLE'S SIGN OF THE RED STAR. GO TO r- - o HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. Newv Goods, newv Fail Goods, new Winter Goods, Full Dress Suitings, Silk Vestings, Overcoatings, Londoin Suitings. Trouseriugs a specialty. Largest and most complete stock in the city, at the lowest prices. Please call and examtine. CALKINS' PHARMACY. H, Et JOLLY & GO.,! ..SELL . AND ALL : t C1 Idat' SC pplIEs, Leave Orders tar all ATHLETIC + GOODS. YOU CAN GET Wt Yo55st sim, mitthe Pice frill te RO NSriyht, at( BONSDRUG STORE. Chemical z Physical Apparatus @Z C. P. and Mar Cl1cmicalMicoscogical Supplies, EBERBACHL & SON. RlIEPUTATION TYPE WRITING. All kinds atfXWork neatis- done atreasoable priesc. -- - lO ]31Scath University Ave. O JMeI~ipT1 lL-++- rOThh S~TUDENTS' HEADQUARTERIS. BaDys,"tfyoa are. lookingtfor any at your itr an is, take a chair in the Oeeidental Hotel ofcnsfor ten minates. Yea will surely ae thea. Fireo'clocik dinner, Sundays. Special rates. FIIOT9 GRAP1H IR; NO. 12 W. HURON ST. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS -AT- P. 0.IEWS ST ANOD -ron-- i'tnussasera Magzine, PasodcaiS! g n NwConfecMtons,.gCigars zne;and rdTobaccso. ALBANY, N. Y.I NO. 2 EAST WASHIN vGTON ST., near Maini. Owing7t = the= ==S=TBILLIARD PARLORS f wn oteExpiration of. Patents, We are selling Niekel Plated Centre Dratt Lamps at 'greatly tReduced Pricers. g5.f:5O will gs as tar this year as $50 IJwolannst year. Elegantly refitted daring the past sumnmer, "RED STAR" OIL SAFEST AND BEST in Market, Delivered in car Nielnhcutrncoeto. awn Cans tosotmers is any part of the City at15 cents per galloBUT & ALW O OIL CANS at all nizee and at Lnwest Price. Shoe Bracken, Blackinlganod Toilet BTS&HZEOD Ari lesstOs ir la than usual Prices. ' " STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR. D VAnl + o tlPv Py,. fe--THE RUs- 44 SOUTH MAIN STREET,- - -- - - -ANN AEBO 8, MICE. J ~ ?~tfI@ AT LOIW PRICES. THE CAMPUS. bttn railed to Pontiac byvtbe seriousFRSlATO ALB N illntss of his father.FIRST N AONL B N Mr. Williansa, '1)4 dent., baa left Thst mission bactI of lice Uiver- Capital, $11X1,0000. Surplusnand Profits, $30,000. 1c1sol.. aiWitcito o 'oTriastagetteral basking busciness, tar- aC ils has in the nihoho ffry g xhnensold, letters ofecredit procured K. C Fich,'9, lit, i vey sck, embrs.Strnge s i ma sem tar travelers abroad. Ni.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .tici,')iiisscyictetle.SragasitiaseiC. H. RICHMkOND. Pres. P. BACH, V. Prea. at his hiome oti Sou~thi ihayer. aboutl two-thsirds of these are medtiics. S. Sw. CL AIISO~N, Cackler., Mr .S.Jh aro,'- tg awll fteNbak edic, hails froms Ness Zealanid. Supreme Court, began his course of R N 1='1 Mrs. Prof. Staitley eiitertaitned list lectures on "Code Plieading and ti Bela li's Thtanksgis'inlgtnighst. Practice,'' 1o the graduate lasss yes- nH LI.RDM1G~ Dr. Gibbs hseld a psost laortein terday.j yesterday, before the senior tmedics. A suppleenttary annoonucemsect Miss May Taylor, '95, eutertained of list lass department for i.89i-92 Now open fot ieeeptionl of Pupils. two cosins front Ohio dulrinsg caca- has julsitbeen isscied, givinag a fewa lion. chtatnges ini the under-gradutateNw Th'le Moslem ntIiversity at Cairo course, and a foil announcemsent of Ne tyles in has io,ooo stuldenits atnd 310 profes- list post-graduate course, whlichi is a LINEN COLLARS. sors. very thoroogh atid instructive one. Miss Edwsinnie Shaw, a recent Next Satorday evening Mrs. Mary gradoate of Ohlivet, cwiliish at the A. Liv'ermsore, of Boston, wili lecture New Effect3*.in beo . th optaiyhforetUnity Club on Colombus aud NC+ER Dr. Vauighlan offers th optlt the Discovery of Anserica." There NCK A. of Isis hsome to medical stuldents, Oil are still seventeen ev'enings reusain- Friday evenings. ins in the course and all who hsave New ]deal in Prf ''ublo sa en i uienot obtained season tickets shoold WRITE SHIRTS. son to Florida, to spend the winter, do so at once as thse price is b;ut one _ on account of his healils. dollar, while the admission to ecd Twenty-aeven students were re- of these lectures is 25 cents. A N P & CO cently expelled from Det Pauw'. Uni- Athletics at Colombia are in badCO versity for playing billiards, shape. Hardly any interest in man- TAILORS AND FURNISHERS. What has become of the Ford ifested. The foot-hall team was medical society? Nothing has been disbanded before the close of the heard from it as yet this year. season. The classes- are in debt to j HandSome The '94- medics support three quiz the tune of $z,834 A movement OEIOTNS clubs. One of them is called the is on foot to discontinue athletics - V. C. V. club, in honor of Dean altogether, but a mass mreetitg was j VuhnhediwhcitwsdeddtmaeCalvin IMwood, '94 medic, has an attempt to raise the debt,- and to SJh~S returned1 t-' hiswork, after having keep up interest in athletics.