THE U. OF M. DAILY. ;WE ARE THE PEOPLE. : ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY Foimeily Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. .New Was c.,oeines, - -_ - - - " - - Corner of' Mine and Liber y Streets. I will 'Open the Ball" by placing a flue stock of Guitars, Ihnijos. etc. PRICES THAT VWIL.L ASTONISH YOU. Find 7ixLSE's 2xM'asZo S=Ox=, 25 BoSt lorihAvenue, City. A NEW LINE OF- ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. Not Silk Umbre]]aS BUT- Stormfistaying Ulsiors, AT As L, NOBLE'S SIGN OP THE REDl STAR. Strol ESTABJISHEID 1551. ,1 sCOURSE, one year. Three toll terms V 5 requiiredI.'t'erms begin, September, January a11(1Marchi. R azor, ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. Degree of LL. B. Conferred. ATI Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Address the Dean er Secetary, - - For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. New 'Goodslneu' l1ll Goods. new Winter Goods. Full Dress Suitings. Silk Vestings. Osvereostings,, London Suitiiigs. T1ronserings a specialty. Largest si od iist complete stock in the city, at the lowest prices. Please call and~ examine. CAL KINS' PHARMACY. yjL v ALBANY v, ''. v. NO. 2 EAST WAI, R1 ljIJO L"[Y t 'O Ois intue Expiratiiin itp teats, We are seliNi ckeel Piated CentiesDraft imps a1 SELL gr.eatilyIReduced Prices. S150 wtill go astfar this year as $2 50 icosid last yeari "RED STAR" OIL SAFEST AND BEST in Market, Deivered insu own iCaiss ti Cistoimers isin liy art at the Cite at 10 teats peregallos. ____________________ OIL CANS occlsizlesesind5atLowest Priee. Shoe Brashes, Blaingseand Tailei AND ALL, Articles titiiOie-Third less than esal Prices. a s ttiIants' c pp1as, O nAP '+ ' (OmpAflY. LeaesOrders fr le II&- -- ATHLETIC + GOODS. 44 SOUTH MAIN STREET,- - - - - -ANN ARBO R, MICE f tOre. OUR rNEW UNKVE'FRSII'i" SOU 'I?1I. Clii'cif is ciy csf our lands ic cpilirnis of'"U. itf1M .,''' Mis'hio'iii''aild'' Iis Arbor''Souii'''ea, t'fc an(si {Choate lals ciis-giiltsixiied ani hright finishi. No. 1lOS. MAIN SI EE r. \GTONST., sisar Masin. BILLIARD PARLORS Elegantly refitted during Itie post summer, Nice Ilunch couster is oncin BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STATE STREET, ANN ARBlORd. --THE ARGUSs--- AT rOse PRICS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN AROR. Capiiital, 8( ili00ii. Suriilau sail Profits, $30,00i. Tr'iiiisactsis genalbanginc-'bsaaiiess, fcit sits exchiiniiesoldltettrsiittcreidit pricursedi fori travie'leis aboad C.'f II 005dM151 Pues P. IMCII, SLOHOOL F1OR DANING rNow opens far receptionaat Puils. New -Styles in LINEN COLLARS. ii 1New Effect3 in +ii} NECKWEAR. ' i New jdeas in WRITE SHIRTS. YOU CAN GET .ilhi, cii BROWN'S DRUG STOREH. Chemical Physical Apparatus ~x C. P. and Raen lis era' ,Microscopical Supplies, EBERBAC H & SON. HAVlsE EARNEDo AN : Y ~~A. D.SEYEI1& .ON 1 Opp. Courl House. J. B. MIDDLECOFF, Type-Writing. Shart-HassI aoilMimeographsing, Theses, Gin". resonece, Aetares, als Proefs for ,39 Soiuth PWhlicallan of all kindst nver:e O~~IDEOW7LL + STUDENTS'. HEADQUATES "Hey.s," it yes are looking tsr any of sor Crel 1, take a chair in the Oeciiletal h ,t office for ten nminutes. Yoo will nusely* sen them. Five o'clock dinner, Sundays. Spneia raten. THE CAMPUS. One of theCoUcrnell players gavs Ticeinewe Connmenceient Hail at it as Ihis opinion tlnat,wiitit propei Prinaceto~n sas becin began. training, Michigain'scoos lime coldl Corinth's ness buildinig tar tile lawsscsort against any' team inCtecasio- artsool is is process cit erection. try. Cornlacl University sill send sin G. A. Katzenberger, law 'go, swhs exhsibit to 11hc Colsimebiain Expositioin sas sdepartmnent editor afthtin Argo- in 1893- natwvhile Iert, Inas returned to his Thseiaew V. NI. C. A. bisilding at l omtein Greenville, Ohnio, atter a Dartmaouthi will be conmpleted in a year's travel in Europne. fewv weeks. The Webster literacy society, at tows State U'niversity loss a gym- thoeir meeting Wednesday evenoing nasiuni class for professors three weill debate cte questioln, "IResolved, times a week. 01-st the goverlnment should encour- Griffith, Cornell's righat guard, age only education and agriculture. said hat 'T'upper was the strongest leaving msanufactures to take cart of opponent he had played against tis themslves." f seasoni. The Trinity faculty have decided to make daily attendance at chapel compul-sory, instead of four times a .week, as formerly. Chas. Miles, '9r-law,-is practicing Omah! ia,'No raska, 'Mr. Vinsoin- hal-e r, M,.Roadebush and Mr. iles 'are*located in the same buiild- Beginning with thois year, two prices of $6o and $40, respectively, are offered at Harvard to thne two sophomores or juniors who shall have pursued the moot profitable course of reading dosing- the year, due regard -being-.given to health. The judges are to" be the president, the -professor of Ehnglish literature and the librarians-Ex, WJWAGN1PR & Co. TAILORS AND FURIINSHERS. + OYERCOATINGS. tyihSUITINGS,