THE U. OF M. DAILY TEr'I TWO SAMDSTHEX TWO SA.MS. NE f WHAT TO WEAR IN COLLARS, CRAVATS, SHIRTS, AND GLOVES! E D S [From the New York Furnisher.? 13 The tinen collir 01 evening diess continues the straight-up effect, th e oints at the greatest orisencecehere they almrost meet, and risingagradually from the baek. Trhe cravat of evetinig drecor is of white tests,ote inch wride, without stitehing or embtroid-, cry, erecty advention oa like character that may he evoidert. The fult-dress nhirt ha settwle, plain hboom, withs which are scorn threwhitic pearl sttuds. The Ji.U-a o sC . Thse cloves ofttilt dres0ae of delictet pearl, undressed, nnd with white or oelfnaerrosw cord- i J Tjjc ~ c . ic uoon the hacks.1 The handkercieif of folltdreso to of ite cwhite linen, with narrate hemstitch border. TheJ.T . ~c o The houtonniereo fnll dressoileaf whtite flowers always-pinks,cryssanthsemusom, orchiids,Th .T. Jao sC , hyocieth,gaerdenrias, or cwhctesvcrtotsybe also prevalentflowr-btoalwsewthite. There to a cwidening ofteae tofsitsooting gltoso, end the difference in wesght sgfestsojaJ .'Ja ~ SC thattithetshionabhle smsssould havre satpaiss itshit repertory. Forsthemorningcaslltor after-jj noon~ tee there toea lighter weight its latter shadsofstates, that soald ibe, tite over, snug fat-Th lT. la o s C , ing, auet for te "costitutionasl" mornisigast afternooni stroll end general steer, ticavy~loosc fittiss aesar" in botith and sdrk tan shadles. The heavy aisndresodids, in gray andutA D2 AN T N R3R susfcolorr, are perhaps thse desiahblr eetaling gloves. Theo bach decorsioies light, beingag 7AD2 ANS. N R R essrrossraisd cording. AtTi:ToSsa- h bv tlsaenwrad.As netr ieo allow-Tail Coats and Vests stntd Operta Overcoatts. N. B3.-Wie still have a nice assortment of Light Weight Ovfrcoats TIHE TWO SANS. [7Iilephlie 1V o. 99.] L. Blitz.y to bc closcd out at Greatly Reduced Prices. MilANlioF8StuIILalllfY. O L. GEORGE L. MOORE.Sucesir.)o + + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A Pall Lofu astlli Colege TestxtBoaks, inclsuding ,rio rodl .blooo l,srby thre stacks. tALLt. N Cheaptest place fir Nto. teBksoildFounainirs in thie city. 'rcslssses croinr . Cause along SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. siA== _..M ld friends. I no aii vsse my entire stock at msorre oil NO. 6 S. Ill Ir~sST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. Nit. 11,XWEST WAStrINsToN .teer UO-T-.. m.yom=_5~ 'AHR'S BOOKSTORE, DOI Ev-ery Stuidetit will saive mnaey by buyinig Unirversity Text-Books atir all strecial rdiscoiint ott LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, I) ENTAL 1100] Un11 iver11ty. 5,('t0 Bltink Books at lowvest prices. LEADING BOOK STOREL IN THE C(II R,hmonG{ Straight. Qci. CIGARETTES. 'Cigarette Smokser sho - arcestilling to naysa little soeotiae the price chserged frothe eriltirr - tradre Cigretes, mill fintd TatsoBRNsunperior to Th Richmouj~nsnd Straight Cat Nao. t Cigareetees nrc maeefrom the bright- rot, mast delicately flucoeed and highesnt east Gold Loe grows in Virginin. Thiltin the Old end Original Brand at Straight Cut Cigeretten, end wan hrought aut hy us itn the year 1875. Beware of imitations, end nbnerve then the firm sae as heoaw is an story pachago. The ALLEN & GINTEE Branch Of the American TohaaccoCc.. Manufacturers, - - Richmond,. Virginia. & IaVIdwCistat. 50,0-0. Susplusasnd Profits, s$y17,0. Boos a general Banking hbusiness. Peys in- terest as Saving Deposits. Han safety Deposit Boxes far Bess. B. KEMPP, Pros. F'. H. BELSE, Cnshier. Bacnk aoen Satusrdev-eevening. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ann Arbor Sick. Capital Stock, 150,000, Stirplus, $100.000. Organized ander teGeneral Banking Laws of thin cease. Receives Deposits, bays end setls exchsasge on tire prinseipin citiesoif she United States. Orefs casedtupoprroer idesntification. Officers,: CHISIAN ex MAte, Pros., W.5. OH AnaR,IMNVice Pres.. CHsAS. E.HISOtCt., Casier. You rt obrahibly hasve some Btoken Atrti- tie sit JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT OF REPAIR,S W M. A RN O LD, 36 MAIN STRtEET,J la the Plece to go. ~ANDALg FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! 