THE U., OF M. DAILY. ~:WE ARE :1..EOPLE. -<> ANN ARBOR( ORGAN COMPANY, V Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company._ New Was crowns, - - - - - - C'orner of Ma n and Liberty _Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Ioaijos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL°'ASTONISH+ YOU. JFid 7Ixr2ZsN'T' S 3kv-mw STTC TOR, 25 South O Oarth Avenue, City. Not Silk UmbrellJaS B UT -A NEW LINE OF- } iALBANY LAW SCHOOL. AT . L NOBLE'S SIGN opF THE NEDl STAR. *I ESTABLISHED 1851. trsSoiiS f 0+/ 1 ~~~~COURSE, one year'. Three fill trsSom Saii Uso trop requiired. Terms begini, Sepitembiler, JSainar id March. R azorSs ENTRANCE AT ANY 'TERM.': O~ GO- -E Corp of Inructor and Lecturers O G - - Degree of LL. B. Conferred. AT Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. New Goods, niew Fall Goods, new Silk Vestinigs, Overcoatins, Loindiii Largest and nmost complete stock. in tlt- Address the Dean or Secretary, and exainee. C ALKINS PHARMACY. i ALBANY, N. '1. NO. 2 EAST WASHIN TT r TI rn R Eb dJLLY 0&~ 3. Owig to the Exsprationutlaet We are selling Nickel Plated Centre Daft Lumps St SELL greatly Reduced Prices. Slc5O will go as Car this year as 2 50 weould last year. "RE STR"OILSAFSTAND BEST in Morket, Delivered in our own Cansst Customiers inay part of t 55iy t1 cents pergslloa. OIL CANS of all sines and at Lowest Price. Shun Brushes, Bllacking ad Toilet AND ALL Articles at one-Third lens than usual Prices. n tIcdgnls' S t pp1Ess, (+Dn_/Tr +) ' 'Leasve Ordiera for all D ---- ATHLETIC + GOODS. 44 SOUTrH SAIN STREET.- - - - --ANN ARBOR, NICH -For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. Winter Gooids, Full Dress Sulitings, Suitinigs. Trouscririga a specialty. e-city, at the lowest prices. P'lease cull vGTON ST., near Maul. tBILLIARD PARLORS 'legantly refitted daring the past summae, Nice luasciicounater in cunnectiona. t BUTTS- & HAZLEWOOD, STATE STREET, ANN ARBORI. -2THE ARGUSQ-- FINZ JO013 xfRJJ'4@ " AT LOSW PRICES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK lOF ANN ABOR. SCapitol, Xel0,0000. Surpluisand 'rofits, $30,000. 'Trasacts a generul, banking businss, eor- eign echanguce sold, letters of credit procured foir travelers abrolid. C'. IH. RICHMOND). Prrs. P. hAl Id '. lii.. 5 . W5. CL'ASuiON, Cashier 1 RRSSR~" { G-A NTG R S S HJ ?l DANCING Noss openi lot reception of Puiis. Never -ty e$in' LINEN COLLARS. YOU CAN GET h 'ye it oatniluithen Prie kin(11/ll n ninh, ofa BROWN'S DRUGT STORE. Chemical Physical Apparatus CR C49P andt X Parele m s Micopc al Supplies, EBE+RBACIL & SON., ° IIAV ERssiD Aco ~ A. I). SEYLER & 5011 Op r. Court House. J. B.M DLCOF, Type-Writing, '.1 1 Sirktml1foul Mimofiripliil, TheseN, lor- 1 i I ee Ltr er Lmc ssProofs ftir :t9Soilih 1crl is 5 nf alt inds.tUniv.Ave. =_STUD~ENTS'IHEADQt'ARTERS.- ".Buys," if you are looking for any of yoar f'rki s, tahe a chair in the Occidental Hatcl ottier for teu mintes. You will surely aee thieni. Five o'clock dinner, Sundaya. Sieiiai PHUOTOGRAPIIH 0O. 12 W. HUTRON -ST. -A- F.'0 0.T & TMD ^-'To- Newspapers, M gp nies,. 5'srjeaei$. -PiDD Cunfeetien6,.Cg s nand T seen. THE CAMPUS. thcrc will he vocal munsic by P~rof. i1 tarsliall Pease, of Y pnlaoti. \'ale defeated H-arvard ID lto 0. Like is the only mani in H-arsarud's Peniisylvaiiia hiolids third pace. eleven swho graduates lhis year. 'The foot-bal lteam oif the ti ty'oniT h'ie IDeclaration of Indlependsenlc Nenv York lies disbanidend. has beein translatend inton I-lebrewc ly It is reported that WYabash swill a Columbihia studnt. adopt co-eduscationiinj a year. 'Twcenty-seven stuiieiits were re- Harvard aiidlYale each spend ceiitly expelled froni Det'auisv Ca- annially aboot $50,000 ill athiletics. versity for playing billiardis. Mrs.lirof. lBenman will slng for the Weblster Society next NWednes- Results of the Yale-Harvard Fresh- day evenling. man dames. Yale defeated lPriuceloii a1(1 son the championship for 18111 hr a In view of tine Freshmnan foist-bali siore of 1g to o. genie today wre give the followving Lake Forest Uiversity iiow claims suniary of Yale-Harvard Freshnnain the ono ofhavng he linst ol-games. 81 will be secn that in some thehonr o haingthefinst ol-years twro games were played aind in lege gymnnaniom nii the wvest. others none at all. 'Flize Jeffersonian Society wiii give Poiit t. their first public entertainment ill Yeri. 51acc. 'ale-. Rarvard. lie law lecture rooim next Friday :1876 IBostonIi, I0 18 night. 11877 Newsvnen 0I 6 Corisell wvas defeated by Chicago 1877 Boston . 0 4 t18791 New Halven S 0 121 to 4. The game was a slugging 18711 Cambridge 18 0 one and Cornell was knocked ot. 1880 Cambridge 22 0 Galbreaths, their ceintrc, beiigsgeS- 1881 New Htaveni 16i (1 vcrely cot by Alward, aisd. Johan- 1882 Camobridge _ i 6 so0a, captain, Inaring his ncck badly '8888; New Havens 51 5- 186twisted. 81 Cambridge * 4 22 1887 New Haven* 2 6 Of the many interesting evenings ,1888 ;.Cambridge 4.. liii oh thne Unity Club this year, the 1cc- 1889. New Itaven 12' *;35 're this evening, by Col. Sylvester 18 /) Cambridge- 4,. 14 Lamned,' of Detroif, will undoubtedl y. The scor~e for the series stand with bfe one of-the' beat'.- His subjegt i four victories: for Yale, eight for 'Personal Reminiscences of Wash- Harvard, and two tie games. The ington irs the days of Clay, Webster total score is. Yale non, Harvard 'and Calhoon.'- Besides the lecture 152. + New Effects in NECKWEAIt. New Ideas in WHITE SIRTS. WAGNE 1R *&:Co. TAILORS AND FURNsISHERS. Handsome' $ty~i~h SUJITINWS.