THE U. OF M. DAILY. o' serve to be severely censured for es- of h tbls.ig hispreednt.Th qtaihngothisr precdent.shuThe Pubised aiy (unay exeped)duinga auertonof asugbyemNshone the IColeve ysear, byp THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION should say that for lack of material HE1IIzilAI4 &- Qo., stats 8t., have received for tue opening of college 20,000 Books. new and second band of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law aiid Medical Books, which they will sell at Greatly Rteduced Prices. Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books for 1891-2. Sabseriptions price $12-50 per year. isvariably in advaco Singlaecpies 3 cents. Oe sate at aean sancd Past Office nesa stand at 12 o'clock, nooii. Sabscriptions may be left at thc ofliec if the DAILYv, Opera House btock, at Sheehan's, at Stcflt'cs, or with any of thc editors. Cosamuaications should reachtoicec by 7 o'clock P. xi. it they are to appear the next day. Address all matter anteaded foe publica- tion tii the Managing Editor. All business commnications should be seat so the tBusi- ness Manger. THE U. of X1. DAILY, Anus Arbar, Mick. EDITORS. RAaPHSTOuNE, '92, Maaaging Pditor. S. Wv. CeURTISS, '112, Aaist. Managing Editor. 0. U. Onoettas, '32, Assist. Msasagina Editor. .C1. TiRAVIS, '912, Businesaslanager. F. E. JANETTE1,.'l9, Asist. Business Manaaer. C. Wv. iticaceTS ,'90 Assist. Business Mange. H. D. JEWELL. . G0 W.H.Dnri csn sca,'92 F. D. GREEN, '92. F. E.tRUGGL, '952. W. P. PARERo~t,l'9.. Rt. ARNItsc ,'it. 0. H. Dyet. '01. I C'. P. WELLER, '94u. To-it UCH, we thsink, cannot be said against thsethoughlsso practicc of tiioing at public entertaiinments or asscmblies. Besides being ill- bred antI'offenoive it io certainty atsything but a ptcaoitig way of grceting a speaker, althsough it sisy not be sirected against tutm. Andc as for hsaving any effect its checking applause the result is wvell known. One would imagine that applanse, hsowvever tuniultuous, would be msore preferable to a speaker than a storm of hisses. The disgraceful perform- ances enacted when Edwin Booth was here, is doubtless remembered by many. On last Saturday evening this was especially noticeable, al- though not so much as formerly. Mr. Powoers was evidently accus- tomed to an Ann Arbor audience and its ways, but to a stranger it wvould apspear insulting, this wvay which certain elements of the audi- ence have ofbexpressingtlseir feelings. Tis freshmen will not put a foot- ball team in thse field this fall, ansd it is very doubtful if they wsill be able to during the scxt fotir years. The class of '95 is ats unuisually large one, but of the four hsunsdred fifty men only nine ace ailling to torts out for instructioss 00( daily prac- lice. Thse captain and comsinittee have tried to arouse thse proper amount of enthusiasns, but all efforts have been in vain. Even members of the university eleven have offered assistance, but the opportunity went begging. It is very evident that class spirit in '95 is at a low ebb, and its attitude is by no means praise- worthy. It is not no in other classes in the U.of Mand the freshmen de- and interest thse class of '95 is impo- tent as far as athletics arc concerned. Thsen it should be remembered that thte first elevets, to a certain extent, depeisds upon the entering class for msaterial whlichs is developed by the inter-class ganses. It reflects great discredit upon this particular class thsat no team is entered in these con- trots. Every freshman should real- _: . -_-- = ~ lee that the reputation of his class s - -M " agran thticabesvdonly by an exhibition of a little en- - ergy and interest. $'2 50 per we-ek;sao BUSINESS LOCALS. 21 (Notices inseted in ibis column at the rate mc xie lt'F111t of tO cents per line. Special eates toe loager ,... cisccoic time, and extra lines furnished Op applyissg at the DAIscY otie.] L~adies'Msackintoshies iii teauttifuil varieties, just receivedl at Mack &-, X1.l95--500ttsiltk umbarellswxorths 53.50 to $4 511, nmarkedl $1.915 at Matck ts 1'. of M. Buttttso. 511censts eachl, andt~ U with cltiss yeair, 7.5 censle at-t. We sire the oinly smaikers of the three-eighth isinhbuttont, withiecret eolors 11111 polishedi ensisiel. 