THE U. OF M. DAILY. X~l.Of 3M T "tI lowe at he U ofM. than at any '~J(. of1~?~s ' L IfI~ other large university in the country. T 1 1At Harvard, for instance, the drink- Published Daily (Sundays excepted) drng ni and gmln became so general& o, ,tt s. the Collee ear, by cng gambling general THE U. OF M,. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION that the municipal authorities found have received for te opening of college 20,000 Books new and secont ____it necessary to raid several of the hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books, Subsription prie S.5h pee yea, invariably fraternity houses. Large quantities which they will sell at Greatly Reeuced Prices. is advanee5ginrl copies 3 cents. Os sale at Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See or Note Books. seesan s and Post office news stand at 12 of liquor were found in them, and for 189-2. o'clock, noon. Subscriptions say be left at the students were compelled to pay the olfce of the SiDulLY, Opera Ooe block at fines of considerable amount. The(( Shea',a t>e',o ihwt n fte1 ~ editors. News said that "In the language of ___'_____OJ/ ;. Communiations should reach thenoffcc by 7o'clock P. a. if they are to appear thensct the Camp1s, 'Old Prexy give it to u day. Address all moter inlended tr public- straight' this morning. " It is to be tion to the Managing Editor. All busnes hedtanotuntt commsunications should be et to the Busi sincerely hoped tht ostdnta ness Mnsger.f the U. of M(. would be guilty ofh Eh~N COL fBSNS THE U' of M. DAILY, ' such vile grammar. Then aain Four departmets-commercil No tetbook Ann Arbor Mich.( or manuscript work-&gish, Shorhand and -I President Angell never said that __ Penmanship Elegant building rg at _ _ tendase efficient istructor, work to EDT~."atyear wattehortinth-h ogh living epeses etemely low $.25to RHcuSuNE, '92 Mnoint Edior. ( tory of the University for drinking $2.5 pr week, students asise to psii~o.Frctaloue, addres P. R. CLEARY, President. S. w. CUviss, '2, Assist. Mnagig Editr. ____________________________________________ G. L. Couroas, '2, Assist. Manoagit Editor, and gamlig," o i esy ta J. C. Tosvs, '2, nsiness Maager. if gambling was not entirely stopped > ~ ICHIGAN T..ENT1RaL, W. P. PARosE, '1, Aoist.Ilusisees nager _________________ C. x. RuseTswi, '4, Assist. tuinsics Mangr. the big, strong doors would be shut The 1igars Falls Rufe.> H. n. JEwni,t P. G.0 . x5.5I.DtLeLoSnc.'2 anti the college closed." He mer-AS M SiFEORD F 0). Ea, '02. F. E. OroGLes '0'. TIME TABLE (REVISED) JUNE, 2, 191 F. E. JAsETTE, '5.3. J. . AoaIL.'5l. ly said that it was noticed that what jM ~ CNELSADR IE 01.Orc,'P. ICF.BLs,5. little gambhling or drinking existedEAT RD .r....P....,o.. ,had somewhat increased towards the F NE The LeadeiESTAD NFrdysDtotEeigNwclose of last year and he wished it in Fashio0ns 1iii Eioe apISiLIm RapEx. RAt. xNFiy'DertEvngNws inacnpcospaea h edstopped, and we have no doubt that e1ibitTi htgL. a, . a.Bp. PM . PB. e.M in88cnsicuusplceat hThed erca- Til-ChcaoLv. rb70122lb 9tn50B10i110 455 his xords xii be heeded. i.U Q '.'''piJaco .:i551425 ibO30 t84.50165550 of the first column, there appeared 'J\J 2 ' o r in g. Fine Chelsea::.. 39 ...a.... s. l01 ie 92 an alleged account of the remarks of We have decided not to publish linetof.Piece143ate ..... .. ..). . .545 7251 s55 25 Ypilnt 6-_622 ss 0- 4510 President Angell in chapel. The the list of junior laws to-day, as wv ectxp siluai .... 53 60 ... , 95623 000[1532 report was preceded by the follow- cannot yet make it complete. It Goods to selct aysJac 52, ..... .. 418315 ingfiaringhead-lines: "T'heStudents wiii be printed to morrow. fromn. Call for Dttoit,A. i61I45 720i1045 ,30 920-1115 Gamble. Whisky and Cards in the 40 7531Ibs._ The introductory lecture in the a1 ine fitting WESTWARD. University Curriculum. President meia-eprmn--a ey agl mdcldprmnwaveylreysuit. Chi. N'th AngellMakes ar onthe Evls. (ss. nte Chi. Lim Ow.shro Pa. Mas AnelMksWro h vlattended. Dr. Ford was received in 9 S. MAIN ST., No. if)Ep Ex..L- - x.A- e Last Year top ortp iapthop.itListNEa.1Am. LatYa h os nteHsoya very enthusiastic manner. This AM. A.. A.M. A. .P..AM of the College.'' The report p- sBufails,.t.....fala 1201630 945 34120 6t0 year's is probably the last freshman AsNs~asn, as . S lanSteet. A.M.'A.M. en. r. M . P.,.PM. rt pears in another column. Detoit Lv.. 820 719 121 745 95 919 44 class that he will ever address. He i neJnc 00.. -...8259 .. . 