THE U. OF M. DAILY mKE T ~WO SALMS_ EHE T2W0 SAMS_ WHAT TO WEAR IN COLLARS, CRAVATS, SHIRTS, AND GLOVTES- From the New York Furnisher. The linen collar of evening dreso continues the straight-oip effect, the points at the greateot eminence, whereothey alsmost meet, and rising gradaally froot the bock. The cravat of ovening dress to of white latn,oe c wide, without stitching or emhroid- ey, or eny- advention oate like character that may bse avoided. The foil-dress shirt has a tiet, plain hosom, with which ore teon three white pearl stttds.f The gloves of foil dress are tof lelicate pearl, otndressed, anod twit white or self narrtsw coed-1 iog stone the hoots. i 'fhe handkerchief of foil dress is of tene white linen, with narrowe hetmstitch horder. Thte houtonniere of tall dress is otfnwite Plosters alweass-pitnk, chsrysathtetmam, orchiids, hyacieth, gardenias, or swhatever ttay he te pros-alesttower-bttt alsways swhite. Thsere is e widettittg of the range of walkittg gloves, and the difference in swetght stggests that she tashionahbletaan sltoald have atso paits itt his repertory. For the morning cell or after- nonetea there is a lighter weight its lighter shtades of tots, that should he, smoreover, snag fit- tittg; and fosr the "con situtional" tmornintg ansd aftenoons ot-oil and geatral wear, heasvyloose fitig "makes" in hots lighst andl dark tae shasdes. the heavy undressed kids, to gray oatd snatf-color, are perhsaps the deslaihloswalkiag gloves. the hatch decoration is light, being at tarrcose raised cording. At Ttas' Two SAMStshue above styles ate atow ready. Also an enitire line of Swallow-Tail ('oats anti Vents andc Opera Overeoasts. TILE TWO SAMS. [§Telephsise No. 99.] L. Blitz. The J. T. iJacobs Co., The ~J. T. Jlacobs Co.. The ~J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 ASND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. N. B.-We still have a nice assoftment of Light Weight Overcoats to be cloned out at Greatly Reduced Prices. AlArlbor StIRML h l ~ . GEORGE L. M O SMor or+ + I bbe~ WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Fall Line of all College Teat IBooks, incltuding Lateasans Mediestcs ,s,;ithtt staclk?. C'AtLL.ON 'Chseapest place for T'ote Rocks andstFssantsin Pests its the city. F'resthmencrsowd its. t'sas along SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. N._r ~.. _7:Tolsifriends. I now hsave my entire stock at my stsstw on NO. 6 S. M&INrST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. ItWES'T' WASItlNC1,TsN STREETtot. L5OO. WAHR'S BOOKSTORE, DOWTN TOWN. Bzz i - I L.IVESRY, HCKANt) BAGGAGEtLINtE. Ev-ery Studsent will slave mntey by btsying Csniversity 'loat-Books and nll aupplises st Headquarstets. We allow ,-0rdesseorsrins, parties, tcsslsdissgs, etc., specisal discounat ott LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL 11001S, 1) I"NT ALBOOKS, in shotitevery Book sssesdin tiso~ tpromtsly attendtosl5. T:iesi tiy. itiO latnk Books at lowest psices.t''tsst 5t.itNM ts5.ssts055Ilts, MISS JUDITH GRAVES, < -'IW1C.C ] ..IE I ., I ltes iraes,NIT' asscce. LEA DING BOOK STORE IN THlE CITY. ittes G adsMsic' Sasse. ____t__ile3 . IHE - I:XCEI. lI1. - I s51i'tlsV lRithmond Straigjht Qay.C tTHE CAMPUS, Literary Adelphi Program. Hansnllst'e itprtedast'atnaarsy, aatatis pse. ptotusssrnsotfistcassworkionashorist tao- N .Iiaotist'. t'ottsereiaiorkei~ctaas o-utaai samsesiay. Ifs l 5'asasassluiaeslaa-..._- -____-- - - Prices rsonasabl-aeaawe isa raateed i. ta- CIGARETTES. jn.Clvean,?lyler, late'91, has located-------MisLstatsadte seahrtas traso. .-. at Prls'seas C igaet-te Smoskeeasotto Oh'taeail iio. Aslairra, ttoaw ae regardsournas ilwatays__---- _ O, M. MARTIN, are wtcsillintg tosay alittle -----otc------ - - - --- - McGitlisttiA SR N sne ore thee the price fog).