THE U, OF M. DAILY. 'vWE ARE THE PEOPLE. -Aj ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY, Form "erly A iendingor Piano and Org-an Company. .New Woo erooois, - - - - - - - - - Corner oJ thin and Ll iui I yStreets. I sill "'Opein the B3all' by placintg a fine stock of Guitavs, anos~, etc. PR ICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. F'indil Thizs wm s uMsmc s'romE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. A NEW tINE 0F5 - ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. St ro ESTAB3LISHED l85t. COtICSE, onie year. Three futll tere-sa 1-' required. Terita tegini, Septemnber, January- andolMarci. R azor§, ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. Degree of LL. B. Conferred. ATr Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13.1 Address the Doe or Secretary, I TAILOR 1 MADESSif ±I l91iI OVERCOATS A. L. Noble's. (G0 TO- -- ___Fur HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. New Good~s, newirlositl Goods, news Winter Goods, Fuill Dreso Sttttings, Stlk Vesttngs, ()vercoatttings, LondtotnSuittngs. Trottsertigs a speciailty. Largest and tiost complete stocksti the city, at the lowcst pites. Plese call and examsinte. C ALKINS' PHARMACY.; ALBANY, N. Y. NO. 2 EAST WASUDN B. t h J.IUfL5L1 60., 0wing to the Expination of Patents, we are seling N is lted Centre Draft L impo at SELL greatly Reduced Prices. $lso5 will gu stfr thin year as $2 50 wool lost year. "RED STAR" OIL SAFEST AND BEST in Market, Delivet et inou wnCans to C1stotnero3 in any part ot the City at 10 cents percgalloo1. ____________________ OIL CANS ot all tizes and at Lowent Price. Shoe Brushes, Blacting anod Toilet AND ALL Articles at Otto-Third less than usual Prices. 5tcsdEnts' tipp i~s, DC~nl + + UOI2PAflY. Leave Ordersfor all ------N-"- ATHLETIC + GOODS. 44 SOUTH MtAIN STREET,- - - - - -ANN ARBO 3, MICE Jewelry Store. \. n.jj ~~i ~ _ . - - -- ~ C fINT Ind 4'UN VIYs.___i-" tOhJ N5R One onneof outr ltuetlstne pattrso "U.eor M.,''Ziei-an' Chocolate Spoos-gilt,oidizead brighttfins. NO. 10S. MAIN eST suand Attn Arbor- Souvenir Tet, Coffee and FisEr., YOU CIAN GET THE CAMPUS. Blaker, of Chicago, all of Harvard l~lhatThe'c meicsaretohav clss'9, Ilave beets visiting Mrt. Bert ou yaIsnit fl, too heio raic willho t e19)t(cicaetohae lasWalker, Harvard '90o, U. tof M. lass titht, ittc n s BR W ' RU T R. Wrighst, the sprinster, is still ton (nStudyeenn ler st -- - crutches. tic atrialsocil'givheneito Prof. 'Thlomspsons leads the S. C. Sueats'piclsisialAsiantosha Chemical1'~ Physical Apparatus A. umeetitng Susnday mornitng. leBpitcucl oahc l r -Th''le Adelplsi has posted . Stant'ChseryAsoiaina c1- L . P. and ;4 etntertainitig atnd itsstrutctis'e programts cordlially' invited., 'Rore C(cmcsos MirscpialSupplies, for Saturday eveninsg. Lelatsd T. htowers say's that suct1a JBERBACII & SON. Mrs. PresidetiAngell is otte ofl series of concerts as thsat of the thte patronesses of flhe cotmingt great Choral Union for tS9t-92a is tnot to x"EAttNE0 AN to he umet with outside of New' York ENVIAntLE charit' ball at Detroit. bet Bot, REPUtTATtON Sevcraldte alr aeady or Bsoandclthsensit swould cost 4 OURTRD arranged by Manager Sntith for thse$6o$8 sOLtdtTE'1 Glee and Banjo Clubs. The following telegram addressed A. D.SEYLER &SO01 A. F. Covert, proprietor of else to Princetons College, sod referring Laundry, hsas hee called t audyafo~algne a J . B. 1IMIDDLECOFF out of town by the serious illness of received by the foot-ball associations Type-Writing. ' his brother, yesterday afternoon: "A glorious sreHadadimeogctr.ahing Prfs for- r a~eo sone of the most victory. HARVARD." sondencttdLandMesoProe oesour- D.Mcrgri 39 ouh ubtcaio o al knd. Uiv Ae.kingly matters of rhetoric and elo- 0g9JD fI IL OThIL cution on the American rostrum.- STUDENTS' HEADOQUARERS. B"oys" if you are looking for any of year Mr. Harry M. Duffield and Mr. frigtnis, take a chair in the Occidetal Hot# ofic fonr ten minutes. Yen will surely see Crapo, Smith, of, Detroit, Mr. Jas. C them. Five e'clock diener, Sundays. 8ptsti1 H.Wakr ndM .EwrdL' rates. . .Wle an MrEdadL 7!Frt.Wt, - Detroit. Mich. KGTON ST., near .Ma~in. tLILLIARD PARLORS Elegantly refitted during the past summer,. Nice latch counter in connection. t BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STATE STREET, ANN ARIBOR. --THE ARGUS-- FINZ J 1O3 TfV TtJ@, " AT 1LOW PRICES.g FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oil ANN ARBtOR. Conlisi, l~, it,000. OSurils nd Pt o fi ots, lt 'Transatiseisttgenterallbin g bsintessfor- eigns excarlgsesosold, letters sit credit iprocured our tavelrsroa d. C. H. RItCHMOtlND,'tPre s ' t.t1Cti, 5'. Prei. S. W.5'.. n totsi', tusier. SIH60L ~ R D~6~ tNou open for receptiots of Ptupils. New -Styles in LNEN COLLARS. New FEffects in N ECKLWEAR. 'New Ideas in WHITE SHIRTS. WAGN1 R &Co. 1 TAILORS AND FURNISHERS. Handsome + OVERICOATINGS. $ty~iSh SUITINGS.