THE U. OF M. DAILY__ THRE ITO SAMSid TE X'JVO SEWS0N1S, WHAT TO WEAR IN COLLARS, CRAVAT.S, SHIRTS, AND GLOVES'N Wn"O 8 [From the New York Furnisher.i The lineee collar of evening dress continueet the straight-up effect, the points at the greatest eminence, wcheeshey almost meet, end riting greduetly teom the beet.NE N O The cravat of evening drets to of whtte tewn, one tech wide, withtut stitching or embroid-I ecy, or na dvention of aelite charaeter that may be avoided. The fell-dreto thiet has a wide, plate batem, twith which gre wore thyrewhite pearl stasis. fI e a o sC . Therglovesof fll dressesvofsdlicate perl,unrslhsed,indith whiteor slfearo cod- me Tise handkerchief of full sress is tof fioe wsete linen, witts narrow hemstitch border. TjjeJ. T.j .Jacobs o.,. Th otonee ffl desiso hiefo essaas-pist, chrysasithesmssm, orchids,Th 4 T Ja o s C . hyacinth, gardenias, orechatever maybe the prevalent ftowers-bsstalsceys white. Thesre is aisosdeniss- of the ransge of walsisng glos g,ad lie diffevence in wseight suggestsTh J. .Ja o sC . that the fashhionasble sian soulssd save too pusis in lilt repertory. For the morning call ov after- seen teve there is a liiter sweiht iss lighsser shades of tess, that should be, msorceover, snaggf0t- itting "maer n o' thtlighttted darktsatn sisadvs. The heavy ussdressed tide, to gray ansd 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. snufif-color, are perhaps te destathle wlting gloves. The bach decoration is ligt, beinig a' sorrow raised cordisng. At TIM Tsro S t ie the above styles are nsow ready. Alsoassestire line of Swatllow-Tail Coats and Vests sassd Operts Overcoats. N. B.-W e at ill have a nice assortmenst of Light Weight Overcoats THlE TWO SAMS. ['Tlelphioie Xo. 99.] L. Bl3itz.j to be closed osut at Greatly Reduced Prices. ADDl Aflor StOa1mlLalllIIY C0 A L. GEORGE L. MOORE, ( Mooeeslilr. )+ + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A fssll tine of till College Teat Boots, inclssding Losead sis W al lst fotsbth~te stsaibs. SPCACAE T TDNS ALL ONCheaptest place for btes Boossd Fssttit es vin the city.Frshmseincsroswstin. Camsesalong SPEIA RTESTOSTDENS. slslfriends. Ilose have myventire stock tystore os1NO. 6 S. MIIN.ST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WEST W AS-5I111oON STRCEET. CE-O. . .stvrc m. i AH B OOKSTORE, DOWN TOWN. I~JSO' L, IV, 15.0K ANSI)IBAGGSAGE SINE. Evecry Studelnt will hslve msoney by busysigUtisversity Text-Books sancd tll sspplieS it teasdquasrters. We tallow Oysters fSitra cins, part irs, sotaddis, ec., spsecisalsiscounst oniLA W BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL. BOOKS, its shirt, every Esuile itsiediin Ithe r sttn roi' CF a1vttutu, to. .Pest 05tric, tltiversily. 5,000 BIank hBooks at Iow est psices. ___-___ MISS JUDITHWGRAVES, LEADING 1BO0K STORIE IN TIlE CITY. I(oie Murasctore. yiyatWey' TIS1 - I~XCFI, ;lO - I AINDTtRV Rjihrrtond Straight Qat. Unity Club. promlinent foot-ball elan of last year, Hasl hei vestachiner ysandits pe No I" oubleisslie iistsoilact forSosine lice. ICmmss eisc s hork trisdlost ;attc days. to1 Spite of thefinclemienst vcathser Prices resabitlvssesan ish su tissssciNo5- CIGARETTES. o h iksoknsmngn h rtrrnt ~,(it1''tr.~ tr -iCigarette Smotevs who a large auldienceenod the excel- ofteslOtcig aaigI~ 1 ls isa. M.1 F.ARTIN~tltpib °r arv wiig to pay a listleetoyl teanm, who woulid rathcr lose a game 0.M.ARIN msose fhsnothe price lent program giventhan haveubins onth ffiis OSAISlt I charged ohrlast nightnir bytthe hniey1ClothOCasketsaMetallic tr- atde Cigarettes, will fiad Clb ls nih at he L iar n ch ArgD aruteir tto C h nlra kind of fool-ball will never win for AND COMMON COJFFINS. T>s a l ssaers. pror chsurch. - -J .P L E U - TheRicmon Straight Ms .H tn sselkov Michigan the renown for whsich it J.A'OHMS Cat No.1 Cigarettes are made from tebright- oroesss tLsek..leaetiserethss-IwellE knownJ, GodLa -rw n igna hsi the Oldd effectionatel'admrdi n ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BIAGGAGE LINE. and Original Brad of Straight Cat Cigarettes, Aryu etise vrm ae orhMi tet and wan hrought out hy us iss the year 187x. Abor; it is sufficient so say that herCodalRNE&EA LT Beware ontIrnitations, and nhserve that the "Papr onEgyp'daffrdedallRIseSEYecedSEABLeT 1crm name as below is an every paekage. PaeOnEytfordalthBkrsndelrsi The ALLEN& OItEBraneh poi n laueatcptd Of the A mierican Tobaeco Ceo rftadpesr ntcptd ~I KIL. Groceries, ProvisionsFiour and Feed, Manufaetuers, - - Riehmond. Virginia. "Three Tears out of the World" CHESTmE Pa., Nov 6. 