The Meeting of the Athletic Direc-
tors.on Saturday.,
The board of directors of the Ath-
letic Association met Saturday morn-
ing at 9 o'clock in Alpha Nu hall.
It was decided to hold an election
on Saturday, Oct. so, to fill the va-
cancies of president, vice-pres.ident,
two directors in the literary depart-
ment, two in the law department,
and one in medical and homeoo-
pathic department.
E. L. Sanderson, '93 lit, was ap-
pointed president pro tem. of the
Members of the Athletic Associ-
ation will be admitted to all home
foot-ball games and probably to
base-ball games, and have the use of
the tennis courts without paying
anything extra for season tickets.
Manager Farrand has arranged a
number of dates for the foot-ball
eleven, some of which have not been
fully decided upon. The following
are the dates:
Oct. so.-Albion College.
Oct. 7.-Olivet, the present
champions of the inter-state league.
Oct. 30, 3z.-The state tourna-
ment at Jackson, when games will
be played between U. of M., Olivet,
Albion, and D. A. C.
Nov. 14.-Chicago, at Chicago.
Nov. 21.-Cornell, at Detroit.
Word has been received from Le-
high University, located at Bethle-
hem, Pa., to arrange a date with U.
of M. in Ann Arbor.
Dates will probably be arranged
with Purdue University and Cleve-
land. Manager Farrand went to
Detroit Saturday to arrange games
with D. A. C., and an all-Detroit
Students of the University are
urged to join the Athletic Associa-
tion before Saturday, so that all the
departments may be fully represent-
ed at the meeting for the election of
officers next Saturday.
From the Detroit News.
In the language of the campus
"Old Prexy give it to us straight"
this morning At the chapel meet-
ing Iesijdent Ang'ell talked to the
stu ents like a Dutch uncf6. He
deplofed the fact that last year there
hadbeei-so mudh gabbling and.
drinking. i ry plain terms 'hey
said there must be less drinking,
and, if gambling was not entirely
stopped, the big, strong doors would
be shut and the college closed. The
president did not say what means he
proposed taking to prohibit gaming
and tippling, and it is the general
opinion that if he is in earnest,
instead of delivering a lecture he has
a big contract on his hands. Last
year was the worst in the history of
the university for drinking and gam-
bling, and the president seems to be
fully aware of its demoralizing influ-
Dr. Elmer C. Brown.
Dr. Elmer C. Brown, the new
instructor in the Science and Art of
Teaching, is a native of New York.
He graduated from the Illinois State
Normal School in 1881, afterwards
teaching in Illinois schools for seve-
ral years. Entering the University
of Michigan in 1885 he took his
Bachelor's degree in 1889. The
next year was spent at Halle, Ger-
many, where he took his Ph. D.
Last year he was principal of the
Jackson High School. Dr. Brown
has made pedagogy his specialty and
comes particularly well prepared to
take up the work so successfully
carried on by Professor Hinsdale.
Judging from his first lecture, deliv-
ered Friday, his courses will be as
interesting as profitable.
Prof. Griffin's Lectures in Court.
It is related of a '91 law, who has
located in a Montana town, that he
got into a dispute with a justice of
the peace, before whom he was try-
ing a suitas to a point in "evidence."
Each was positive he was right, and
that the other was wrong. Finally
the justice agreed to let the attorney
have his away if he would produce
some "authority" to sustain his po-
sition. Law books are not as plenty
as they might be in that town, but
after skirmishing around for some
time he finally hit upon an idea and
triumphantly produced his "notes"
on Prof. Griffin's lectures, which
sustained his argument. The jus-
tice gave in and the embryo lawyer
scored his first victory.
Robert Gerner, who has been an
efficient clerk in Sheehan's popular
book store for the past five years,
has entered the :cetta1 departmnenrt.
The Ways of the Medics.
It is an annual custom among the
old medical students to give the
Freshman an enthusiastic reception
during the few minutes which pre
cede the introductory lecture. They
are entertained with jovial and ap-
propriate songs and are admonished
not to take the front seats. ''Ever
and anon" a foolhardy Freshman
takes a journey from the front seat
into a far country. A short time
prior to the lecture Dr. CampbellI
enters and forcibly impresses it upon
the minds of the susceptible Fresh-
men that they must ''come up the
north steps and go down the south
steps." It goes without saying that
atter a few long to be remembered
experiments they learn to obey the
unwritten law of the Medical De-
The High School Rush.
The High School juniors and sen-
iors finished their rush last Satur-
day. The seniors had the first kick
off, but three fair catches by the
juniors carried the ball within a
rod of the seniors' goal. Then by
hard rushing and timely kicking,
the seniors finally won a goal. This
made one apiece for the classes, and
the third was to decide the contest.
The seniors claimed to have scored
several goals after this, but their
claims were disallowedand they then
withdrew, the rush being awarded to
the juniors.
Medic Foot-Ball Eleven.
The Medics should be able to
organize a very strong team this fall.
Among their number we find such
men as Pearson, Glidden, Doyle,
Jewett, Holden, Breakey, Adams,
Murbach and Heart.
Post-Graduatss--Law '91.
Will H. Trook is practicing law at
Marion, Ind.
Geo. E. Clark has formed a part-
nership with one of the strongest
firms in South Bend, Ind.
Mr. See is at Minneapolis.
Mr. Dorn is practicing at Cleve-
land, Ohio.
Mr. McKeen will study at Harvard
this year.
The unsightly boarding house signs
should be-ipped down from the
Univesity and the campus.
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