THE U. OF M. DAILY. of '? cam. iNcitL. Published Daily (undays excepted) during the College tear, by THE U,OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably in advance single copies 3 cents. On sale at Steenan a and Post Office news stand at 12 o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at the oftice of the DAILY, Opera House block, at Sheehan's, 'at Stofflet's, or with any of the editors. Communications should reach the office by 7 o'clock P. M, if they are to appear the next day. Address all matter intended for publica- tion to the Managing Editor. All business communications should be sent to the Busi- ness Manager. THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, ickh. EDITORS. RALPH STONE, '92, Managing Editor. S. W. CURTIss, '2, Assist. Managing Editor. G. L. CHAPMAN, '92, Assist. Maaging Editor. J. C. TRAvIs, '02, Business Manager. F. E. JANETTE, '9, Assist.Business Manager. C. W. RICKETTs, '94, Assist. Business Mangr. H. D. JEwEL,. P. G. W.H.DELLENAcK,'92 F. D. GREEN, '2. F. C. RUGGLEs, '2. W. P. PARKER, '5. J. R. ARNEILL,'93. G. 11. Dygert '93. I C. F. WELLER, '94. W. E. McENcROE, '93. I CHAs. BAIRD, '5. TNR:AROUS PUBIHiNG a0UI. CosINotERABLE has been said upon the subject of opening the library on Sunday, but the authorities have not chosen to notice it, probably for this reason, which we consider a good one. The proposed scheme of opening public libraries and galleries in the great cities has no doubt prompted many to present the same question to our university. But the fact that the opening of such places on the Sabbath is urged expressly with reference to certain classes, which from necessity are deprived of their enjoyment during the week, throws the question into an entirely different field of consideration. In the cities the question is advocated partially as a health measure, on the supposition that one day out of every seven should be devoted to recreation, in order to maintain a proper state of health; partially as a means of educating the masses, who would otherwise be deprived of the opportunity; and partially as a means of preserving order, for if the masses should be deprived of this innocent and profitable diversion they would probably engage in other pastimes less profitable and, in most cases, positively harmful. Here in Ann Arbor, so far as the student body is concerned, these conditions do not apply.' Not only would an open library on Sunday be a need- less violation of the sanctity of the Sabbath, but it would encourage studets; in agre$tSey or less degree, to endanger their health by contin- ued mental applicatjgts, Madison won. frorfi Lake Forest Saturday by the close score of 6-4. Geoogcat Splety. This evening at te meeting of thg Geological Society Mr. .herzer will discuss the subject: "'Three Men in a Boat, to Say Nothing of the Dog." This lecture is a continuation of one delivered Nov. 5. In his pleasing way Mr. Sherzer develops the wonderful geology of the Nortbern Peninsula in a manner instructive and interesting to all. Mr. Byrd will presenta biographical paper. All are cordially invited. Grand Opera House. Lincolt J. Carter's superb scenic produtiot, the "Fast Mail," which will be ptesented at the Opera House next Friday evening, by an excellent company, is one of the most successful plays put upon the stage it recent years. The story is thrilling and jus- tice is done the startling and realistic scenes by a perfection of mechanical effects. Among other reproductions is a representation of an engine room on a Mississipis river steamboat, with the furnaces under the boilers fired up; a train of eSs shoots across the stage it one scen, and in another there is a vivid, beautiful and awe-inspiring rep- reseItation of Niagara Falls by moon- light, with the singing waters and graceful mist that arises about and above it. The company is said to be excellent throughout. BUSINESS LOCALS. INotices inserted in this column at the rate of 10 cents per line. Special rates for longer time, and extra lines furnished by applying at the DAIsY office. LosT- Tuesday evening, between Main Hall and 21 S. State st., a pair of gold-rimmed eye-glasses. Return to 21 S. State. Hot and cold baths 10 cents, at Post Office Barber Shop. Full line new style collars, 4 ply, 15c or 2 for 25. Mack & Schmid. None of the patrons of our Opera houseneed think it necessary to go to Detroit to see Madam Ithe tis sea- son. She will play here in March next without fail. Ladies' Mackintoshes in beautiful varieties, just received at Mack & Schiid's. $1.95-800 silk umbrellas worth $3.50 to $4.50, marked $1.95 at Mack & Schmid's. Ladies of the U. of M. will find it greatlyto their advantage to call on