THE.U. OF M. DAILY. r'~ ~~ game would not be played unless n j l n'Da a Capen officiated, and Duffy and MacPherran insisted that he should Publishted Daily (Sundays excepted) during nt ialCiaocnee the College sear, by nt ialCiaocnee THE . O M.INDPENENTASSCIAIONMichigan's claims, a half hour be- THEU. F M IDEPNDET SSOIATONfore the gatne, and Capen did not Subscriptio price $2.50 per year, invariabty referee or umpire. In the fall of in advance Single copies 3Scents. on talenat 0890, n0 game was played. This Shernan s and boot Office news stand at t:I pnispti gana m sourSoe, noon. Sabscriptios may be left at yearCae isptnagnasu- thesoificeeof theDAILY, OperatHouse blocat pire and does more than any of the Sheehan's, at Ste~itet's, or with any of the players to give the gaume to Chica- editorn. Cosmiunicatonsnoebuid' teach thecafice by go. The inference from these factsj to'clochr.M. if theysare to appear the nextisvr lan ThUiestyCu day. Address all matter intended for publica- ey pan h nvriy Cu tion to the Managing Editsr. All business chose Capen as being one unprinci- ness Manager. THE U. of X. DAILY, Anna Arbor, KitS. EDITORS. RtArH STiONE,'92, Mianaging Editor. S. W. CUR5TISS, '92, Assist. Managing Editor. 0. L. CHAPotAN,'92, Assist. Managing Editor. J. 1C. TRAVIS, '92l,tBusiness Manager. F. E. JANETTc, '923, Asit.tlssinss Manager. C. W. Rcscox siR4, Assist. Busincss Mange. H. D. JFoWELt. P. G0I . Hs.tuncLENBtACa,'52 F. D. GREaN, '52'>. F. E.. sGLcooSt, '92. W. P. PAneii, 'hI. J. R. Aassun., 'T3 G. 5. Dygert, '19. ( C. F, watLaLi. '94. W. E. MEN66Eso, 'S3.) CHAS. RAIns, '9i. WE'iF have just learned 'a little of tile past history of foot-ball at Michl- gan whlichthirowvs some light upon the recent Chicago game, aiidsee are not surprised, in vie of the facts we have learneid, that NIlichiigan svas treated with: so little consiitera- tion last Saturday. If these facts hsad beeii known to the Mtsichigan managenient, it -is hardly prohable that tlhe trill to Chicago thlis year would have bcen taken. It seems that three years ago, in the fall of 1888, whcn James E. D~uffy was captain, Michigan's eleven was treat- ed in the same manner as this fall, S. D. Capen refereed the game in 1888, and he was as utterly reckless and biased in his decisions as he weas on Saturday last.. He seemed incapable of rendering a fair decis- ion, and it, was as plain then as it was this year that he had been put in by the University Club to win the game for thlem. Michigan c-as on the point, several times, of with- drawilng if they were not treated with sousie show of fairness. -Chicago won the game 26 to 4. Ben ILamb was captain of the Chicago eleven, and we are told that lhe acted more like a "rough" than a college gen- tleman. 'In the fall of 1889, Michi- gan again went to Chicago, cap- tamned by MacPherranl. In a con- ference held in the Gralnd Pacific Hotel between three University Clnb riepresentatives, 'including Lamb, and Messrs. Dunify and MacPherran of Michigan, Ben Lamb insisted that Capen act as referee or umpire, but Michigan objected to a repeti- tion of the: experiensce::of the year before. Lamb declared that the pled enoughl to give ganses away by unfair decisions, and use him, as an official, against Michigan in every ganse possible. The outcome of it all will probably be that Michigan will refuse hlereafter to play foot- ball in Chicago against the Univer- sity Club. Nccrll.-Tile Athletic Board will meet 'T'hunrsday evening, 6:30, at Alpha Nii Hall. C. A. BOWvEN, President. BUSINESS LOCALS. tNotics inserted is this colamn at tie rate of 101 cents per list. Special rates for loacer time,.anodecta lincs furnished hr applyinig at tbe DAnLv sffice.1 On Friday eveni~ng ni-xt the idoors of the Ope'ra House c-ill swinig 0op111fur the great scenice producetionl of Linseolns J. ('arter's "Fast Mail." Thle railwvay has oftens heets uscd by the dramastist, lint lever beforc to suhlaitOextent as its ('arter's fatiiisipllay, "Tute Fasot Mail.' A freight traini with 14 ears, ai lighitec atooseiaidliifull-sized ll- msotive, cithiengitneer said firemans, crosses the stage in the most reailistie and noisy msannter, while later in the play a great Mississippi river steam- boat, with hells anid enginses anodcwhis- ties in full operation, moves its and explodes with terrific forces. A great scene is also given cit Niagara its real tumbling water. The company is a most efficienit otie, ansd there is a great deal of fun to go with the