THE U. OF M. DAILY. r A WE ARE THE PEOPL.E. < ..-YAN.N ARBOR~ ORGAN OOMPAN\Y, ; Formyerly Atimendinger Piano and Organ. Company. New Wayrerooiria - Corner of aino and Liber ly .M eels . it vvv r " GL/ VI VV!lGU r f "' ' T. I I will "Open the Ball" by placiiig a floie stock of Guitars, Blanjos, etc. PRICES THAT W1ILL.ASTONISH YOU. Find 7i"=9=-s UTTiC S-ZoRE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. A NEW LtNE OF0 ' ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTABtLISHEJD 151. rOCOUiRSE, otie year. Three frill tertns S-~p required.- Terms begin, Septemsber, SJatnuarvyotnd Marcci. R azor~, ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. Etcilt1Corp of Intruotoro and Looroo Dlegree of LL. B. Conferred. - AT Fall Term of :1892 Begins Sept. 13. -Addrestke Dean or Secretary, SILK UMBR ELLAS.' AN ELEGANT ASORTMENT Ar SIGN Or THlE RED STAR. For HIGHEST CLASS. TAILORING. New Goods, iieir Fall Goods, tnew Wtnter Goods, Full Dress Sniitigs, Silk: Vestitogs, Overcoatiiigt, Londont Suiitigs. Trotuseritigs a specialty. Largest andl tmost complete stock in the city, at the lowest prices. Please call asnd examnei. CA KN ' PHARMACY. ALBANY, N. Y. NO. 2 EAST. WASHIN, Ra tlsrL 01 o in ':g to the Expiration at Patents, We are toiling Nickel Plated Centre tDraft Lamsep at SELL . reatly Reduced Prices. $150O will go at tar this yersat$2 50 swould loot year. onCats toCutmr in any pr fteCt t1 cents per gallon. _________OIL__CA__Sof alt oizet and at Lowest Price. Shoe Brushes, tBlacking and Toilet ANTD ALL Articles t ite-Third lets than usual Prices. tcdn' spia,''' + '&-+ OmP-AflY- Leaivc Orders cor all }° M ~~- ATHLETIC + GOO D S.14 SOUTH MAIN STREET.- - -- - - -ANN ARB)DR, M~ICH Jewelry s tore.OU NW 'U vEsr"SOV IR olie oesyorfo.sliaotniseispattsof "U. ofII t Michig-a' and "AnniiArbore" Soteiea 'Clfeand chocolate . poo-gilt, oxidtized riodbrighttfiaish. NOl. 105S. MAIN STREETi . YOU :CAN GET, THE CAMPUS. Ypsilantli, Not'. 24th, 010'T'urkey and _______ _____ ____-Turkisho customls. Whaiultruit, anl. todPliicI'gr~ill be t'riucetont seniors trill oear thicap 1)Thcrc will bc a meeting of sloe uiji taiid ,gown. thtroughsout the year. Philosophical Society Ibis evening BROWN'S~ DRUG STORE: I1t is saidol.that college nmen hoolil at 8 o'clock in roonm 21. Paper by 58 per cenot of Sloe offices throuigh- tDr. D~ewey. Subject, ''The toter- Chenical Physical Appartus 0olt tihe counitry. pretation of Literature.'" *1 Oer-one-half of Yale's m~en comeoc Tle new buildinog for tbe Medical SC. P. and c'jr froms Coinecticuit anod New York. Sclhool of Boston University, for -Rare OC~e calsMicrs copical Supplies. Oi omsistidvhich last. spring the trustees appro- EBOIAI O. Coriocli is enideavoring to raise lo riatell $500,000, is progressing tons to endow a pew ito the Anieri- rapidly and will be ready for occuI- ovtut-atcanochourchs in Berlin. pancy by next sprinig. S nRPUcTiit F.S. Flak, law '89, who hoas been Annsouncement is niade of the roRsi 1 rolit 11 OttO practiciog at Great Falls, Mont., noarriage on Decc. 17t11, of Prof. C. SOLICLTED killed himself with a revolver a short MI. Gayley, fornmerly of this city, .-A. D:SEYLIIII& ION timp ago. and Mist Sally Harris, of Detroit. Opp. Couroeo:Thl receipta of thae Harvard Atli- the ceremony is to be performed - ' letic Association, for last year were in Christ church, Detroit. J. B. MIDDLECOFF, $3,86¢3.,88; expenditures1 $3,846.27, At present there will be nso chatiges Type-Wriiting, which, lates a balance of $tl7.60. in the arrangement of lectures in Short-Band an Minwrpiq, Theses, tor ret onen turesa, alit Proofs for A- member of the junior class at the Medical Department. After the 39 South P AtiCon oabb.inds.''U~nix:.Ave - *,oClppyhaia -;haa .trattslated - into He- beginning of. the second semester O[ im~ji brew the Declaration of Indepen. there may be some given in the-news S~t'OE'J~ s5A~htTAtTEiS. , -e~t sd+0pthlshed itin hook-form. 'hobspital -instead - of in the medical Boy,"if oaac loktsg1r nyo~e*ar t'imtleus'Taminoaian, medic '93,uilditog.. The quizzes will probably. getands, take aocar ooi hecisierntaou H93 ffice gor tena chirtoe Toweit®i urely =cf''Anttoch " 'yrt s sto deliver ;a : he .held at the new hospital rafter its them. Five o'clock: 5f6ner, 0afie ya;" s Vl eeitePes einchrhoei rates. . 0, ect~til9S hePrsyteinchrh penig. 1GTON ST., niear Malili. BILLIARD PARLORS Elrgatntly refitted daring the pst smmer. Nice lunch counter in connection. BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STATE STREET, ANN AIIBOII. -ZTHE ARGUS,-. AT LOIW PRICES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP ANN AROR. Capitll$1(x),0000. Surcpluandt~ Profits, 530,000. rlrasacts a genceral banking buisiness, tor- rignu echclangetold, letters of cediit tirocured fioc Iravelers abrooad. C. H. ttICHt'MOND.Preo. P.I1ACtd,VliPey S. W. CLtRSaOi, dashies. 0-R.N2 -GR'S SLHOgL FOR D~~ Now opnit for receptioti of Ptupils. New tyles, in IAENEN COLLARS. SNew Effect5 in NECKWEAR. New Ideas in S WIIITE SHIRTS. WAGN1 R &Co. TAILORS AND FURNISHERIS. -Handsome OYERcoATIGS.