THE U. OF H. DAILY. SWE ARE TH E', PEOPLEJ, "..= ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. AeNci-c Yoms,-00208, - - - - - C'ornof' 01 2la and Libei ly Streels. I will 'Open the Blall" by placing a linle stock of Guitars, Baiijos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL. AS'TONISH YOU. F'iind 72 TTTs:-t :s ,.xsmxc S-zc=, 25 touth F6irl Arenue, City. Strc A NEl+.i NE OF - ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTAB5LISHED 1851. "COURSE, one year.- T'hree fil terns S required. Terms begin, September, .January and March. R azorP, ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. Degree of LL. B. Conferred. AT Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Address the Dean or Secretary, TAILOR , ~l~1S SIU kAIA1(T PRfllDtI[ MADE OVERCOAS A. K. Noble's. GO TO- --For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. Nes Gloods, iner Fall (Goods, new Winter G00(1s, Poll Dress Suitings, Silk Vestings, fOrercoatisgs, London Suitings. Trouserings a specially. Largest and nmost coomplete stock in the city, at the lowest prices. Please call and exatmine. C ALKINS' PHARMACY. ALBANY, X. Y. NO. 2 EAST WASHJIN R, Et OLLYtCi AOig socihe tExpiration of Patenss We are selling Niekel Plated Centre Draft Limaps at SELL grealy Reuced rices. $1050 will gu st tar this rear as $2 50 woult last year. SELL ."RED STAR" OIL SAFEST AND BEST in Miarket, Deliveredt in ear IOIL CANS uf all sizes anit lt Lowest Price. Shoe Bruies, Blackineg and Toilet AND ALL (Atce tOeTidls than sual Prices. Leav~e Orders fur all De-+& ~ m ~ Y _ATHLETIC + GOODS. 44 SOUTH MAIN STRET,- - --- - -ANN ARBO R, H ICH jewelry .5tre 1 tlr kNE W "UNIVER[SITY'SOVEIR Onufan risolir lhand~smeeiatternis o"U. ofM.." "Michigta- and "AnnArbor" Soul'iir 'leatoilee and Chocuolate Spoon-gilt, oiized andl bright finish. NO. 101S. StAIN STrRErT. YOU CAN GET THE CAMPUS. The tUnity Club will offer the fol- lowing program next Monday evco- T/Ial yos maial miii JimPrierwill hr 'here arc studretnts froni 13 forcigning: "~~Afternsoosswith Great Meo," reillt, 01 countries at Yale.Re.C .Cbr.Pitnnoc BROWN'S DRUG STORE. S. C. A. steeling tomorrow morn- Miss Edith Jones. la ig will be led by lirof. 'T'hompson. IDr. Abel is msakinog his course is Chemical , Physical Apparatus The Syracuse University has the therapeutics and toxicology excep- _ finest college buildliog in America. tionally itnteresting by illustrating it . P. and It cost $700,000, and was the gift of the effects of poisonous drugs upon caeClmclMirsoi up isise mn. aninsals ito the presence of the class. ESI:%BAII 4N. The Webster Literary Society givse Four college dailies are nose in iSB~LIBCII SO. teir first public entertaiinmenlt seat circulation.- Princeton, Harvard, "- I ' A5iD AS Wednesday evening. A fine piro- IVale and Cornell cacti publish one. IIABLEex o rant is heinsg arranged. -Toe 'Vast. elketi FOttU; FRtitS t. Ihere is thse Vassar freshnoan yell: What's the matter with the U. of Mto. O UR Ti ADE Rickets, cxco-ce, co-ex, Rickets, A L . O h to r h n , h s A. .EYEI t QL xco-ex, co-ex, haollahaloo, how- long loss Princeton been psublishing Opp. Cuouou. do-you-do, Vassar ! l a daily? 'The last slumher of the __________________ Returns from to-day's foot-hall Princetonian says that it is published Jr. B. MIDDLECOFF, ganoe will be 'hulletined immnediate- only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Type-writing. ly after the grame at Spelleras, post. Fridays of the college year. shosrt-Haitnd dMimogiraphing, Themsa, car- I reastidence, Leelarea, alsProafs.far office. news stand, and at the DAIL~Y i9 SouthpoPutulirstdon af alltkidsda, UnivAve.ofce- MiwsHila L. Allen, lit. gip, who OggIDEI~fi Ili Y" OT~4i ecigi h ihSho STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS. stahn n tehg cola "Bj f~ k cra f.mrher home, Portland, Mich., arrived . fin ,ae for hanrminthe Oceldentol Utelin, the city and wl eanoe oefotemiue.You will -surely seewilrmnoe them. Five n'cl'ck dinner, Sundays. $teea Sunday71orSt.Wt,- eroMe. eaten.Y.71FrSt.Ws,-DtotMih OGTOK ST., tnear 2daii. BILLIARD PARLORS Elegantly refitted daring the past summer, Nice laneh coaster in conneecti. BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STATE STREET, ANN ARIBOR. .THE ARGUS,'-' FINZ Joy fI4;INaG AT LOhW PRICES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN AtRBORt. C'apiial, $100,0000. Sutretusin d Frufits, $30,000. Transaets a generral baniniiig lsiiiess fur- eigin exchiange sold,.lesters or credit sprcared for Itrelers labroald. C. iIIIHMOND, Pres. I'.OAtHiV.'Pre., S.55. CLaRuiii..CaLoshier. STH6OL F1OR D~N Now opens for receptioa of Paupils. New Styles in SLINEN COLDAP " . 4. New Effect8 in NECKWEAR. New Ideas in WITE SHIRETS. WAQN1 R&Cole TAILORS AND FURISHERS. +~Handsome OVERCOATI 1-T, $ty]iSh;; .'"q $ULT