6Send 8SE. tWashington St. tk mwa te ubec teaedbMr. Phiip -J. H A LL ER, the ubjct reaed y j p NOTICE-All Sophomores should W________~ hitman, who since his graduation leave orders for class canes at Moore's T rE'E Captal F) , S pteasl Pofio, -in the literary class of '89, has spent book store at once. CANE CoIal. Sp-igeeile diocetsl i' terest on Saving Depoits. Has safety Deposit Bones for Beet. B. KEMPF, arcs. F. H. BELSERI, Cashier. Bent open Saturday evening. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ann Arbor Mich. Capital Stoat, 150,000, Surplus, $1010.000. Organized under the General Batking Laws of this state. Receives tDepsits.bays end tresls egangeon the princi >liatiesiofte Unsited Stastes.IDraftlicasaed upont proper identification. Omieers: CHRISAN MAsCK, ares., W. D.1AIMIsMAts, Vice Pces.. CHAS. E. Hisvciii, Cashier. Yost Probasbly hisve Sonsa Brokenl Arti- clo of JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT OF REPAIR, W M. A RN O LD, 3aMAIN STREET,' Is the plasce to go. AAND AL FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! 30fat HuoaStreet, SHORHANDTAKE A SHOIR HANDCOURSE. IT WILL PAY YOU. Sbofthand School, New Buildings 20 Seuth State Street. two years in Sonora, Mexico. A very interestitig and instructive pia- per explained his experience as a mininig engineer ansI stutdiosts ob- server in this country "O[st of the World.' Miss Tillie Volland renderesd the ii angel's Serenade" iii 010appireci- ative manner. Mr. Bilbie playedt elhe violiti obligato and \tiss 'iiriant Smith the organ atccompansyment. Alarge number of studlents and others are availitig themselves of the opportuitiy to enjoy the excellent season's program offered bsy tte Unity Club. Communications. Editors U. O N. DAIL. Through your paper may I ask why it is that Jewett is not seen on the foot-ball team of 'Michigan this year ? It seems to be, in'the Words of a I NOTICE-All material offered in J. ID. STIMSOIT & SONST, competition for the prizes offered by State Street GJrocers* the tOracle of '9us~ot be hansdeel in Stsltdeits ptlriisage espeiaslly aolicited. by Nov. 15. i z45. STrATE STRtEET. NOrTIC-All umembters of the Junior Lawv Foot-ball 'leansiil GLAND OPERA1 110 USE meet tdaily on thse canmpus for Iprac- tice. Ily order of thse captain. NOIvrCE.-All candiidates for '9 hThursday Eve., November 12 foot-ball eeven are reqluestedh to- - apipear daily on the camtpus fur 'l he r u-«sssle ist e witcsi-li etiedsINiie tiractice. Coss. Mcseylrsssast night iu li-sti a her ewsply, "ANighst NOIttc--All thsose wshois have not Iitalntsif ls thatnui lt-ite, but ts thecr sfIt.II Grsan:sis isiss-ihlly t'e authorsv sirthe paid their(Gyrns. subscriptions swillI sply. 'Sr.ii suits- lii stroductionis t i t-epest d biethe commuittee by re- wereisty ev idec snog ht aisplay sut of thi- milling amnstt of subscription to tessapptolfiniit. '.he llayosar-hle wills comssedsy pure -andsimpuslle frisms beginning ts, 'P. 1-1. ltcHsiaN, Treasurer, cend, asdit tec isi atsitdislluiaeitn it,h pltitis-if thinsitnconsisisenstional chaeaeter, 67F.yIi Washington-st. all ths cetic, ttisicisnts ira nspiriisg in the, NIrrCE.-Fountain pen found on ,sidressng ttsdring thesruns of a big cireus en Mr. osevily lies n(sitssedaslthe opportuneity campus. Owaner can obtain same to turenal tsosadvasntge, aodstIhe fun canoe- sisetl rssandlfurious. '5hestory ieas by calling at 26i Maynard. folluws:Sr. frist ensgasges a goveressenhr some youneg tidies it his fensily, and a M~r, NOTICE.-ELECTION OF '92 IiT. I Ilaegcrcis retined by Shie. Elecetra,of the (In- CLASS OecICESs. There will be a cjriassircue.steloller role hieing assumedl hy isM eny,, Site. Eletrla asd the gover- meeting of '92 lit., for the purpose aces are twin sislere. 5usd the attention paid by both gentlemien ho the supposed goerenes of electing class officer's for the "en- gfve~e-eldon fsr hire amunegrrenesetanee sun er nSaturday Nov. 3s I~hiei go to make sop the pay. The seeneefa suin yer, o y, +, crcu ten inIhethird 'aets a meet realistIe at 1:3o p. in., in room A. Ione and aeeerd lead applaune. Trhe company ~~~~.i l .uCRTS, ~ h~ nusually estruoeg ne-Pittsburgh Dls_