THE U.. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. j"ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY A7 TT7_ ~~~~Formerly Aimendinger Piano and Organ Company.r 9i; xnc .ffew lya er oon,18- Locr fplazcesa e Lite'rtl~lq resrr. I will '"Open the Ball' by placlllg a fbe stock o1fCGuitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU.; 2l5 Seuth Fourth Avenuee. City. -A NEW LINE OF- ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. .Stro I ESTCABLISHED 1 51. {(OURtSE, one year. Three faill terms J"" ) reqluiredl. Terms begin, September, :January and March. R aLZOPP5 ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. F u1 Corps of Instructors and otuorro Degree of LL. B. Conferred. AT- Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Addrees the Dean or Secretary, TAILOR .1SSTUlII1 JS Stittl AN P IP MADE A. T3 OVERCOATS A. K. Noble's. GO TO-- FrHIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. Nesw Goods, new Fall Goods, new Winter Goods, Full IDress Snitings, Silk Vestinlgs. Overcoatings, London Suitings. Trousserinigs a specialty. Largest and most complete slock in the city, at the lowest prices. Please call anid examinell. CALKINS' PHARMACY.; ALBANY, N. Y. NO.2 EAST WASLILE R. CO, JLLY[ Owinsir to the Expirationaof Patents, We are selling Nickel Plated Centre Draft Laapsat SELL g reatly Reduced Prices. $isSO will go as far this rear as 82 50 would last year. y "RE STARS OILSAFEST AND BEST is Mtarket, Delirered ainor owni Cass toCastoimera ia any part o the City at 10 cents pee gallon. ____________________ OIL CANS ef all sizes and at Lowest Price. Shee Brashes, Blacksingasid Toilet AND ALLI Articles at One=Thied coos than usual Prices. Sfadst' e Ippliaa, I4n ' + '' -v rrh1 a Leave Orders for all DCAP &. ~ Ac1Lr1 ATHLETIC + GOODS. 44 SOUTH MRAIN STREET.- - - - --ANN ARBOR, MICH ZGTON ST., iieair Maini. BILLIARD PARLORS Elegantly refitted daring the past simmer. Nice lainch coanter ini connectiso. BUTTS & HIAZLEWOOD, S'TATE STREET, ANN ARBOtR. --XTHE ARGUS.'-' AT LOIW PRICES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFP ANN ARBIOR. Caital, 511x)01,Oll. Siuriilia ndii Profis,3, {}00si. Trasas ii eeral,,bianingliiusins,ar- aes excarnes'sol, letters oatcedeiit procu red for trmselers abroad. C. I. RtICHiMOlND.lPres.IP.101 H, V.liesa .wSC l:tLssis , iistahi YTx OT'YY'YSYY 7C7xYTt EY' SZI. Waffcs Jewelry ,Sfore. OUR NE W "UNIVERSIVTY' SOUV ENIR. Oiieaifiamanyloriourlihadsoiielpatternisiaf "C. atfM.,'Michigan"and A nniaArboir" Souvensir lcs, Coffee aiad iaCoclate Spaons-giltaoxidized aind brighattain. ND. 105S. MAIN STREETr. I YOU CAN GET, What/i cald 110, (iil hae1Priic iii be rigyhi. at BROWN'S DRUG STORE. :Chemical Physical Apparatus Rar a heicals. MicroscopicalSpplieas, EIOLRBACLI & SONT. HAVE EARNED AN A..SEYLER &SON Ope. cocl: House. J. B. MIDDLECOFF, Type-Writing. Shiort-Haind aiid Mimoraphine, Thises, Cor- resonadesice, Lectures, also Praofa for '.1 South Pablication of allkinsid. Uii.Ave. STUDENTS' BEADQUARTERS. ".Bays," if yeuarse leaking eor any ot poise Eric nds, takesa chair in the Occidental Botel office for ten minutes. You will surely see them. Five o'clock dinner, Sundays. Special rates. THE CAMPUS. Thea rarvinlg was dlolne by George Brontas, the Athecnian sculptor. 5-I.L. ohnonlasC'91 ha loStatues of Achilles antI Paris arc cated at Augusta Ga. J. E.: unin, law 'gr, is prac aogtes ticinlg his profession inl tes Molies, H. J. Miller, law 'gi, maide the Iowa. 'opening argument for the slate in C. A Hamerlaw gi, s athe noted Demers murder trial at a"Chicago lawyer," at 521 Chamber Livingstons, Montana. The preso of of Commerce bulilding. the state comsplimlented-himl upon H. Ml. Bird, low 'gi, has a iiosi- his effort, as it rdid all the coun~sel tion in the lose office of Simpsons & 'engagedl. Scddr. Marinette, Wis. B r. Duncanl MacGregor, who will T1hc 'p . medics call "baby M~illier" lecture at the l'rst Baptist chsurch ther uosot l~ spllpreen lonsTuesday evening, Nov. 17, canlnot tChi aso adwatprsnthmbe recommlended too lhighly. He is wihasolid silver cup, valuedatishe equal of any in the Students' flfteen tdollars. Baby McKee and lecture course. O~f him thc London Baby Cleeland 1n0w 1haveaforsul-Tlgahsy:"saecurD. dable rival. Tlgahsy:"salcue r MacGregor has not a peer in the The annual meeting of the Ama- country." teur Athletic Union of the United States will he held in New York next Monday, at which the application of L. H. Cary for records in the 100 yards race will he considered. Mrs. Stanford has given the uni- versity bearing the ne 'of her son, sculptures to the value of $25,000. 71 Fort St., West. - Detroit, MVIch. I S'H' OL FOR DANCING Nows open for receptionl of Pupils1. a New -Styles in Q LINEN COLLARIS. New Effects in N ECKW EAR. New Ideas in WHITE SHIRTS. WAQN1 R & GOO TAILORS AND FURNISBERS. Handsome + OVE.I-{COATINGS. $tyjiSh SUITINGS.