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November 14, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-14

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Publiabed Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College I rar, by
Subcriptiont price P2.0 per year, invariably
in advance ingle copiscaent. Oe ale at
nernan sanadPear Offien newt stand at 12
oclock, non. Sbcriptiona may be let at
tbe office at the DAaLY, Opera Hoserbic, at
Shehan, at hffito, aor w-ita any o the
Comamunicatins hold reach the office by
oclock P. . it they are to appear the net
day. Addeeta all matter intended orc pblica-
tire to the Managing Editor. All baaanea
cmmnicatina huld hr ent to the Basi-
neat Manager.
THE U. at . DAILY,
An Arbr, ic.
RtALPH.T ONoE, '2, Maaagig Editor.
S. W. CRTavS, '2, Asit. Managig Editor.
G. L. CHAPMA,'12, Ait. Managing Editor.
J. C. TAVS, '92, iusinsa Manager.
F. E. JAsNIa, 'E, AsitBsiness Manaer.
C. W. HcenwaS, '5, Asist. BsineiiMan'g.
H. D. Jr-natL. P. G. W.DraaLestaar,'2
F. DGOREN, '12. F. E.OtoCrES, 'i.
. B. Dygert. 'le. 10, F. WeLLEr. 'lid
WI7ThINy the last tswo oy three years
tsvo great feaures lae developed
mot promnelntly which tent) toward
class distinction, andr perhaps a clos-
er Union of the classes in relation to
one another. Three years ago all sit
the classes of te Un iversity formlel
base ball clubs and muaintainedl them.
In the last two years Iis spirit has
gone still further and tie lasses
have adevelped strong foot-ball
elevens shiclh serve as excellent
feeders for the University eleven.
What this article intends to bring
foiooar4 -la another advancement
which will lead equally well toward
class championship. Why cannot
the classes of te U. of M. have
Glee Clubs? Trho freshmen should,
above any other class, maintain a
Glee Club because the University
Club would rather fill its vacancies
with studens who can remain on the
Club as long as possible. This fe-
tre of class enterprise is very no-
ticeable in the East. Both Harvard
and Yale have freshmen glee clubs,
and the University Club prides itself
on being able to fill vacancies from
these clubs. Not only could tle
members enjoy themselves heartily,
and give highly entertaining concerts
throughsout the year, but tey would
gain a course in musical training
second to none of its kind in te
country, which would remain with
them as a'happy remembrance in
connection with the old U. of M.
The University and Normal Pro-
hibition Clubs will have a joint
meeting this evening at the Unita-
rian church. Prof. Steere and oth-
ers will address the meeting.

Editor U. ,ir M. DAILY.
The attention of the management
of thse Lecture Association is called
to the following plan of reserving
seats, which hs been tried in at least
one case:
Let half tie seats of the all be
offered for advance reservation for
the rest of the season, at a slight ex-
tra charge per seat, to be determined
by the desirability of the sitting.
The other half can then be reserved
before each entertainment as before,
thus satisfying the demands of those
students who are eager to wait in
line these balmy fall and sinter
mornings. A.
I Notices irerted in hit column atthebsrte
ofc10 centsperliane. rnecil rate foe longer
tiame.tad extra lines furnihed ly appying at
the DAaLv office.]
To-tnorrnw's Deroi. Sn diay Tribtne
wilt cotain a'lt f tFoot-Bll lTesm,
wsrite-tip cf memiibeis. aniscolimnsre-
lilt of Chicago-U. f 1. game. Leave
noiders.ir call early for eopies. Oeras
Hosuse NewssDIeot.
Do you tieed atnewv Suit or Ovecoat
If so, see the liii' if samples of the
(tolideniEagle (lothinig (o., tDetroit,
Tulesdlay, Niiv. 101th, This firm hlae
tmade' hinidreds utfssuits for staidetts
last year (tisorom they refer. Il
ivery case theys'garatete perfect sat-
isfath~-ion in pint oi style, ct make
11011trimmiltgs, 11111 till sae ssiiiat
least tilt on sit or overcoat. Leaive
Your addrl~es at Gioodyearandaii St.
,amnes', Msai stret, ani Mr. Roise-
garteti will call tn yoti at your oven-
LOST-InC(iniscal Amphitheatre,
oan Motday, a gold-eided umbrella,
woitha I. F. engraveud on head. Valu-
able to owner as a gift. A rewari will
lie given for its return to hospital dis-
None of the patrots of or Opera
Houtse need think it necessary to go to
Detroit to see Matam Rhea this aea-
son. She will play here in Mareb next
without fail.
Ladies Mackintoshes in beatiful
varieties, just reeived at Mack &
$1.95-800 silk tmrellas worth $3.50
to $4 5i, marked $1.95 at Mak &
U. of M. Btttons, 50 coats each. and
with class year, 75 cents each. We are
the only makers of the three-eighth
inchitbutton, with correct eoloranatd
polishieileianel. They don't fade Or
soil, and last forever. Set postpaid
apon reeipt of prie. Studetts are
invited to visit us whets itotwn.
Iloelin & Snss, Jeweler, Grand irus
Park, 271 Woodard ave., Detroit.
A new lice of Nekwear jlst reeived
anithnio better styles will be foud its
town. You will say they sre oe-ialf
thse price von pay for tenm elsewhere.
Mack & Shmid.
Dott forget we keep sweaters, best
quality, $3.50 to $4.25. Mak & Semid.
Hot aad eold batha 10 cents, at Post
Office Barber Shop.
Full line new style collars, 4 ply, 15
or 2 for 25. Mack & Shmid.
DAxcmw--Mrs. Annie Ward Foster
will open a class in dancing, also in
Delarte in November. Also will hae
evening assemblya after class.
Ladies of the U. of M. will fid it
greatly to their advantage to call on us
when in need of Cloaks, Dress Gooda
or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Schmid.

