THE U: OF M. DAILY 2~W T~I~!TEW G2VED N ______ _____NEW GOODS, SEE THE NEW LINE OFN E G O S*Th J . . J a o s C , -Overco ate - The J.,.T~iacobs Co., 1 The ~J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 A-ND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. =7=0 r- 7Q N. B-We still have a nice assortment of light Weight'Overcoats I. BLsITZ. to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices.SucAn A b rSe a r , CL . G O E L .M RE Mo e srt " + , WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A FulttLineof att Cotiege Text Books, inctuding 1Law ad e dic l M okts cttby the stackts. SFCIL AESTOS UD NT.CALL. oN Cheapest ptace tsr Nete Boossand FosuntaisnPes in the eity. Freshmsen croed in. Csee atong SPCA RTSTOSU ENS- old triends. t sew have smy ettre stseh at my store os No. 6 S. M4INLST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 Waco-c WASIoNtON STREET.t cyco. . MOORs wTAHR'S BOOKSTORE, D0WN TOWN BUStINESSttRETOR Every Stutdenit wilt save mntey by butying university Text-Books and all sopplie :it Hteadquarters, We allow± Ordtrrc st torten, parts, esddhg' tt. specialt discount ott LAW BO00KS, MEDICAL lOOKS. DE;N'TAL BOOKSii in softeseryBokisditie 'eehoe pomlya7;tctf)y.Pt ile 2.nvriy.50Bak Bootssitdantliplowesjtst ptices.llISS tttITHtGRAttS Itiokhest;tGrades Tatught. Atpply oatStilsey's LEADING BOOK STORE IN THlE CI'TY. Music Stosre. THE 3I:- IXCIOLIS L- ILAY'N I)R giQhmond Sfraight Qut. A Fine Entertainment., momntous question, "Shllithe pr i-lsllthrit ot oofitstdxclsotrols sod s-pre- ____ ~~~pareo ttssstttseacsht n No.- lirary be openet lnlelays?' te.toooriltos :ttlts sely 1'e estr ierryS citywllfPricesreasonoble acee lloth issoteteei. No- CIGARETTES.Flc cse lrr oceyciie~r~toe . tltt~J~ttt ..fol o h ups freivz atLno t l Cigarette Smokhers who give the first of its atiniiat series of IfolOo h ~rii~ frle-- . M.5IARTiN, s aee willittg to naya litticlite. ,~ ing iour contemlporaries this probleti DEALERI N score thtatthe price pulcentertainmetnts lttsaesdayshudbClt elhrged toe the orditntry evni No.ulintd as lcer solved. iBesittes,) who Mo C askets, Mwetallic (ratio cigarette wilt ftnd og , knows what effect succl a niove t11igh ANODCtOMMON COFFINS. " = teISsBoAstDsuperior ts oon , J.A.ghtEU r/ all others. ro. The public entertainments hav.ont. PtnnigHfEteUWrl ~t The ihmdStrihess n h unigo teWrl' - Cat No. i Cigarettes are cadserocshebrgh-of the society are alwvays literary Far.nSudys ve=foi e-V est, cost deitoately flavored and hith tteshtthiscnestsocsai o unae tEvnlfroeri-ot MitSe Gosd Leaf grosen in Virginia. Thss eOte atbihi n romilses to h ele - -ALSO 'BU5SIAt F AND lBAGtAGEINE, and Original Brand of Straight Cat Cigarettes, lc etoeevrgvn teso swoaedel neetdi ot anSre. ad was hrought sat by us ia the year 187i. tebs n vrgvnbythso ISY&EAOT Bewareaof imitatios, and oserve that the thce observance of lice Sabbath as a RNE SAOT Thm ae al&owiNTE an ehpcae cie ty, as will be evidenced by a oftifeur Bakern and dealers in Te neAEoN IsTE an ofcomplete rstisfaueGroceries, Provisions,F lour and Feed, Of the Acerican Tohacco C.. glance at the following program : hud6o ecieopoiin.Aa n d F ashitngton SL. Manafaeturers, - - Richcond, Virginia. PARTI.shudntrcieopiin.A Adtdress -----President A. P. ?hetdon open library will by no means indluce J . H A L L E R, tke allrv t 9,1411f nk.Piano solo-"Cathoceta"-------h----Rff less rgr for this dy a student (S~m-mz Capital,.