THE U. OF M.- DAILY A.T THE T W O s2M2VEI NEW GOO8, SEE THE NEW LINE OF -Overcoats -I z T TII To Q ZA2-zV/Es The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. N. B.-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. All AIrbor BtSlueLalllufty, COY AL . GEORGE L. lI11UU1E, (Moore & Taber.) + + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED.I FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Fall tine at all Csllege Text Books, including Lss ail andfMdicall ie ooasby the sasetrs. CALL. ON Cheapest place for Note.Boatssosnd Foantain fesns in the city. Freshmen crowd in. Cssae along SPECAL ATESTO TUDETS.old friends. I now have my entire sleek at may store on NO. 6 S. MAINST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Avn. No. ItI Wws'r WASHINGTON STREEr. CEO ;su. 2VtOO00lt-. W'AHR'SBOKTRDW TWN GT]T. S:NO~w~S BOOKSTO E, D~u TOWN. LIVERY. SHACK ANDS IIAGOAGE INE+'. I'eyStsudent will save money by bsuying Unliversity Text-Books and all supliesr-,it Hleadquarters. We allow orders for trains, parties, Nwedildioga.ata., speciasl discoiust 011 LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS(, IDENTAL BIOORS, ii S mut, every IBook used in the promptly sltened) So. 1Irlrphrno GIi. 21 N Nain St.. app. Tot firia. Unlivrrsity. 5,11111 Blan1k Books at losvest prices. MISS JUDITH GRAVES, 4orc W ~ F PIANIST- Highest (Geadea Taught. Apply at Wilaey's LEADING BOOR STORE IN THlE CITY. ____ Sab Stre. ___ TIlE - EXCII.1OR IAPD I IhmOfld StraIght eflf A Class (lame, short bt sillesmeeting avas held. pHaal thetrno otsir ard orices a 0lire. SNo. I --lit society wvill meet again next ticse. Comimircial work turnidioustonei alay. T le lw tamplaed he1-IghPrices reasaiilema dorkuraieedl. Ni- CIlGA RETTES. lTt~ a em lylteIu h 'ursday evening, and it is hoped 2t) Eias Haran at. A. S. U ~i 01 i, arielam. Cigarette smakersawo holjieleveii (10the campusl5yester- 0. M. MARTIN, h riejday aftelarnllootreseilingeological DEb ALER IN wiz llia te ry ite try On.Neither side scoreil chre orheodia /jet ilattentd. CohCasketsM tli trade Cigarettes, will fSdadtoghbt cm wti terop- ~ANSD C)MON NCOFFINS. TxisSBRANs uperior to i oet alliothers. poets ten yard line. Tsvo halves Lnginleering society tmeeting this J. . .OLH. d'J The Richmond Straight _1_P ct Ns:1Srigsrettes are miade from the bright- were played, the first beinig 5o min- evening. Paper by C. C. Taylor. " = Iv EI 1 rot, msst delicately flavred and highest csst tsadtescn 2J5mnts-- -.,----- AS'BsACANBGAELI , Gosld Leaf grown in Virginia. This isthe Old ltsNnotrtscnd2hints. . ?SOHttSI ainD Se Aet LNE and Original Brand of Straight Cat Cigarettes, Tilge will have to be itaed Crand Opera House. and was hrought oat hy an in the year 1875. gmesyen_-RI N SEY &SEABO LT, Beware or imitation, and observe that the __ term name asbelow isan every package. again next week. The IHigh School Bakernand dealero in The LLE & INTR Banc elvenexclle intheMaster Willardi McKay, who was to Groceries, Provisionsflour and Feed, Of the American Tobacco Co.., lvnecle ntl wedge wvorkdipa his nmesmeric powers at the l and S E Washington St.r T Nanuracturers,.