-~...t,'4 ntai EssayThe'lpractice of Medticinefortomen lt aktM tli taedfothaasiae5left for Chicago to- y.Itt will-------------------3Metallicaa - tetat Cigreten, illPad layAND COMMON COFF'INS. t a'fTstBRANDsaupterior to witnessls t-blh gmeo ali-Flate andt piatto dattack------------ / all notern. -- - -- -- --blgaeo u--- Ms ata adMtohr J. A. POLHEM US, asS The RichmodSrih -------isLta n r ece Cat No.1I Cigarettes are made fromntthebriho- day. Dehate-Resolved, that nhe presidento 4 ststtdlctl ofoe n ihstcs r oeaprfso ntepe- teUie tts hudhl fie o -O'U AC N AGG IE Gold Loaf grown te Virginia, Thts is the Old posrtoltpc a term sat six years and shottid heineati AL NoBrShainD BAtr et LNE and Original Brand nf Straight Cuat Cigarettes, dprmn and wan hrought oathby as inthe year 1875, paratory dprtetof the ')nicer- gile forre-election. RNE SAOT Beware of imttatins, andahbseve that the AffofatAvekansas,---is--p-ilMr.tpiine Baker sdeaBOter firm name as helow is an every package. stty oAArknsrmatipusuve- - -Mr. BkerSptsdeleror The ALLEN&GINTEspecial Negative -------------Mr. Stlvemn T f he Ae&inTbRachoC. work in the University doting the Music____-Miss Latham and Mr. Bteecher Griceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, Of heAmricn ehccoCa, and8SE.Wasnton St.r Manutactarers, - - Rchmond, Vtrgtnta. vacation of the Southern University. Satuirday evening at eight o'clock, flibaisve oo J H LLER, t~aff , n Seea nwqizcus ae eninro 2.J H n 1.organized among the '94 medics. Freshman Independent Caucus Bearnactt-. Ssrtmhat Csaitat., 0,000. Savplsansd Proftts, $17,000. , epiangaateiat8. 4ocSUTlockST Doee a general Banking hasiness. Pays in- Students of the lawy department to-morrow morning at. D.oSclMckIT --30N3, terestaon Saving Deposits. Bas safety take more interest in. club court sharp in Room A.J.D MO SN Deposit Bassotr Host. NTC.Terola otl Ba. KE OpeS.tP.dayBeLveCnhr work than thecy did last year. The aSaeSre ooes Bank non atardvevctsg.meeting of the Athletic Board wiii Stssdentspatrsstageeapeeially solieited. members of the 1Pacific Coast, Cooley be held Saturday, 9a a. cn., Alpha Noulu 24.:STATE STREET. Ann Arbor Savings Bank adi a-iua ll.Mteso nprac bu Ann Arhor Mtch. Capitat Stack, $10000, and -Tans-Missippi in priua H l. ;M teso im race b ut - ------ -- - - Surplus,S105.000. hsave a better attendance; less canes tlhe Cos-nell ganie will come before - Organtaed under; the General Banking Laws nf this state. Beceives Deposits, hays and are continued fronm week to week, the Bloatd. C. A. IloovN, Pres. sells exchange ono the principal cities saf the United Stetes. Drafts cashed upotn proper an>i edmajagTeti ie sri.-I otra fee CHRISTIAN 'MACKldOres.,dg ator gvny, r-11mteiloffered O tJI\IinP63.11O CHdISTIttAiN. MtACres.,vce throuagh non-appearance ofatonycmpiin for the prizes ofrdby U M G E O W0. D. BAnassAN, Vicers., optto CHAS. N. HISCOsCK, Cashier,. The University Biological Society tlhe Oracle of '94 mstvs be handedl in- Yost Probasbly have some Broken Arfti- held its first meteting Tuiesday after- by Nov. 15. tOt Phitadeiptai', I'a., trill lreisra in the cle f N oistm-'lhere will be an ee- el fnoi on .'itsuetion Teof officessfor the class of '95, T, I< -.'-as--s-c ' TT!I JEWELRY OR A WATCH CUTI OF REPAIR, WNM. A R NO LD, 36MAIN STREET, Isathe Place to go. AANDALg FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!' 30 East HuosStrnet, CsSHORTHAND TAE. IT WILL PAT TOU. Shorthansd Schaol, New Bnidtag,10 South State Street. interested in biology and the kin- dred sciences, as well as the lusts-oct- ors, have for several years content- plated the formsation of such a society and it is to be hoped that. their ex- pectations will be fully realized in this one. There is much more interest manifested in Biology and Animal Morphology this year than ever before. In fact, all the sciences are continutally' gaiaing ground and will soon hle considered as important as the classics. on Saturday at so a. in., in room A. AFH} 1 LilUlitil NO5TICE.-EL.CTIOF '5-92 L.IT. CL~ASS tOFFICERS. ITere will be a-lN A- meeting of '92 lit., for the purpose of electing class officers for the en- , NOVEMBER 17, 1891. suing ycar, on Saturday, Nov. 14, 1 at a1:30 p. in., in room A.--- S. W. CURTISS, Presidenst. NOTCE.-An election of a junior S'rssjc:-=Nat re ri and Graple Law and a Freshman Literary editor o Great .Men and Great Nations." for the vacancies on the staff of the U. of M. DAiI.T, will be held next ,Monday Evening, 'November s 6, at Price of Audmsin, - 25 Cents. o'coc. Anasos S iocac I'ls ts lectutre In a maaseepteeand Sr. Sac' Mnging Edto. reulor a brilliant orator.-Breoktyn Eagle.