$,000th._Saepts aml ofpsit,1,000. Paper ----- A.------e-------e-- who works on Sunday will do So -Btemiringca specialty. 4dSsOUTHaMAINSTe. ::. Weaybstenorearrdy,_---- ____ er enal Saking epsis. Hays ty Oratioa. " eenetComnvat" hether lie can go to the library or IU S ,TSOS nSvngDpst.Da aeyu . SIMSOIVVT & SOITV 1 H.BMFare. Pn.HEstCshe.Hsjo soslo nt and to many of ltce students it State Street Grocers. BlankaonenSatardaveveniag. -.'efcin----------- ute will give an opportunity to paso .a ;Stttlenfopatroniageespeehally soliited. blu-All the tRage"___________H leytic Ann Arbor Savings Bank Mell Gillespieo. better and more profitable afternoon ?4s. STLATE STRtEET. Ana Arbor Mieh. Capitat Stoek, $50,000, Satire. "A Mac of the Fauure-...J. 0. Feat than they could do otherwise. Satrplas, $100.000. E Y - Organized ander the General Banking Laws PAsTe a. As to any extra expense or trouble o1 thin state. Receives Deposits, hays and Piusco solo-"Cavatina"--------- Ilerc selts exehansge ass the principal cities ot theptnkepgthradgrompn United States. Drafts cashed apse proper Mrs. C. 0. Utlby. ikepnthratng ro pnm 1'eI ideatification. Officers: Scene feats"Otello." seven days in the wveek, it svould lie III1,.\\ ~I., KIIi CHISAaN MACK, Pres., Othello--------------- R'.1. Mantny iJliJ , I k U(IJ wt. D. BAnoniArs. Vice Pres., nmnl CHAS.E. HISCOCK,Cashier. lags -----------------H.l).Jeell oinl "Crnet sssis-PFasiiita - ihte----.t tosac I believe a great niajority of the! Too Probably have some Broken .Arti- 0. W. Coliss. stdns olitatl fvrths Othi:adellhia, Pa., will leciure in the cle of Discassions. rV iesofsipsells Life' tset tudhatl ao li JEER RAWTHOTThe hight side ---------H.A.cStih plan, atndl would gladly avail 'theni- BAPTI CTHURCH JEWELY OR WATC OUT ThedaiEkside--------J.EF. Boberts selves oif an opportunity so favora-(S OF REPAIR, Piano soo. WM. ARNOLD, SANTET, ia--Serenade"------.1osahosoi ble as tthis. STostaxI - S 36MAN TRET hb-"Norwegian Bridal March ----- eoio VITUESDAY- In thse Place to go. Miss Minnie Davis.'hefnlot-algm ofb Amission free. Doors wiul be class league will be played. nextI NOVEMBER 17, 1891. A N D A L gg closed at8 o'clock sharp. rhursday,bewn the '93 lit.: teamSeeT -- -= "---- - and the winners of the high school- FN PHT RAH.Communiction. law game. - ."/'Gc n rnt MILNR N R OD!Editors U. or M. DAILY: At last night's meeting of the i o a ca o GetNatc- II tEastiHSome street, .An, we settle down ' for -another D)AILY board, W. S. McEncroe And- SHORTHAND TAKE A college year and things get to mov- Chas. Baird were-ehected to fill l-t co~Amnlo.-2 inE.lg smoothly, from across the cam- vacancies 'from the junior aidfenh- IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand School, New ,-IThin lectnre isna casterpiece and Sr. Me Building, I0SoSuth State StreeL. pun comes' that ever fresh and 1 man lit., class respectively.- - 9egane a hrillant aratn.-Brenklyn Eagle.