us when in need of Cloaks, Dress Goods or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Schmid. .U. of M. Buttons, 50 cents each, and with class year, 75 cents each. We are the. only makers of the three-eighth inch button, with correct colors and polished enamel. They don't fade or soil, and last forever. Sent postpaid upon receipt of price. Students are invited to visit us when in town. Roehm & Sons, Jewelers, Grand Circus Park, 271 Woodward ave., Detroit. A new line of Neckwear just received and no better styles will be found in town. You will say they are one-half the price you pay for them elsewhere. Mack & Schmid. Don't forget we keep sweaters, best quality, $3.50 to $4.25. Mack & Schmid. Do you.need a new Suit or Overcoat? If so, see the line of samples of the Golden Eagle Clothing Co., Detroit, Tuesday, Nov. 16th. Thisi firm have made hundred's of sita for stdents last year (to whom they refer). In every ase they guarantee.perfect-sat- isfaction in point'of style, cut make and trimmings, and will; save you at least $10 on suit or overcoat. Leave your address at Goodyear and St. James', Main street, and'MF. Rosen- garten will call on you atyour conven- aence.- +HIHaN' & ., stafe St., have received for the opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books, which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices. Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books for 1891-2 - - - Is the LEADING SCHOOL oftD BUSINtES. r our departments-Commercial, No text-ook eremanuserpt work-&ngish Shorthand and -- Penmanshsp. Elegant buiding, tot eat- - - --=tenaneeeiecient inestcto sk thor- ough, living expenses extremely low, $2.25 to $2250 pee weeck; students assisted Is positions. For catalogue, address P. R. CLEARY, President. MIGH I6AN GENTA JAS. M. STAFFORD, " The Niagara Falls Route." TIME TABLE (REVISED) JUNE, 28, 1891. J. M. STAFFORD CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. FNThe Leader EASTWARD. in Fasiiots it sTATIONs Mail Day Ss re N Y Ni't Atl. Kal Exp Lim Exp Ex. Exp Aec. (r Merchant Tail- ' a. A-.a.. P. .M. n r. ..A o r n . i ioltCh i c a g o , L v . 7 s0 5 9 12 52 , 0 9 2 5 10 10 4 5 5 o r 1 n g F in e Jacson........ :255 4 25 5 0 8 47k 4 4Q 6 15 8 50 39e1ea..1. 711 94 Paster...... 4141........ a 4'725i 955 line of Piece Delhi Mills... 4301.... . 7 3 ANI ABOs.. 4 42 5 25 6 22 9 45 6 01 74510 19 YTpDGoods tselect Ysoanti.... 5 s50 ... . 956 2 07 101" to WayneJu5c 3271.........647 8 351051? froni. Call for Detroit, A .r 017 1;45 72201i41711! o01125 IA. 0,.1SA.M A s. P .[P.u 19 .M a ine fittisngBuffalo......... 810 4 00 7151 3 15 60 .- s-'-- . - WESTWARD. st.Chi. N'th 19 S. MAIN ST., NO.1 STATIONs. Detr C i. Lim Eve. shre Pec Mail Exp ep Exp Exp. Lim Ex Ace. . . . M.. M .Ar. .PM. . ANN ARBOR, *MICH. S.Mi *Stee-Buffalo,........] 120( 6 30 9 45' 340 12 50 6 CO - A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P,M. P. V. Detroit, Lv... 820 71'; 120 745 9 25 9 15 4 45 itWayneJunc 90..5...825 ..5 954 5319 } !^""'Ypsilanti....I9228 10 20458047 . t..t0155441 ANNltAl9O.. 15823 21 9is181lO s it Delhi Mills.. 943 .......9 15. . 1k ie' Jed Dexter... 1 .. 5 .-....Cesa. .1 0 .. 9 39.......6 8 Jackson..... 11 00 9 25 3 14 10 25 11 15 11 45 6 55 LEAVE YOUR ORDERS thicago. Ar, 755 355 9110 4 508 05 111 -AT- tDaily. *Sunday excepted. F. 0.INE-W5 STAND . -FOR-- Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, Fine Confections, Cigars and Tobacco. PHOTOGRAPHER NO. 12 W. HURON ST. GrMAD EOELg .,OUSE Friday Evening, Nov. 20, '91 0. WF. RUGeGLES, H. W. HA YES, G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag'tAnn Arbor Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time Table going into effect September 13,1891. Arrival of trains at Ann Arbor. GOING NORTH. No. 2. Through Mail and Express... 7 40 a. m. No. 4. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom..11 50a. m. No, 6. Clare Passenger.............. 505 p. m. GOING SOUTH. No 1. Clare and Toledo Accom......1 30 a. m. No. 3. Through Mail,...........11 20 p.m. No. 5. Ann Arbor & Toledo Accom.. 7 20 a.m. Trais 4and 5 run between Ann Arbor and Teledo onlty. Central Standard Time. All Trains Daily except sunday. W. H. BENNETT, R. S. GREENWOOD, Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent. -A--/V1 - Lilecolse JT. Crerfcy's Grand Scenic Produetion; The Fast xaiL 10 Sets of Special Scenery. Flight of the Fast Mail. Nia- gara Falls by Moonlight with boiling mist. Practical work- ing Engine and 14 Freight Cars with illuminated Ca- b'oose. The Dogo Dive. Real- istic Siver Scene and Steam- boat Explosion. The Police Patrol and 100 other start- .lBg freets. Prihes, - 35* 5O.agd.75 Cts. Seats .on6elatPIO, Newsstao,