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December 01, 1891 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1891-12-01

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I,. B.ITZ,



The 4. T. Jacobs Co.,-
The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
The J. T. Jacobs


N. B-We still have a nice assortment of ILight Weight' Overcoats
to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices.

All arbor StoallI1Lallhry,. COG A L.
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. It1WNESr WASHJINGTON STRtEET.

GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mo S Taesr)+ +_
A Foultine of all College Toxt Books, including Law andl Medical SBooks, by testacks.
Cheapest plaee for Note Blooks aond Fountain Pens in the city. Freshmen crowd in. Colme along
old friendo. ISnow hove my etire stoek at my store on NO. 6 S. M AIN ST.

Every Student will nave nieney by buying Univeroity Text-Booko and all supplies at Headquarters. We allow Ordersfo r itrainspnisD welsddinsLtic.,
opecial dliscountt otl LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BIOOKS, DENTAL BOOKS, iii short, every Bo ik used in the promptly attendedsl Is.
Iniversity. 5,0100 Blank Books at lowest prices. TlpoeSs 1N anS. p.ps fie
c-r >X~t A-3E -VV 6 Zz9 j MISS JUtDITHJGRAVES,
LEADING BOOK STORtE IN THtE CITY. Highest Ceades Traught. Apply at Wilsey's
RiQhmo ndI Straigjht Qcst The New Company A. niovel, for whiichi a large slte hats beeni TMME - EXCISLIOR01 - l.AUNJRjv
No.1 insdccedl by the presenitationi of the H-as all the impiroved Icsrhirety, ti( is pre.
The old Organiztion whirch oh- Ilay ini this costuntry, tiay he itnformued pared to tu~rn oat fiest elassewrck oichordtso
GA ET ES.tamd fr tsef sch n uplesathtltthe inceidenits tif the play grow out tie. Comrialkturnd out 51at lnle day.
CIGAofTtS.leamexploitselfofchia banishedt Etsraieso nt1resoabte ad F.c(o gntIsee.o
C'igarette Smokers who o h xliso aihdRsi 0Es uo t .FCTFIP~~itr
To'" are silling to soy a little notoriety throsughi its connection couintess, who iasocsme toi Paris in a
orthntepiedestittite condcitio with her lovely 0. M.MARTIN,
55 , charged for the ordin ors with Dennison's mre, has bseen gllr~e, Isa. DEALERO IN
tradee Cigarettes, will fSadmrerailtr
TotS BiANDsuaperior 10t t defunct for nearly six months. Very They are forced to lice in top-floor ,CtN.Clothts l tes.aatelt ilhr agtrmaea ADCasketsC Metalli
5 The Richmond Straight few osf the old members hare beetsn sleto irr lneesi
CtN.Ciarteore made from the hight. oqeto irr eecat
esmdelaeyow linvirginia.nishecosd retoined, andr the new company is talenited buit poor artist, who falls des- JA. FOLHEMUS,
GlLeat msa wn delicaey rgeediandThig shet Ond perately in love with her. Slip becomes - ..EJ Z-_V _WE -
and Original Brand of Straight Cat Cigaretes, comuposdo h ietyugbs-hswfTbtso id omrlvr
and wanbrought out by us illthe year1875. oe fIt fns on us.hswfTht0)0udoafre erALSO 'BUSRACE AND BIAGGAGE LINE,
Beware or imitations, and observe that the nets men in Atnn Arbor, including wvho is extremely wealthy. The liaison iNorth Sale Street.
firm name as belosr is an every package. 1isniade ktnown to thie husband by a
The ALLEN & GINTER Branch some twenty of the resident students friendla duiel follows in which the lover RINSEY & SEABOLT,
Of the American Tohacco Cs.,Baesndelrsi