- -SRichmond, Virginia.adtelw n n unn, rTe OilersaHouse last tnightt(lid not play, 41 , Ss as ol ndutdl ae crdowing to tie lack of a11 audience. . H ALL E R, A s laws would undoubtedl~ nly a. cre le will appear to-night, however, 15 W had not tile crowd which occupied anti it is ilopell lie may have a good Caspitat, 50,00. Surplusaand.Proits,$a, hofte i lonse. This little fellow is said to he Repniring a specislty. 40 SOUiTH MAIS ST. Doesa a general Banking husiness. Payo in- trefutso h field, inefre.ible to mesmerize two-thtirds of tlte --Q terenton Saving tDeposits. Hansneaety Frank Dhecke acted as referee and subjects that are presenited to himt, i. D. STIMSON C & SONS~ Depsi BEP. oses for Rent. and ite hals suceh comsplete control over SttTtetGoes Ba EPF s.oe . Ht.irdaperCahng . Ralph Stone as umpire. tihemth iat tiiey kniow Slot what they Sae!tetUoes Ban opn Sturay venng. ,-___si o.Ile invites a phlysicsiant to) tihiStsidenspatrornage especially solicitetd. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Alpha Nu Literary Society. stage to examine the subject, and slat. 21 S. STATE. STRIEET. Ann Arbor Mich. Ca itat Stock, $5,00,iafy th~e audience that there is mestuer -___ Surplus,o.00. isismlla1111 not slightt-of-hiand perform- ___ Organised nnder the General Baneking Laws The followving i the program for___ at this sa te. ReceiveostDepois, boys and ti vnn.Exrie eil a n tor eel aro,(iikai sells exchange o the principal cte fteti vnn.Eecssbgna otr(acel arw lr n identification. Officerashe: motpoe o'clock sharp: tion~s from the mnmager, and will ptoh- ! CnRSTsANs MACK, Pros.,Mui.alated, Wv. T.. HAaasssIAw, Vice Pres., tti t itni CHAS. N. HissCaC, Cashier. Btteo etsbuhrg --------JL . I.)asetf _ ___________________________ A 0Sketch at Cornell Caioarsity --.--- Yoti Probsably ihave some Broken Arti--------- ------ -----Frmk0 ieon--IP-E Clir h 9 I imilmh siIlou ntm cie of Judge O'Sheaseaes Hamlet--LeoyC. Yeomans CLASS OFFlICERS. 'There will be a JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT Orhate, Stasolved. thatsthe recent election meeting Of '92 lit., for ihe purpose 1I 1 C U H OFREAIwasaatDemocraticovictory." of electing class officers foe the en-D iV 1 T CJJICH OF REPAIR, ~Affirmative.-----------Alesxv. oravelle suing year, on Saturday, Nov. t4, WM~. ARNOLD, 36 MAIN STREET, Negative.---------------R.A.J. Shaw at s:30 p. in., lB room A. f-ISAV- taIsthe Place to go. W. H. MENsEmR, President. 5.W. CURoTSS, President.i Ai--x.Csmaa, Secretary. NoTIc-An election of a Juno, ISNOVEMNBERE . ,1891. N D A L., Ceological Soolety Meeting. Law and a Freshman Literary editor The meeting of the Geological U. of M. DAILY, will be held next~ FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. Society, Thulrsday evening,waa more Monday Evening, November, :i6, at ST J CTi-{:-' Nat Gr-ip5sod Girpl MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! largely attended than has been the 7 O'clock. RALPH STOx I, ff (reat mt/en and Griat .Nations." - t0Cost Harat Street case before this semester. The Managing Editor. O HA D TAKE A principal feature of the evening wasINO CEAlmtraofeid.i S O T A D COUJRSE. a paper by Miss Patterson, on the competition for the prizes offered b .lsricof Animusnion. - 25 Cents. IT WILL PAT YOU. Shnrthand School, New tbecOracle of 94 oust be handSed iptrue iannnepiead Me Y 1 : 51 bu Sutk Stats Street. Geology of Florida, after which a01 byNov. 15 Xhireslect s h materpiece alndMEae