sensational effects. A special car for the scenery is used, atid every detail is carefuslly looked to its the stage productiotn of tine play. Hot ansd cold batha 10 cents, at Post Office Barber Shop. Full line sew' style collars, 4 ply, 15e or 2 for 25. Mark & Schmid. None of the patrons of our Opera House need think it secessary to go to Detroit to see Madam Risesthsis sea- sonl. She cill play hsere its Marcls next without fail. Ladies' Mackitntoshses itsbeanutifisl varieties, just received lit Mack & Schsmid's. $1.95-800i silk umbrellas worth $3.50 to $4.50, miarked $1.95 at Mack & Schlmidi's. Ladies of the U. of M. will finid it greatly to tiseir advantage to call on us when its need of Cloaks, Dress Goods or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Schmid. U. of M. Buttons, 50 cens each, atsd c'ith clasa year, 75 cents each. We are the onily makers of thse thsree-eighths iecs buttots, with correct colors atsd polished ensamel. They don't fade or soil, and last forever. Sent postpaid upon *receipt: of price. Students are invited to visit us when in town. Roelsm & Sons, Jewelers, Grand Circus Park, 27t Woodward ave., Detroit. A new linse of Neckwear just received and no better styles will be found in towtn. You will aay they are one-half the price you pay for them elsewhere. Mack &Sehmid."- Don't forget we keep sweaters, hbeat quality, $3.50to $4.25. Maek & Schmid. KiHEHA1' & Qo., 8fade s1., have receised for ttie opening of eollege 20,000 Book, new and second hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law ad Medical Books, whhths ey will ell at Greatly Reduced Prices. Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books for 1591-2 Is theLF XI1NG0SCHOOL stflltSIEF8. -, - Four departmnts-Conmmercal Nc tetok sr mnuscpt wor- &glihchobrthand nd Penmanship Elgat bidinga,ge at __ ~tend acer riBci t istuctrtok tbtor sa-- ogh, lving expeses extemely Isws 225 o 250sOper werch stdents assise to pstins. For catalogue, addrss P. R. CLEARY, Presidet. C_" MICHIGAN G TIA "Thre .Nigara Fall Rue." JAS. M. STAFFORD, ~I - Z ~TIME TABLE (REVISED) :JUNE, 2,.1891. J. Al. STAFFORD CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. FINE The Leadetr EASTWARD. AlK. in Fashionsi TTO Sall ay srr N Y~'(t. : 1 ECp La Cp x(1-npAce TT V IF, jiff erchant Tail- - .M A. M. .M. .rsrno FineClean -2,.. 55 411.u 41li 50 i jOrl11g. hir......d19 5.. 53,7,4 ine1 of piece Deli Mils... d41 . 33 m !T~~t / ACE All0.. 441 5 2 622 94F(O S 71. 0 Il Wan uc 51 . 554138551 115 MGood'1tus selct W ayshntaac157 . 64 '.lS lfroim. ('all forll'sailntesiA c.A. 47li2i10 411MAj14l . Va 1128l a fine iting Bal.S60's tci __ Sllit._____WESTWARD. 19 . MAtN ST.. No. X I STTION~S. et, Chi. Lim, Eve. bbre ac Mini CoEp Nasp Cap Lim C. Ac. IA. M. A. M. A. M. A.lP. M. NT ANN AnBeR.-MsIe. S. .Main111Street.Buffalon..... 120, 620 41 40 1251 6O I 1 1 A.. . . . i-Y. . ,. r.N Dtoit, L... 8251a i i1420 91 2 SB i WanJnc 90.. 5..a 9-54 191 """-: F '"ss-"" 15Ypsilnti - 11. 9 218s1t 2055 sly7 101 5 50 AEII AIIO'.. 95,55 839 219 9 18 1ta9s10has 151 Delhi Mill.. 9 41...... 15 ..... Chla6..... iass0..I.,9. 5 i i 1 ________________________ JaIcksn.....1156 95 311011 15 6i 5n5 hiaAr. 7sin ass5 9os06 554 50 8011150 tDal. nSunday exeptd. O. W. RGLES, H. W HAYES, ..&T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbr Toledo, Ann Arbor and North 71 Fort St.. West. - Detroit Mich. Michigan Railway. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS TimTaln ginatoteffct Septbr 3, 189 1. -AT- Arvaloftrins a nn sArbr. -F.R 0.o.E 2.1Thrgh Mai ndExras...70 a. m. Newspapers, Magaine, Periodicals Fine N.4 Ann Arbr A Toledo Accomi 50 am Conecos, Cigars and Taccio. N. 6. Clare Paasengr-..... si5n05p. m. No. Clare and Toleds Acesm. IllS 130a. m C ~~~No.. Through Mail .....92p.m. Ns . Ann Arbrl ToedsAcsm.. 70 a. m. Tran4ad u6cn betwee Asn Absrand IPIIOT GRAIPCentral Standard Time. made ttie Tis.Daily except Sunday. NO. 12 W. HURON ST W.H BENNETT, R. S. GREENWOOD, Ge.Ps.Aget. Lcal Agent. Do you need a new Suit or Oeecoeott? _______ ______ afso ee the lite of ampea of the e Golden Eagle Clothing Co., Detroit, A Tueaday, Nov. 1th. Thia firm have 0\ ma undreds ofsita for tndeita ' last year (to whom they refer). In 'I every caae they guarantee perfect at- isfactionl in point of tyle, cut make and trmnming, and will ave you at leat 10 on suit or overoat Leave Af5F your addreas at. Goodyeaa and StkK Jame', Main street,. and.Mr oen ~ ~ iarten will -call on you at your conven- v 1 i