Manufacturera. - - Richmnond, Virginia. ins the University. The new Coin- is Wsundhedl,aind the artist husbandBurandelrsi
goes to Ronme to drown his trouble by Groceries, Provision sFiour and Feed,
ponly A is rapiudly becoming one of devotion tos his art. lHe faila in this, _ sfond ONE. WashingtonSt.
1_________________l A the tuost popular aind well discip- retuirns tol Paris, deelares his love to -
Capital, $50,000.surpls sand Profits;,$7,000. linedco ane in the M. S. r. Iis wife, whso assures hii sholi respondos U. HALL ER,
cosurpanieBnkngbuies.say i-faithfully. The hulsbanid finds that
terest on Saving tDepositsas safety On the rolls of the no n-active crstewf a ae pwt ue
Deposit Boxes for Rent. whereupon lte kills her anisi ready to Repairing a opeislity. 46 5OcT11 MAIN ST.
It. KEMPF, Pres. F. H. BELSEE, Cnshier. are the names of some of our must give himself up to the police, whlen the - ---- -
Bank open Saturdav evening. illustrious professors. Profs.Cooley, custain-falls. It is a strong pltay, andiJ ID T
it is thoroughly French in tonie atill D.STMSON & SOUNS,
Ann Arbor Savings Bank Thsompson, Gatchell, Breaky, Sec. treatmntt. State Street Grocers
Ann Arbor Su lk. Ca i.talStock, 50,000, Wade, Tress. Soule and Pres. Angel --- - Students patrnlage espeially solicited.
Organized under the General Banking Laws yntTT "'lrt245S. STATE STREET.
01 thin state. Reeives tDeposits, tuys and are some of thlemn. What a pity this G? AjNDjJ .RA T.U.UU.
sells exchange oh the principa1 itlea of the
U'nited S ta. Drafts ahed aupon proper change could lot have taken place a ,
identification. Officers:
CHRISfTIANMACK, PFen., year ago. Dc
W. D. HARRIsMAN, Tice Fres.,. Tuesday Eve., Dc 1. 1891 .1
CtHAS. N. ISCOCK, Cahier.
M4adisols son from Evanston on
T2 LGITAI.'T'hanksgivicng day, by a score of 40
in~O~tS onhip f te NotluWeotrn ollee M ss Ire ne 1(ent, 71 Fort St., Went. - Detroit, Mhch.
Win. Arnold's,i league. 1
35 Main StreeLt.- Thayug n rllateohoihIAnan Arbor and Ypsilanti Street
Grand Opera House. actress supported by thte well known Railway.
Gam'___C atar actress Miss Blerthia Welby and Time table 1akigefcOtor4,9.
A A N D Aan artistic Dramatic Company under i ng050 ~thr4 St
That much talked of play, 'This the ache Managemient of trave Ann ArborsroCtn ourt House at f.15~
Clemenceau Caae," whicht was adopted 7.0,9 20,t10.50 a. in., lnd 12.50, 220, 3150, 5.20.
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, by William Fleron, from the French 65,2,... Situ p.mn.
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! dramatization of Dumas' striking Mr. Josh E. Ogden ase tat 12St10.5 I~.a
novel of the same name, will have its . d30S2.0,33.5.O ,0, .tS, 11S .m.
3astalHuoSotreet, first presentation at the Opera Htouse - SUNDAY TITABLE.
onTusaDecember 3. The east - "-I Leave Aran Arbior teamCorHose at 1,10.
7 TAKEUY A includes Miss Sibyl Jonstone and oth- 5, .0 .0 82,95,p t
IJE IR N CUSE. ers of, the participants io; the .NewkyPrices, - 35, 50 and,7 7tsL9.A id 30;a S5 330 5 .p.8.0
~~~~.IT WILL PAY YOUt. Shorthand Setent, New York Standard- Theatre protduttion... 53,p i
Ctar non sseCity 2Tme. (Coupon Orkets, 55
Building, 10 south state street. Those who are not familiar with the l fPeaanalae at Pl 0}.NSes stands *.;lJdntsFreiev ct id Lmntora.

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