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November 11, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-11

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~J V . ofvwwv v. vv de nts is not as large as the University
C. C " xr ? lofMichigan with 2,627, because the
______latter institution eets to add 274
abtished Deity (Sndays excepted) daring more meni to her numbers before the ~ ~ 1'As o,~&~s.
the Clieve yeer, by end of the year. It may be that the
HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION loose system of registration at Michii-Ihase received for the opeiig of college 20,000 Books, new and second
-~ ~- -~- gait, which permits students to regis-liand ot all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law-and Medical Books,
THE_______________________HOUSE __ ter ins large inumibers until the second whichi they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
-- ---semiester begiiis its Febsruary', will Mathematical Instruments ansd Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books
'rue Harvard Crimson lakes cx- trnrho hslsreasiii.i for 1891-.
eption In the correction wrhich ihe should ti ink it imighit. Just at preseint
DAM imnadle of its (the Critmson's) hiowever, Ilairvard lteadis." j
tatemsent that, '"Aptparenstly te Itothissstatetmenit, the systemitofis _ _____
traduates nf the westeris colleges, registration at :Michsigans is elsarac--fi _

except those who were to he denst-
ists, are rouming cast to complete
their education.'' Thlis stateenet
was made io an article containing a
comparison nf the statistics nf at-
tendance at Harvardl anid Michigan,
in which the claim was niadle that
Harvardt had ousttrippedl Michigan
and wvas this year the largest univer-
sity its Aiserica. The trimssn fol-
lowveit this up with souse statistics
which created the imspressiosn that a
imajority of the western students
wvent East to obtain an educatioss.
The Crimson now disclaimss soy sucs
intention, but says that it mserely
wisheditot call atteotlionstn the fact
that '"Harvard dtraws a substanstial
perceintage of tier stttdensts from tthe
WVest.'' We tbeg tthe Crimsson's tsar-
dton if we misiterpretedl its edito-
rial, bitetinkti wceti-rc its part
justified ill puttinig the construiction
glin it that is- did, frotm the tenor
of the statements asid the spirit of
te article wvhich compared thse at-
tendance of the two suniversities.
'rhat article in the Crimson was ex-
tensively copicd in eastcrn ncwspa-
pers, where it was made to appear
not only that Harvard was the larg-
est university in America, but that
Michigan's influence in the West
was rapidly lessening and giving

termzed as ''loose.'' This is not
true. Ott the contrary it is the most
perfect systens that can he devised.
tt is very apparent that the editor of
the Crimson does not know upon
what plan the University of Miichi-
gan is conductesd. We regret that
we have not the space to enter into
a detailed explanationt. Suffice it to
say that the arrangemsent ot thie cur-
riculumis at Harvardl is suds that stu-
dtents who enter must register at the
beginning of the year, wvhile at
Mihia li'stthe "cretlit system"''per-
rits those, who are advianicerd enought
to finishliinthtrendtr a half years,
tot reai n oiit uitutit Ithe secondt se-
tmester. Hncen 'lictiganosregistra-
tionswhsesn it is coumplete for the
year, will sthow at the very least
2,750 studeintts; andifithe ipropor-
tiontate tincrnase tiltto enate is msaits-
atinedthtere uill tbe2a is. The
Iftnt tha t, just at present, hows-
ev erI lastvtintleads,'' counts for
nothing. It such a lute (if argusmsent
is of ansy force, Swarthmuore College,
for insstance, which otpens about
Septemsber in, cmulti have said uitlh
propriety that she wvas larger than
Harvard because she had a larger
number- of students registered on
September to, before the students
sad commenced to register at Har-
vard,-i. e., before Harvard's regis-
tration was complete.

_Is theLEI tiNGSCttOOof atitLSitE~c
Fousedepartmetistsmecil oatex tt tnt I
sit asurtptwoiik-&igibtiSbsrtitied end
_ - iPenmansbhip.Elegnt bauiditg,. site at-
___-__ teeda seefraciest istrtstwtorkitr ti
a ugh, living expensstex'treely'ioisis 52ata
50 per week; studentsaesstetsaitios.
Far eatalogae, address iP.it. CL.EARie', Pretidenst.
JAS. M. [STAF'FORD," sgrFalRof"
Fh The Loader EAST'rwARo.
in Fashions 111 5TA'TIONS Meil DayShre i9N Y N i'tAti 'Ka
9T(YT( ~ Merchanst Tail- . . . . . .M. PMe.e. . t .
oriti0 g11. Fisso1 eJaksson.... its55425 5 3itt474(i' 6t15 5
Chesa......359.. .. .i5iGi71(5' 42
Dexter.... i.41,...... . . 545 7I2ii 13i5
litsoe of Piece ncelihi Fis.4301t..... Ii
1 ~~A ABOR. 44255 622 as45i0s0,vi'45 10I s
GYpssioloaenYti.,.. 15 tttt. 956 vf 2,3 0sic3
0 1St slct(Wan tJn t57. . .064753x1050
frott. ('all for Deto e .61 64s 70105 -30 9012
1 Stilt. Chi. N t,
STT nNS er Chi. Lit e-.Shre ,Pac. Mast
19 S. MAIN ST., No. 19) i 1 tsi ttG p ap haEp. tim So. Ate.
ANN ARBOR, MIC.S.iMaini Street. Busflt...... i 50050545{340 t1SU 555
A. M il. P. M. P. M. P.M. PM. Pi.
Detroit, Lv... 8 20ti i:5 1 5i925915 4d45
asWayneJane 9t00.. 55..9 54 5it9
"" -^,r"~'' E ""Ypiasti..e.at22sit0 ee05d ....t10 1545
ANN ARBOR.. 9 3508sit its 9sit 1t1 s9teeso 5a5
Delh itll.. tI45 ........ si. 91.......
1kT' kX k OnDeter... 5..VS. s9a _. ...607
LEAVE YOUR ORDERS Chian. A r.. 7 55,it55911116555456, 5,5551it5
-AT- tDaily. *Sunday excepted.

