je . of . Iail . VOL. II.-No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A DELIBERATE STEAL. Michigan Suffers at the Hands of a Biased Umpire. There were two things responsible for Michigan's defeat at Chicago on Saturday. First, the decisions of the referee in the first half and the umpire in the second half (S. ). Capen, of the University Club) which were entirely without precedent on any foot-ball field. This individual showed either an utter want of knowledge of the simplest rules of the game, or an unmistakable bias for his own eleven, or, what is more probable, both. If his decisions had been ordinary errors of judgment or made upon difficult points, and it had been apparent that he was endeavoring to act fairly, nothing would now be said about it. But it was very evi- dent that he had been chosen to referee an d minpire with the express iiuderstanding that lie was to do all i lis povcr, if his assistance was iweded to give the game to Chicago. From the time that the ball was first in play at the beginning of the game until the whistle was sounded for the conclusion of the second half, lie conceded everything, without excep- tion, demanded by Crawford and Ames, and even went so far as to argue with James t. 'Walker, who officiated as umpire in the first half and referee in the second half, in support of the claims made by the captains of the Chicago eleven. He showed his bias and his pre-deter- mined intentions so very plainly that even the spectators jeered an(I hissed his rank decisions, while not the faintest sound of applause could be heard, although it was a Chicago crowd. The spectators were in sympathy with Michigan from the start, and no better evidence than this is needed to demonstrate that Michigan was most unfairly and ungenerously treated. In the first half Chicago was re peatedly allowed five, six and some- times seven "downs," while in two instances when the ball was within fifteen yards of Chicago's goal line, and a:touchdown, seemed imminent, it was given to Chicago on two and three downs. -Again, when Ames had kicked the ball into touch from the 40 - yard line, Referee Capen gave the ball to Chicago on Michi- Capen, as usual, failed to see the OF YOUR - gan's 25 gard line because Crawford dastardly act. EAP mE claimed that Dygert had not made a Malley's playing, against his for- OUR drop kick aisd therefore Chicago mer college, seas very mucs iin the wt55 55E was entitled to the ball. In the first "dirty" order. He did more actual Mailed to You -:- place, there is not the slightest doubt slugging in the line than anyone -:- -: Through Your that Dygert kicked a "drop,"and on else, Sager excepted. His efforts to NEW the other hand, even if lie had not, disable Pearson and Thomas were C HA A there is not the least semblance of a futile, as in both instances he met-- rule which will support the claim his equal. PRICE Upon APPLICATION. that the ball goes to opponents on Too much cannot be said in praise failure to kick properly. These are of Michigan's clean game. They given as instances of what Michigan played a very plucky up-hill game,-M OT, W k (Iii had to contend against continually. in spite of the odds against thesi. LIST Msanut'atessrs 5of teinst Plin In the second half, when Capen, The rush line work was superb. aJess-elli oiety Badges. the University Club man, acted as There were but few brilliant runs by DETROIT,- - MICH. umpire, Chicago slugged, held and the backs on either side. Michi- tripped without being even spoken gan's line would rush the ball down to by the umpire. The spectators the field in dangerous proximity to hissed him repeatedly, but lie paid Chicago's goal, and then Capen no attention to it, continuing steadi- would give the ball to Chicago on ly to grant everything that Crawford some unwarranted claim of Craw- asked and denying every claim of ford's, and Ames would take the Michigan's captain. Not a single ball back to the centre of the field instance could be recalled after the by a long end run. The first half, game, in which Capen had conceded which ended o to o, was a splendidihenyouwanttheLatest Metropolitan Styles in Skives at 5t0c to 1 a pail less than Anrm Arbor a single point claimed by Van In- exhibition of foot-ball. The tack- prices, send ror ctio-te to wageun. On the otuer hiand whatever ling of Hayes was very fine, he forc- Crawford asked was granted. ing Ames back repeatedly for losses R H. FYFE & . 'e holdlig in the second half, sf 20 yards It is impossib ito Iwhen Chicago began to score, was ; praise one player iire than anothuer. )ETOI MlIt. simply unparalleled on a foot-ball No exception can be taken to their Held. Chicago acknowledged the playling in any resuert. 'te teai -h - liolding after the game, and Malley, is a very strong one, weighing on an University Oltalitters, who played right tackle for Chicago, average 177 pounds and averaging 201 Soutr STATE Sr., ANN A RBOR in conversation with a few of Midhi- 5 feet us n inches. gain's players at the Michigan Cen- The other cause of Michigan's Neckwear, tral depot, said that when Chicago defeat was injudicious signaling Dress Shirts, Gloves, commenced the holding Michigan when the ball was in Chicago's ten should have retaliated by doing the yard line. This happened twice. Underwear, same. In short, Chicago acknowl- The brilliant work of the line car- GENTS' FURNISHINGS,olst edged that they won the game by ried the ball there, and if Pearson unfair tactics, which were tolerated ' had been given the ball touch-downs " EOOT-1B 1ibiL 7 .by an umpire whom they had previ- would have been almost assured. ously instructed. It is probable that Pearson's famous tackle play was English iMackinstoshes, Chicago would not have resorted to not attempted once during the entire Athletic and . . . unfair playing if they could have won game. . (ymnasiim Goods without, but when the time of the The teams lined up as follows: I oF5 Er Y till OSCREitnnoN. second half had more than half MsscHuNN . cHICAGO. expired and neither teanm had scored, Hayes, trin.--..r. end .....---.LockwooSa YE TIME AND MONEY tupper.. ........-r. tackle.------.-..---- Malley they began their illegal work. Mowrey-..-.........r.guardu.----.-Pennington There was very little "slugging" Jeffries...-.-..-....-centre...----..-Sager by Buyng your Wickes....- ......-.- ..guard C--..--.--- arpenter in the first half. Crawford heeled Pearson,Thomass...tackle-----------Rafferty Pearson in the face, and the latter Powers..5-........ . end.." . ----.-.Harding _Sherman ---- --a.back--------Yeawer was disqualified for retaliating. Sager, who was center for North- western last year and who was ruled out of nearly every game he played, did his best to disable Jeffries. The most brutalact of-the-daywas Sager's kicking Hayes in the ribs and slug- ging him in the face at the same time. Hayes was compelled to retire and Griffin was substituted. Umpire ............----q. ... .. ....-- - - - - se ger van Inwagen(capt).r.h. back.Crawford (eapt) Rittenger-...5........ h. back--..Ford, Sturgis Dygert-.............f. back.--.---.-.. Ames This Tells the Story. The following -telegram is said to have been received at the Phi Kappi Psi house yesterday; "We won the game by dirty work, and I did my share. MALI.EY." of us while we are here. CA LLAG H AN & CO., PUBLISHERS 114 Monroe St., Chicago. 50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.