_______ NEW GOODS,
______NEW GOODS.
The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
- verco at i - The J. I. Jacobs C0.,
j The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
2~r~ ~ I1~~o ~N. B.-We still have a nice assortment of L~ight Weigh tOvercoats
I.. be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices.
. '
Anl Arbor 8togllIElllĀ±Y, C0A . GEORGE L. MOORE (Mo ,,)+ +
_)gTetWORK ClALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A Fati Line of all College TetBooks, including Lase aad Medical Bac/ro. by the sacok/.
CALL oN Cheapest place fsr Na/c Books and Foaldain Pensin the city. Freshmenecrowd is. Came along
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. 1\l A B R old eriends. I eaow have my entire steek at my storeson NO. 6 S. MAIN ST.
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. NO. It WEST WASrIIINGTON STREET. GEO . 2iIOOE.
Ever Stuent illsave nioney by baying University Text-Blooks ad all supplies it Iteadquarters. We allow, Orders- hortrlins, parties,wedddings, c/c.,
special disco//lt 011 LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. I)ENTAL BOOKS, i/lior t, everyBook rHoed in thli Tepephateyeateno/
Universily. 5,000 Blank Books at lowest prices. MISS JUDITH GRAVES,
HighestGeades Taught. App/y a01 Wi/cry'-
LEADtNG BOOR. STORE IN THtE CITY. I - Musie Store. ___
Rltzhm1ond SfraIght Qcit. Literary Adelphi. Schiilarships 1/ave beenl abolished1 Has all theiunprovedsmachine, and/i~s pre.
___paced toIarnsetmiIrst class mar/ sostno-
No. 1 (- at Coloubia. lice. Commseria whortrerdot soae day
N F . ricen reasonable and sari.aanteed. No-
CIGARETTES Hat. maeThtlWb Cda/l I. C. Gates, '90oruedicia in ihe t'0Easet Husron e. A '. CfitM,ipelr
f Ā¢ Cigarette Smokersawho syutem ofGov-ernmenta een ia/the city fursa few days. i0 . MARTIN,
areaiiig Co Dsy a little HntdSaei e~rta h ai EALER IN
snore than the price TheedtaeoiDelertaatm Ui 'sgvea prtthisClt
charged far Ike ordinary netsystem as seesin EnglandTheDela gieoprtyCaskets, Metalic
teaa/c C/garettes. will Sand Affrmative. e. . H ielenhack evening at their house. ANTS COSMMON COFFINS.
aTHeRAs.unperior to Neaie . HIHakn
TeinHiaso roun ha ben brkenat ilj J. A. POLHEMUS,
The Richmond straight Earle. Gon a enboe tWl
CtNligarettes are madetfrom thehbright- Hot de/sate. . . ..-------------- -- IiniaTor7anewChemial.L
esl, most delicately fSavored and highest cost -HasCollege franwceialS'05HC ANHA AELI,
Gold Leaf grows in Virginia. This is the Old Music. NeSO/BUSHAClAiND S/reeL LNE
and Orignal Brand of Straight Cat Cigarettes, lbrtr.NrhMi tet
and wan roughtsout by us ia the year 185labratoy. ,lstya fRuh RNE &SAO
Bwroriiainadosretath JaeL.gL.Dirm name as helow isan every package. Medical College, is now a member BaoerePrvsinlu and Feeds i
The ALLEN & GINTERI ranchGrcrePoionFluadFe,
ManfateAera ihoaccnd.,Virinia first course of the series of of the sophomore medical class of S and 85E. Washington SC.
lectures on special subjects to the U. of Mis. J. H A L L E R ,
~te 11a ant RIuade 11k. graduate laws is now being delivered Bowdoin College has just received fT~E~z
C'apital,$50,000._NSurplusaussProfits, $17#)0. by Dr. High, of Chicago. The sub- a cast of the Marble Faun, the oni- ISeaarise anlpveia/itv d46 SOvUTH fMAINaST.
Hoes a general Hashing business. Pays is- ject of "Injunctions" was completed ginat of whichbyPoitlir is inT Tt r ' ..tvav
terest on Saving Deposits. Has safety byro 'te, J. . . TIiviuui SONS)
Deposit Hones fur Rent. Wednesday; yesterday he began his the Capitotine at Rome. The I Sfate Street Grocers
IKEMFF, Pret. F. H. HELSER, Cashier.
Hank on Saturday evening. course of lectures on "Receivers.'' statue wvas presented to the college Students patronrage especially solieited.
An ro aig akDr. High is peculiarly filled to han- by the class of '81. + 24 . STATE STREET.
AnnsArbor Mich. CapitaliStock,Sao,0l, dle these subjects, having written At the University of Wisconsin,
Sarplus, $100.000.
Organised under the General Hashing Laws standard works on both. He is also in place of the old custom of hazing,
of thiu state. Receives Heposits, buys and\
sells exchange us the principal cities of the the author of a well-known work on they have a sophoniore-freshman
UidStens. Dlerfs cahdpun proper"Etariry Rudi
ie tato. Ofcres ensrordnad Legal Reed," field day contest, when they meet in
w. H. HARRIMaw. Vice Fres., which has been adopted as a text- fair conmpetition, each class trying toQ
Ctsa.N. tooca Cshirbook for candidates for the Master win the largest number of contests.
Tlxm oRIGI2T.-r of Laws degree. - " . - 71 Fort St..We-T., - Detroit. Mich.
A bioraphyof D. Hig was Donit go it blindly again. You want ___
'I .of -uAbigah ofD.Hg ws a TIlU/NE (Detroit) Siunday, to get a 'Jo '//5/'/Si A i Fl/sNG VOFOoT
H~ox-mpublished in the DAI/LY last year. well-written up account of the U. o1f BAI./ GsAME,-We will refund the
V/m. Arnold'sHe graduated from the law depart- M. Corniell Foot-ItB a nltDetroitter/tad eunStra
Sil Mats Street. ment with the class of 1166, and in The D~etroit Tnibune is the only De-' on any $5 purchase or over.
1187 the honorary degree of Doctor troit paper tthat interests itself in the Gol iOEN EAGLE CLOTHING Co.
1'3 NA DF 17. of Lw was conferred upon him byPopular aid healthful sports of the U.m':;
Y of~4,~ lw M. boys. Subscribe, or leave your NO)TICE. - se 1" Elite Terpsi-
____________ this University. orders at Opera Htouse News Depot. chiore" will hioltd its first regular
FIN-POTGRPH*,A-GodChnc. meeting On Tuesday evening, Nov.
MLIEYAND ART GOODS! The Cornell men have a guard on MI4LNLRYtevert membr'belreten
their team who is 6 feet 6 inches in C. J. Sletterly is offering50 bath pomptlyat8occk
30 Cast Havon Streest, tickets for sale to-day, and gives prizes E A r1 ._Teewl ea
height,- and heavy and muscular in with every $1.00 worth. Ge and aski OIE Teewl eay
AHR H ND TK proportion. He is a Canadian and him for further particulars, anuto college color ribbons and
COURS1 flags on-sale at the M. C. depot Sat-
IT WILI.PA'Y YOU. Shorthand Sahoetl, New11 said to be a veritable tower of Mtehigan vs. Cornell at Detroit urday: morning. Boy your colors
Buildlsn.;5* Soth'State Street. strength. Ito-uaorrow, I~r"ad atoieth os