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November 19, 1891 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1891-11-19

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~T T~O ~ NRW G 5,S

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The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
The ~J. T. Jacobs Co.,
The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
N. B.-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weigh tOvercoats
to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices.

Anl Arbor 8toelllLallffry, C D0.A.L1.
Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WEST WASHINGTON STREET.

'GEORGE L. OOE uceso
A Futt Line of alt Colege Text Books, including Law anl Medical Ibocbo, by 1thestacbo.
Cheapest paee for Note Bookso awl Fountain Peres in the city. Freshmen crowd in. Come atong
otd friends. I now have my entice stock at my store on NO. 6 S. M AIN SiT.
amlo. Z.. 2OORhE.

EeyStudent will save mney by buying University Text-Books and all suppliec iat Itoadquarters. We allow! Orders for trains, portico. wrohldise, etc.,
special discount ott LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS, ito short, every Blook ttoed in the'i promptly attended to.
University. 5,000 Btatnk Books at lowest prieo rrhs 5 i.Ml t.ot.Sc fice
Highest Orades Taught. Apply ot Wilsey's
LEADING BOOK STORE IN THlE CITY. (___ Music Store. ___
# I TH3E - FXCF.I.*SIOR - 5AUN%1iftV
le'ln tagt j, The Castalian. Lyceum No.1IPHns alt the impeovedsmachinery, and is tpre.
________pared toturnouotlfrstlssworkochor kdtno-
No. ticer. Commercial work tinedlooi outsme day.
of'2 'Icnan Tbh~eumN. met 1ria Picesrerasonabolr adlootktehuaranoteed. No-
CIGARETTES cole Castatian o zwillcnan te Lcu o et rdy P ±t tttoroo s.. A.So' sol-ERy. I1copcotooo.
r, Cigarette Smokers who te name, class sod city address of evening at 7:30 in Newberry Halt, I - .DM.M ARTIN,
- te wllig t non lttl e EALER IN
morelitlo nay aprttc each stucdent in the literary depart- and presents the following program.: lt aktM tli
chrgdeotthocTh'Ie list from A to F inclu- 1. Short addreso to the alumni oftLyceum
Irad Cigaretts. ill fSodmet AND COIIIMON COFFINS.
Tas s~s upr t eha ee n h ec No. i_. . ._____..M _4r. Wiloe
THallBothers. prir bulle abeti nxput antt he facuctyit. Setect rending--------- --Mr.O(sboiin J. A. POLHEMUS.
Cot No. t CigarettesTrichdefrmndhStbight ultnbxits order that mistakes 3. Debate. Resolved, 'That Senators rf th em - .a.V1P .. J L
gsms eiateyfavrcdmadhighesbright- United States should be elected toy the ALSO'BI15SlFAC AND SBAGGAGE LINE,
Gold Lent grown is Virginia. Tbis nse Old ma e rectified before the list goes direct vote of the people. North Main Street.
ad Original tBrand of Straight Cat Cigarettes, to the printer. This list wilt be Atlirmative. ..---- --H. S. Cozer RNEY&SAOT
and was brought out by us in the year 1870.-RISY&EAOT
Beware of imitations, and observe hatteNgtv -----------M.ud
firm name an below innsn every patkage. t taken dlown tn two or three d . eatv. .M.Lude Bakers and dealers in
ThdaysALLENut&oleateEb theranety. Groerites, Provisions,Flour and Feed,
Of the American Tobacco Co.. and the remaner of te aphbtSand RSE Washington St.
Manufacturers, - - Richmond. Virginia. put up. See to it that your name, Among some of the most prom- - A ER
class and city address are all correct. ising candidates for position back oi
the- - --- line on Williams' foot-ball eleven Senrn spcut.__ 5O.tTtM5 T
Caia.5,N)_ustsadcjtu$LI. The Knowlton Club. are two sons of James A. Garfield.
Does a general Bashing business.. Pays in- I J. I D. S T P ~CDT
terest on Saving Deposits. Has safety A. dozen or so of senior laws have The professors of engineering, ag- -'L. 7DlU~l4~ l.lt't)
Deposit Boxes for Rent.I State Street Grocers
it. KEMPF, Prenn. F. N. BELSE, Cashier. ognzed a newsoit known as riculture and horticulture at Cornell
Bank on Saturday evening. oratsoit Students patronage especially solicited.
the Knowlton Club. The club is have been directed to prepare a plant 2.t .STATE STREET.
Ann Arbor Mich. Capital Svn Stock, ssBs,00,Bn organtzed for the purpose of literary for puttting the roads of the Univer-
Ssrplus, $10.000. and social advancement and nieets sity in the best possible condition,
Organised under the General Basking Laws
o1 this state. Receives Deposits, boys and once a week. The officers for the the object being to arrive at the best'
sells eschange on the principal cities of the
united states. Drafts cashed noon proper first term are: President, W. I. method of road building.
identification. Officerso
CHRISTIAN MAC, Pees., Manny vice-president, TI. C. Hare; Each stotdent at Phillips' Exeter' ~"
W. D. HARRIMANo. Vice Pres.,. ~
CHAS. . Rsscoea, Cashier. secretary, H. M. Ticknor. Academy htas been obliged on teg!t
TT OhITAI----- ---- - istering to file a statemaent, signed, 71 Fort St..Wont. - Detrolt. Mich.
'~e cStudents Robbed. by himself and his parents, to the- -----
' JL f RA Two stutdents living on the corner effect that he will not join or eni To THosF ATTENDING TH FFolT
SF0075 &F f Wllims nd aynrd trets ourge n ay wyansecet ocit oI ,S G ASiIF-We will -refund the
WiON. Arnold imsadManrdsret'sae nan aanscrt oit'fare to Detroit and return Saturday
Wm modsorscaoraiainntarve'3 Main Street. were robbed last night at about twoorscaognitonotaTve on any $5 purchase or over.
o'clock a. m. The loss was $57 in by the faculty, except with the con' Go to N EAtGLE1 ClOT'iHING Co.-
L ~ cash and two gold watchen. The seto{hefcly. Ti o,-NTICF The " Elite Terpul-
burglar entered through a broken th woenn badi h iretchre ' will_ hold its first regular
FIN PHTQGRAPS. indw o th grundflor. nncause of the hard feeling now exist- meeting o Tuesday evening, Nov.
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! Arbor is one of the best cities in to1nteaaeybtenf l.Z . t S o' r-otk.e. reen
tssndttudntsr,:, t..e:o$ Michigan to work, as theat. n, sudnlptu-1? ply8o'lok. b
. l ents leave their rooms open at all N lE-h tilcor ila~oo f lg oo ibn n
&MU T AI AE A times, Great care should be taken.,tmeet. Thursday evening,,'6,:30,.' 'it- if sP"a feat attheM . C. dep"ot Sat-
ITWL~Y O.Snkad5~~ or more >serious: hsses. may be, re- Alp1a Nu Hall. C. A,4;Row> sr,o :ur xxvinri g-Buy yoor. colors
Buildh 8lf iot&1 tltSte Sre.ported. !. . PiT~dent,,o Selr In patro'nine the bcoys.

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