'Ihey dott fadte or t~ys -i7 soil, suit bist forever. Sentt pootipaid ''~ tupon receipt of price. Studesits arc inivitedl to visit us whtetn intsownx. RoiehmnS-& Sons, Jewelers, Grsand (Circis Park, 271 Woodwx-trd ave., Detroit. Rttioio-Pleauatst siite at 10 South Fourth street; iftrnacecheat. Do you nseed a isexw Suit or Overeoat? 195MiNS. If so, see the lute tof oamples of the Golden Eagle Clothinsg Co., Detroit, ANN ARBOR,.'MICH. Thursday, 5th instaint. 'This firsmshatve insde hunidreds of suits for students last year (to whom they refer). In "a E" evey caoe they gusaranstee perfect sat- isfaction in point oif style, cut, make and trimminsgs, and will save you at least $10 on suit or overcoat: Leave your addreos at Goodyear & St.James', Mails street, and Mr. Rtosengarteni will LEAVE YO1 call on yost at your convenience. - WANTED-By a competent lady a p 0. N piosito asmto inaFaenthse. References given. Address U. - Of M. DAILY. Newsapers, Magazil A tsews lisse of Neckwear just received Confectionas. ci atsd ito better styles wxill be foutnd iii towni. You xwill say they are onte-lsalf the price you ptay for themt elsewhere. Macek & Secihiid. 5 Rooms-very desirable suite itt nexw liotise No. 5 Moniroe. Furtisce heat atsd tse of buit. Price reasonisble. P O O Don't for-get ave keep sweaters, best NO. 12 W. qitislity, $.50 to $4.25. Macek & Schmid. - Htot ansd cold baths 10 cens, at Pool GLAIND 0?] Office Barber Shop. Fllienwsyeclas4l,1cor 2 for 25. Masck & Schmitt. Wednesday Ev lOANs I~N.-Mrs. Annie Wsard Foster --Oo at xill opens s class iiidaclsning, also its H F KT Delsarte its Novenster. Also awill have TH FIK I eveninig assemblys tfter cluos.TEE Laties of the U. of M. will finsd itTH greatly to their sadvantage to esall on no Juilee whletn its teed of Cloaks, Dress Goods U iC or Fastey Dry (Goodhs. Mack & Sebmid. Cdrte PLANTATION Choruses, Quartettes, Smake up an even L oat carese 71 Foft 'St., Went, - Detroit, Mich. PItES, 25, W1 Is theLEADrINGs SCHOOL oatiS~INEOL * - Four departmensComCansrialNo text-back a r mansucript work-k&ngush lShorthand and P enmianship. Elegant Suling, lare at- -_ tnancelcetisrcos okto-gh, living expenscae sremely lute,$2.251to Identa assistel to petitions. Far catalague, address PF R. CLEARY, Fresident. SMICHIGAN GENT~J "The .iiigarn Falls Route." I- TIME TABLE (REVISED) JUNE, 28, 1001. J. 'A. STAFFORIn CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. The Leader EASTWARD. iti Fashlionl ~s11 STATIONS Mail Day Slice N T NitCSitl. Ks Eap Lfi xla.l~a Ex j ,oAe. Aferclianut Talil- IA. . M. a. M.en.P.M P.M.:A. 1 C~~iaego, L. "701jSf1CF152 3 10 9'25 10 111 5 Or'i ng.Flute JCelsea..... 35) 4 245 0SG$40 t '(xi4 Dani~er...... 4 14 . 54 : #5 Mle tuf Piece Delii Miills... 4 301 ...73 kAtN ARlOR.. 4042 125 6um.V 5 6 4 5 6 iS oi Goods to oelect'YjssaoD . 5:511 164, 9330 '15:Os10 fro011. Csall fill- DetroitAr . 6 151 645 72010 501;i, 3'11I 111,i A. M. 1s.At(A I1A.1. 11,I' I a fiue fitting Bufo.....80 40172,3160SitCh. N No 9 STATIOS. Dete Chi. tins Eve. Sie Pac. Masll No.19x tap ExCp hap.'tim Ex. Ace. IA. M. A. M.A. M. A. M Pi.M.A. S. Ma~intiirelet. Buffalo,. stat. nsa so0s9 5)3 40 12tt0 6cs A.M.A. . soP.s. e. . ini.P. D erit v.Se2(55157i1 20u71415192915 4 41 WayueJusnc9t0 t- -8125... 9no54a19 Ypsilanti .... tI22St10 505 857d ..- lola554 ANNIARBOR. 9 5 Sat 219101951 sas3los5 5z Delhi Mills.5945 ...-915. Detes- o 55... 9-2s . ..ee60 Chelsea ...01la ... 9-Su ..... 618 Jacksn.l.ine00 515 3t4 15525 11 15 11 4t5655 UR ORDERS thicnsr. s.5 3 a5500650 45S em51115 AT- tDaily. *Sunday excepted. EST STiTP .O. .RUGGSLES, - H. OW. HAYES, FO--G1. F. & T. A. Chicago. Ag's Ann A rbine inra, Feriodicals, Fine ears and Tobacco. Toledo, Anni Arbor and North Michigan Railway. riae Table going into sersec Septemuber 13, 111 Arerivtato trains at Ann Arior. -rRA j oR OINoGsNOT. . I o. 2.Tliroughs Mail and Express... 7 40a.mi. HURJON ST. No. 4. Anns Arbor & 'roledo Acim..51 511 a. m. __ - - ~No. 0. Clara Passuenger-........503p.. Nol1. Clareanid Toledo Arconi.-..11:10 a.i. ---- N~~o. 31. Through Sls - - -0...... 921 p.mi. Noebr No.35. Alni Artbor & Toledo Accom.. 120a. m. re., Noebe I Teains 4 and 5srun betweens AnnsArbor and adlhea- Toledaosnly. Centraul Standard Time. E ESEN, All Trains Daily except Sunday. W. H. BENNETT, N.S. GREENWxOOD; FAMtOUTSGen.Fatss.Agent. Local Agent. - ~ingors nanagement off MELODIES Trios, Duels and Solos AA'# lang's entertainmentI enjoymnent. , ________ and 50 'Cents. -_____ _____