8fHZ HA1 &B-Qo., &tate 8f.,
have received for the opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
hanad of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law cud Medical Books,
which thsey will sell at Greatly Reduaceed Prices.
Mathematical Inistruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Bocks
for 18911-2.
F our departments-CommerealINo text-toni.
armauscraptnwork- baglash Shortihard and
- -- = -; Pemanshap. Eleganttauilding, at c cct
- = =tedance, eicient anstirectaorsnoah thora
eagh, living expensesexetrenmely Ion- 252 to
V50 per wserb tadentsassisated to postioans.
leer catalogue, addreses P. R. CLEARY, Preaident.
JAS. M.'STAFFORD, 1 The iiagara FallsRoutfe."
in Fahlions 12 SLTTtONS tail DayIhrlN 1NPi 55t 13~
T YIrAll Metlsant Ta-1- nA. a.. M. c.M r~n.
1, I \ I , &lI jJ.Chcag,tL..705lsyon 12 2 3at0 sal10sto in5
\ J lJ J 1 O rting. Finte Jacksn...-2;t4 2553084401S d5 io8 50
" tDeater..... . .......- 5Ida'72i 55
line of Piece Delat Mills... d301- - - -s.73i
11 f ~SttAN AM0. 4 425 c2.56 21 ss1s605! 7 45 11
Goods to select ane u 5 01....9 6 4 8 3
fromn. ('tll for IDeteit,Ac ,161 ic a72111104, 1, 425-0
a fine fit tinsg Bufal....... SP 1 00 7 5, 15 i6
suit, TESTWARD. Nl
19 S. MAIN ST., N. STnaATNS. DetCb.i. iiiEn-s. Slats PacE.Ii
No. 1 i - xpSap Ep Extp. Lim Ex. Ace.
AN ROR. 'MCn. S. M~aitn Street. Baffa,..... 11001 9 475 40 1251(;i0
A.M AM .M. '. 1. . c. .
Dletroit, Lv... O8 ii1,120 74519 5 1 55 4 4.
SlWaynJunc 9t0---. 8 51 . 9 534 519
< Ya~-.- i~ psilanti-...921 8 10 2 t05 47-t...t10 5540
ANN ABOR. 935 8ass 2191811018 1ets ta2ss
Delhi Sills..9543 ... ..--.915.........
Chesea.. .110 . :9 ..-sa 6.- 17
__________________________Jacksn. . ..a1a00525 35a4 1 5 11tt5145 6ala
LEAVE YOUR ORDERS thienRo.Ar. 755 355 910050450 805111
-AT- tDaily. *Sunday eacepted.

Nc spapera. Magazanes, Peraodacals, Fle
Confectatna, Cagars and Tobacco.
That Wonderful Menmerint, only
14 Years Old.
Master McKay hat made mere aubjecta
than any ether Mesmerist living in the tiame
he baateen before the public. The medical
profeasion arc cordially invited to test chit
science. Don't lail to osechia boy an you cay
net get the chance again as histoter in thia
coantry in limited.
Friday and Saturday Nights!
Admission, 25. 35 and 5O Cents,
eserved Seats at P. O en-n Stand.

G5. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann A etter
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Time Table gaing linoneffct September 13, 1S911
Areaval of train at AanArbor.
No. 2. Threech Mail and Expresse. --7 40a. m.
No. 4. Ann Actor & Toledo Accom. .1150 a.In
No. e. Clare Passenger.-.....:5 05 p.m.
Nol1. Clare andToledoeccna. It M 130a.
No.13. Through Mail- - -Sri..... Q20p. m.
No. 5. Asn Arbor & Toledo Arcom.. 7 It a.I.
Trains 4 and 5 rcaen-etaeenAn Arbor and
Tcleda rely.
Central Standard Time.
All Traina Daily eacept Sanday.
uen. Pass. Agent Local-Agent.

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