954 5 1 In the first place, it is hardly nec- remarked that thrty-seveniyears ao7.-.....1015I540 esrtosythat the whole report he addressed his first class in this ehi -Mill.. 948 .. ..... .... esayt aeDsxter.. ...... .-.925 ...- ocr '6 is a gross exaggeration of what the institution. Since that time the hela...01-- 61 Prsien ~tal dd5a It1Sanumbers have increased very largely_____________" _____Jakso...., 1100 95 54 1021s1 15 1415 welkonfatta heNwY l and the course has been extended Chiano. Ar. 755 3;5.9n60 60 49850511159 wlnway a n hostileht the Ner-a from two to four years. He devoted LEAVE YOUR ORDERS +Daily. -Sunday xcepted washsbe otl oteUie-the hour to words of counsel and -AT I - sity, and never misses an opportunity advice to the new student. He ~qOW. RUGLES H. W. HAYES, to bring the students or the authori- spoke very earnestly against the . S NESS STANDLLL) .LG. P. &T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbr ties into disrepute. This may arise tobacco habit. -FO- frmeihr4n f w tgshBSNESL _AS Newspapers, Magaines, Periodica, Fine Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Newsis ell now as sesatinalMichigan Railway. Nesi elkona estoa Notices insertdis thi column at the rate-gonitoeecSeemr13i6. nesppr.Iti nt apr O f 18 cets per line. Special rates for longer1 Time Table glgmoefc cimc 1 81 nesae.I snta ae ftime, sd extrain s furnished by applying at . lArya ftxson o 9so high moral tone, but is published the DALY offcel 5a 7 - for thesole pupo'e ofmaking utzel & Co. on Main st. have a t x~~~nsesas book in their possesion that was found ® fl DNo2. Through Mail and Expres... 7 40 a. . money, without regard to the char- on the street. rliITiu APHjj No. 4. Ann Arbor & o Tledo A~cn. . 1150 a. in. acter of the matter contained in it. WANTED-Single room, moderate No. 6. Clare Passenger......- 55 p. in. Iti ooiosfc ht tatcssize, including bath, within five blocks NO. 12 W. HURON ST. GOI 5052154i. Ilanooiufattaitatcsof the University. Address. statingo 1. Clare and Toledo Accot-...1 0 am. men in high official standing and price, Z. Y. Z., U. of M. DAILY. fd ~ ~ ~No.. Through ail- --........920 p.. subjects them to virulent abuse, One large suite of rooms, nicely fur- CGRA mT=EMRS TNo.9. Ann Aror & Toledo 6rnbtenAost. . i. iaiished, steam heated, at 26 Maynard Tledo oiny. u etenAn ro n simply for the purpose of advertising street, one block west of law building. Central standard Time. itself and making the paper salable. Students' clocks-every one War-(P flI1?D lililll' All Trains Daily except Sunday. Te agiseveralyerag Dr. ranted. Watts' Jewelry Store, 10 . SCHOOlIiL 'UflRULDANCING W. H. BENNETT, R. S. GREENWOOD, Thens again Main-St. Gen. Pass. Agent Local Agent. Donald Maclean, then a professor in A look through our line will convince NoopnfrectinfPuls the University, secured a judgment you that we are the house to purchase NoopnfrectinfPuls for $20,00o against the News, for your Clothing, Furnishing Goods and flHats of. Call and see them. The11 I libel. In this fact may also be found Two Sams. Mr. Marshall Pease, who has been Q ' a reson or te hotiliy ofthetrade. All will say, at the Two Sams. cessful class in voice culture Since Newt against the "pride of ,Michi- We have the novelties for you. The April 1st, will continue his work ga." Two Sams through the coming year. A natural repotno and correct methof rduigand- The reor o last Friday was Hot and cold baths 10 cents, at Post placing the voice. Sudiowith the IR in. evra' epes~ heOffice Barber Shop. Aie.ige iaoColi an-t incorrect nsveallsef. h ooms-2 suites with furnace heat wheralae all particurulars C may 5 be i obtaned moral tone of the students is no0 and use of bath rom-at No. 5 Monroe. Voices tried free of charge. _______ _______