30Etnion0Strens, SHORTHAND UR IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand, School, Sew Building, 20 South State StreeL. Webster Program. Manse51. Deoclamnation. ..---------I titotti'R.Blret AsmericasssSeri-crltnrrcrsitirspeccimssofit Kansas sills aud cocoos)r---G.KP.Mergers Oration.-----------Chsarles K. Prietmans Debate, "Reoalvedr, that prirhibitisn to is failure" Afirmative-Lee N. Breowns end PM. Troy; negative, Chrares P_ unragis and H. K. Wolcott. Everybody cordially iavited. To- night at 7:30, at the law building. Foot-Bell in Wisconsin. The game of foot-ball as now played throughout the college of thle country is of very recent growth and development in the large universities of Illinois, Wisconsin atnd Minne- sota,.hBut several years ago the students of the U. of AV. kinesw not wh~at it was to see a ganie of foiot- ball played on their campus. Sinice thtat tinmf, vonders have bietn wroutghit along this linec. lu day thley hate a "'varsity'' leant of w shich they tmay ovell feel proutd, arid many think tat it wiii compare q suite favoraibly oithi .\icliigatt's l eant.'Ibis rentains, sot course, to be demonstrated osi the field and not on piaper. Iti addition to this the various classes of the 'University have put teams in the field. The U. of W. recently played a game with Northwesterns which resulted in the score of o to o. This has en- gendered a great feeling of rivalry between the two colleges, and they meet in Milwaukee on Thanksgiving day to play off the tie.1 N N TOWN. LIV5EiY, flAsK ANtI BAGGfAGELIE.1. sutpplies tHeadqiusatters.We alw;Oriterestortraites, ptis . ordirgsetsr., -BUsl 1irtt evetry Bosok usedl insthre 'li-,ti strs m tl ttnddtsr. ! MISS JUDITH GRAVES, thighest GradesTa~ught. AppIly at vilsey's Y. Mairsie Stre. ____ THEF - IXCI '.,4lOIt - I.ANi'riRY High School v.093 Law, PostponedOfPis-ill tire iproved-u-lmsrcrir'y, truithis hre. ____ 5tparedtoltrnrourtirst'lssorobirs hort nos- tae ,m eca orturn-edu'ttssaelday. Tfhegamte in the ilass leagnue Peicers rr~resonalelstndcworkrussotrunts sriNut ? ' ls urrnstsi A. 1'. CO iI-li, a-is i r. wvhich wvas schesduledt to be olaycl ed Os ,M.ATN yesterday afternoon bttweeti '93 law .IDEALERI IN and thte High School eleven, was Cloth Caskets, Metallic AN0DhCOMMOSN COhFPINS. riot played, on account ofIte wet J. .A. POLHEMUS, wveather. It aill probably be playesd T = v' _M on the campus next Fridlay afternoon ALSO IBUS BACK AND BIAGGAGE LINE, Nourthl Main Street. at 4 o'clock. RINSEY & SEABOLT, - "- * -vBnkers and deahers in Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, NOTCE.-All material offered in 6nnd 85E. Washington St. F competition for the prizes offered by J. HALLER, the Oracle of '94mist be handed tnALLER by Nov. 15. E z IRepairing anpecisltv. 46tiOUiTHMAIN ST. NOTICE-All members of tterr e -sT T q~~5 Junior ].aw Foot-ball Team will J. ID. S I SO SONoSo, meet daily on Ite campus for prac- State street Grocers. tice. By order of the captain.- Stutdenuts pattronalge eshpecially sholicited. 24i S. STLATE STREET. NOTC-E.--All candisdates for '95l foot-ball eleven are reqluestedl to __ appear daily sinltrescanmputs for practice. CrNist- TT. l \ D~ NoriO-s.---Tlic regutlar mueetitig of l~ SII JPU I the Demtocratic Cluhilviilibe shel this (Wedntessday) evcning. Novcni- Il-ih h,-I i nst. Is, at 7:t30 sr'slock, in the.lwqizroi.I :.DF V rssvet. BAP IS CH RC ofNiTII-c.--l-.t OlTiriN O 92 I BA T S' hUI CSS As riies. Thtere will -be a ~ mteeting of '92 lit., for te putrposc ofelecting class officers for thre e n-TfNOVTEM.BER 17, igyao 1traNv 4 891. at 1:30, in roomA. I S. AV. CoeTtSSIPtesident. NOTcF.-An election of a juniori STIJIr-T:--"Y'/ur(.tip anid UGrgh /z- Law and a Freshman Literary editor of (GreaztlXenatnsdt Great Na-'fieaas.' for the vacancies on the staff of the U.. of M. DAILY, will be held neat Monday Evening, November 16, at Price of Admission, - 25 Cents. M cok raning TOEitr T hin lecture in a asnterpioeeand Sr. Mao- Managing Editreoer a brilliant orator.-Broohlyn Eagle.