way to that of Harvard. The Crim- Ladies' Mackititoshes in beautiful
son ay ot aveintededto on-varieties, just received at Mack &.
vey such a meatting, but it undosubt- $1.9.5-800 silk umbrellas worth $3.51)
cdlv did so to $4.51). marked $1.95 sat Mack&
Illis not our intentiomn ohensy the hU. of M. Buttons, 5(1 censts eachl, andh
fact thiat an increasimsg sumber of sills class yeamr, 7.5 cents earls. We are
thie otily tmkers of the three-eighths
western studients are goinig to Hay- imiehi buttons, withs correct cotors ands
vard. This is unnhotbteshiv true. pohishiesheunanmel. 'Thsey so't fade or
soil, uish hsst fsoreve'r. Sesnt postpid
lust ve rlainm that it is a msatter of uspoms receihpt of price. Studients arc
sn significaisce, inassmuichs as the inuvitedthos visit us Whens in toswnt.
hlsehsts & Ssons, Jewelers, GirsandshCircuss
number of Amiericaus youtlhs seekinig Larsk, 271 Wossodwuard ave., Detroit.
a colege eduscations is on thie ins- A new vlinte of Neckwvesr juist received
crease everywhere, and thie nissiber mush 150 better styles will be fountd us
ltowns. ou will say~ they are one-hsalf
of eastern studhents cming In Shlicis- thie price you 1pev for thsens elsewhiere.
iga isals onth inreae ad eenMasec &Sehimiid.
igb i loonti nras sdeei Dust fosrge't we keep swesaters, best
in greater proportion than thsose go- quality,-$3.50 to $4.25. Mack & Schimid.
ing East In Harvarul, when thie cx- Hot amid cold baths 10 cetits, at Post
tent of territory from wvhicih they are Office IBarber Shop.
Fuml hie tnew style collars, 4 ply, 1l5e
drasvn is taken into consideration or 2 for 2.5. Mack & ,Schmid.
The Crimsson nmeets our correction D)ACNG.-Mrs. Annie Ward Foster
of its table of the attendance at will open a class in dancing, also in
Delsarte in November. Also will have
Michigan with the following: evening assemblys after class.
'It is interestitmg to note here that Ladies of the U. of M. will find it
it ws alo th U.or^ . DALY wichgfeatty-to their' advantage to call on us
It ws aso hisU. O M.DAIY wichwhen in need of Cloaks, Dress Goods
figured that Harvard with 2,613 stu- or Taney Dry Goods. Mack & Schmid.

Newsapapers' Magazines, Periodmcalshint.
Confections, Cigars and Tobacco.
Pf'OT0G Ar NO. 12 W. HURON ST.
The Wonderful Mesmerist, only
14 Years Old.
Master MicKer has mattetmare subjects
then ayether Mesteerist lting in the tate
tie has stern before the pablic. The medical
professios are cordially invited is test this
science. Dan't faint to see this biy as yeu ay
net get the chascesagaia am his team ma this
Friday and Saturday Nights!'
Admisshon, 25, 35 and 50 Cents,
Reserved Seats at P. 0. News Staed.

G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann A rbor
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Time Table going into effect Septemuber113, 1591.
Arrival at trainsiat Ass Arbor.
No.s2. ThrugMaiandExpress... 7 40a. m.
Na. 4. .An Arbosr &ToledosAcesm..ti 50a. m.
Ns. 6. Cdreiacsossnge....... 5 0p.m.
No 1. Clarec ad Tledo .bccate..11 30a. m.
Nos. 3.'hroutghtSats..........510p. m.
Nat . AnnsmArbor & ToledoaAcsoum.. 7 20a.
Trains 4 andi5arunbtween AnnsArbor nd
Toledo onsly.
Central Statndaed Time.
Alt Trains Deity except Sander.
Gen. Pass. Agent. Loae Agent.

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