THE U. OF M. DAILY NWTHE TWO SAMSMO.S -INWAGENTS FOE-R________ i6 "YOU MANS" AND KNOX HATS. c- The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The J. T. Jacobs Co., Call nd se us.27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. L_ B 13LI'TZ. N. B.-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. MilaAdo Statui tfly. COA L. GEORGE qLa. M1 OORE, Moo4e 4. WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED, FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Full Line ot all College Text Books, including TLaivaw tto ic a 0B1 ., by the slv--k, CALL oN Cheapest place eor Note Rooks aol Fountahn P a in the city. Frcshmencttcrowd1 ic. Comeotltng SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS.( ,__S oldlfriends. Iunowchave mycutireestock at mystore on NTO. 6 S. .MAIN ST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WEST WASHIsNGTON STREET. aEo. Z.. uooRE. i I WAHR'SBOOK TOREDOWN IITLS3 DIRECTORY. Evr OO TRE O NTOWN. I MISS JUDITH GRAVES, EeyStoudent will save money hy buying University Text-Books and all supplies at lHeadquarters. We allowIiPAvS special disacoulnt on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS, in shtort, every Book used in thte'Hcta Oue atgt.AslyMt sy UnIiversity. 5,000 Blank Books at lowest prices. THE . -EFXCELSIOR - LAUNIRT11Y ~ W ~~ ±± .Hassallithe improve ach tlinery, atnd is lren. " ^ ared t Irlont frtclass swark ott short 55- tice. Coumtercil011w Iork ttned ott sta ll ay. LEAINGBOK SOREINTHECIT. ricesreasonlable 111attakorkltsrltset. No- LEADNG BOK SORE N T~E CIY.20 East Hutron t. A. P. Cs)CEIIT, Proplrietor. RiQhmonii Straight Qat. To Whom Credit is Due. A Valuable Paper. 0. M.MARTIN, No.1 -- Cloth Caskets, Metallic z IA ETS As in point of numbers the Ui- On Thursday of last week, tile AND COMMON COFFINS.___ y Cigarette Smokers saks versity of Michigan nowy stantdstin- Ann Arhor Register puhlished an J. A. POLHEMUS, are willig to Day a litervle by an iia ntttonetnlarged edition Of 40 pages, coo- T' T 0more than the priearvaled nysimlarintittio.i >scharged for the orIdiscry ti country, s it is rapidly forging tarbigor pet accounts of Ann Nort'USHANDSBAGGGELIE N trade Cigarettes, nwillfind Abridsre n hti fNrhMi tet iTmso BRAND superior to inutisan whtiof_________________ ,1all others, into the first rank in point of oppor. nmore interest to students, a full de- RINSE'S & SEABOLT, The Richmond Straight ' Cut No. 1 Cigar ettes are made tram the hright- tunities offered and io excellence of scription of the University, its Bakers and dealers in el tdelielnfinvirgi n.d highestecost scholarship bidig, earitts Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, rot, mudLeaten l avredian This is the Old P turned out as well. Thebulig the various dearm S6and S E. Washington St. and Original Brand or Straight Cat Cigarettes,anthsudtlieTeeiio and was broasght out by as ilathe year 1870. person to swhom this state of efficien-an thsudtlie Teeiio. 1 Beware at imitations, and observe that the - shows great enterprise on thxe part J. H A L.L E. R , firm name as below Is an every packsage. cy is due perhaps more than to anyoftemngnntfthRgier The ALLEN & GINTER Branch o h aaeeto h eitr ZZZM Of the AmericanTobacco Co.,' other is President James B. Angell, If the newa students, or the old ones Bpiigseily ~OTs~NT Snteren Eihndlrna.LL. D., who by his many excellent either, wish to send home an accu- QQ r, t,4 tae dj Ik qualities has been able to govern rate picture of the U. of M., they i.1,)Do3TIMSONIT SNS Capital 5,000. EarpluK ndPois 1tX. and cnrlteage student body cannot do better than send this large State Street Grocers. and t-aia,51105. ontol he argedition of the Register. It is for Stu~dentspaitronlage espeeially solicited. Does a general Banking husiness. Pays in- with almost no friction and to the sale at all the news stands. 24 S. S'TATE STREET. terest on Saing Deposits.HBan saety saisactonof ll Hi qaliie as _-_ Deposit Buses tar Bent. saifcinoal.Hsqaiess-------- M. W.- BLAKE, It. KEMFF, Preu. F- B. BELSER, Cashier.a pomthvben ' Bulletin Board. CT EFRM ,AN Bank open Saturday eventng. a diloahvebn recognized ITUI___RAESAN_ twie y te ovenmntone wenART GOODS. is West Buratn St. .Ann Arbor Savings Banktwcbytegvrmnocwhn______________ AnnArnrMih 0~ia Ctnlr11&m"_he was annointeid minister nlenirsn. NOTICE-Students intending 1to Organized underh the General Banking Laws tetaY t hn nI79, and agi at this state. Receives Deposits, buyssadwe he was made amebroth sells exchange on the principal citiesot wemnhr of the United States. Draftt aeshedupnroe identification. Officeratso: roe commission appointed for the par. CuosITIAN MACK, Pros., W. D. xanssIMAN, Vice Pres., pose of negotiating a treaty withe CHAS. . SiCOCuK, Cashier. Great Britain on the fisheries ques- Ton Probably have some Broken Arti- lion. These samve qnalities are what ele of in a large measure have made him soI JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT successful iin his position as presi- I OF REPAIR, dent. Kind, affable, easily accessi- 4 WM. ARNOLD, 36SMAIN STREET, ble to all, he has gained a popularity as te Plce . such as to lead many of his friends( to regard himl as the ideal collegec A AN DAL~ presidenit. He is reserved in theI expression of his opinions, but when FINEastHTu APS it is necessary that they should be MILLNER AN AR GODS!given for the'interest of the Univer-. II astSaan irst. city, they ae gi05n wth freIk abRle S flT 111 TAKE A c eeisicd i asnd are c rried ii d fect SaHvlALHAaauCOURSE. 1WA unwaerig peti aiy.r- IT WILL PAY Y-Cst. $lirtbaad School, New -.1. *ee Buidlag,-2DfnthP-sItatset. trit Tribune., take German i5 (Herder) will meet Mlr. Winkler in rooim 23 on Monday, Oet. 5, at 9:I5 a. mn. or at 3 P. m. NOTICE-French, Course D, Sci- entific Prose, will meet in Room MI, Mtonday and Wednesday, 3-4. German. Students electing Course 19, Tieck's Romantic Dramas, will please meet in Room M, Monday, 4-5, to arrange hours. NOTICE-I shall meet my classes 4 and lectures at the hours announced. I Course 3 will be given by mewhileI course 9 will be assumed 'by Mr. 1 Lloyd until Dr. Mend arrives. Course an will not be commenced until' Dr'. Mend comes, but should bit elected now. Students deailhg' advanced credit should call atifrootrn m and nsot at my haus". -wil meet stunts for-consultation about tWork every evening this week a er $ o'clock, at x5 Forest ave. -AND-- OOVEP. GLASS --AT-- (la Ikp.'g Phapmag , TIPb t. btbt1Ih