~iJ~ i.of n. Wai i VOL. II.-No. 44. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1891. IICF, Tussme CINTS. The Regents' Meeting. The board of regents held their, regular monthly meeting, Wednes- day, all the members, with the ex- ception of Regents Willets and Dra- per, being present. The regents took action relative to Un iversity extension teaching, and authorized thie menbers of the fac- ulty to accept invitations from local bodies to deliver lectures on this subject. The faculty is not to un- dertake local organization, but is to await invitations from societies or classes desiring to enter on the work. Tie entire expense must be borne by the local organizations. The University will soon issue circulars giving more details. The board invited the Michigan G. A. R., which meets here next April, to hold their meetings in Uni- versity Hall. The following appointments were made to deliver special lectures in the law department: )r. Howell, on "microscopy and its medico-legal relations." Prof. Hudson, on "comparative constitutional law." Dr. Vaughan, on "toxicology and its legal relations.'' Prof. Adams, on "The railroad problem." Judge Cooley was asked to deliver lectures on special subjects before the post-graduates of the lawv de- partment. The salary of Julius 1). Schlotter- beck, assistant in pharmacognosy, was raised from $300 to $600. The medical faculty was author- ized to establish a training school for nurses in connection with the University hospital, the number of pupils being limited to eight. 'The following degrees were con- ferred: George Morton Walker, B. S. (C. E.); Miss Marion McDon- ald, A. B.; Byron H. Finney, A. B. The board decided to keep the University hospital,when completed,, open during the entire year here- after, the assistants of- the several clinical professors-to take charge of patients durihg the summer vacation, without extra compensation. Class Championship. The elasg.of 193, lit, will play the High Schodi eleven this afternoor* for the. capionship. This i§.the final gaIx of-the class series. Webster Society Entertainment. Wednesday evening the Webster Society gave its initial public enter- tainment of the year in the lecture room of the law huileding. A large and appreciativg audience filled the room to its 'utuost capacity. The programme, a very interesting one from first to last, was opened by President A, F. Sheldon witl an ad- dress of welcome. During the course of his address Mr. S. took occasion to depreciate ideas held by some people regarding the lawyer, and extolled in eloquent language the dignity of the legal profession. Miss Minnie Davis followed with a piano solo, and acquitted herself in a cred- itable manner. "The Age of Prob- lems" was ably handled by A. Web- ster, who showed himself thoroughly conversant with the subject under consideration. An oration, "A De- pendent Commonwealth," by J. W. Browning, was well delivered, re- flecting credit upon Mr. 13. both as an orator and writer. Next came a banjo solo by Mell Gillespie, accom- panied by Miss Davis. The excel- lence of which number is best at- tested to by the hearty encore which it elicited. A satire by J. G. Kral closed the first part of the programme, and was a happy production. "A Man of the Future was a true por- traval of the ideal anarchist. Spark- ling with humor, it served to enliven the general prosaicness of the excel- lent programme. Part second was opened by Mrs. C. D. Colby with a violin solo. The rendition was excellent, andyreceived a merited encore. In the scene from "Othello," Messrs. W. I. Maney and H. D. Jewell entered in- to the true conception of their res- pective roles, and acquitted them- selves grandly. The cornet solo by G. W. Collins, was admirably ren- dered. A discussion on " Two Views of Parnell's Life" by Messrs. H. A. Smith and J. E. Roberts, was one of the principal features of the exercises. The bright side of the great leader's life was stronly pre- sented by Mr. Smith, who argued that the sin of the present was more than covered by the charities and' good works of Parnell's past. Iii refutation of this Mr Roberts argued that the evil which led to Parfll's" downfall wasfof too serious a nature to merit forgiveness, even in consid- e ration of past virtues. The exer- cises were closed by a piano soloI by Miss. Davis. In every sense the . entertainment was a decided success, and the efforts of the participants well merited the highest encomiums of praise. Further entertainments by the Webster Society will be looked forward to with pleasant anticipation by all those who had the good for- tune to be present last evening. Rev. Duncan McGregor. , i When Mr. MtcfGIregor appeared on the platform he was somewhat em- harassed but soon warmed up to his subject and delivered a fairly good lecture on "The Grip and Grapple of Great Men and Great Nations." Life is a struggle. The conquering of difficultier crowns all success. Men do not fail because of lack of sufficient power, but because they fail to use their power. The great secret of all success is in harnessing power. One obstacle is always in the way to success, i. e., the difficul- ties to progress. Those nations who fail to conquer the difficulties of civilization are in the rear. Tliroulgh the darkness of the 'siiddle Ages thej dim light of the missionary was seen spreading the Gospel Truth, without which progress cannot advance. Protestant England shines as a gold- en beam and is ever ready to meet the growing demands of civilization. Fortune never comes without labor and our most promsinent Wisen have become such by surmounting many obstacles. Master the situation or it will master you. This is the con- flict and the secret of success. The difference between the unsuccessful and successful lies in inspiration. We need a high ideal in order to succeed. Another requisite to suc- cess is that we must tend to the building of character. As a story teller Mr. McGregor is a flat failure, but as an orator on the whole he is a great success for so young a man, and compares favorably with Russell H. Conwell. His descriptive powers are great and his rhetorical climaxes all that could be asked for. His characterization of Lincoln's life was indeed grand. Rdward s Beck, -.Beti eThtta Pha has been appointed chairman of the junior hop. r OF YOUR - OUR SOCIETY BADGE 4 Mailed to You - Through Your NEW o HAPTBRA- Upon - PRICE - APPLICATION. LIST Manufacturers o .Finest Plain and JewelledS ociety a dges. DETROIT, - - MICH. 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