THE U. OF M. DAILY. r" WE ARE THEPOPLE4 x .ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, 9 Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. WresWarcoosss - . . - - - - Corner ofJlains and Librr/y 3reels. I will '"Open the Bill" by placiiig a fine stock of Guitars, 13istijos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL_. ASTONISH YOU. Find " 7iizs=Y's HMvntc STORE, 25 South Poart Aventue, City. A NE5W stuNE OF ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTrABLISHED) 1851. 'Strops, COURISE, site year. 'three futll termus required. Termss begini, Septetiber, Jansuary andi Matcha. R QzorP3 ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. Degree of LL. B. Conforrect. -AT Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. TAILOR AS- SHUSH1ISII4A~I11 (All" i11tU MADE OVERAS~ A. L. Noble's. GO TO _ -- ---For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. Next Goisds, new Fall Goods, sew Winter Goods, Futll D~ress Suitings, Silk Vestinugs. Overcoatitugs, Lonidons Suitinugs. Troiiseriiigs a specialty. Largest atid most comsplete stock its the city, at the loxwest lprices. Pleatse call anid exainiie. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST., isear Main. CAL KINS PHARMACY. Address the Dean or Secretary, ALBANY, N. Y. ' f R t JO LLY C SELL AND ALL 0tcidantS' Urpp1IES, ico Cream, Soda Water, and FLEII LIJNCIIES, ETC. We kteep te very test liac or Inth~e Citr. Leave 0Orders eeo l ATHLETIC + GOODS. YOU CAN GET Wh/al yosswvst, (outshIse Price will he aji~it, 5sf BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Chemical Physical Apparatus OR c. P. antI1' Rare Chemicals, Microscopcal Supplies, EBERtBACII & SON. ENVTIABLE FOi US FOR 158TiRt. Y OUa TRAit' A. D. SEYLEII & SON Opp Curt House. J. B. MIDDLECOFF, Type-Writing. Shori-Hantdc anti Mitmeograpingtc, Theses, Cr- turts, astsProofs fsr 39 South pubicsaion of allids. Univ. Ave. STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS. "Baysif you are looking for any gfs'oser friends, take a chair so the Occidental 5gm6 office for tea miniutes. You will sorely60e;. them. Five otclock dinner, Sundays.'SIB't'' rates. =7mi=g o=the== Tz BILLIARiD PARLORS Own oteEspiration of Patets, We ore solling Nickel Plated tentre Drodt Lamps at_ greatly Htedoced Prices. $isSO 'till got at tar tis year as $2 50 weould iastt year. Elegantiy refitted luring thte post tomoter. "RED STAR" OIL SAFEST AND BEST in Market, Delivered in or swnt Cans to Custotmters in any part oc the City at 10 costs per gallon. BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, OIL CANS soc all sizes and at Loweit Price. Shoe tBrushsit, lackiog and Toilet Articletttat oeThirsileloot haonosi Prices. STATE STREET, ANN ARIBOR. DC]AU & (+ QOPPAI2Y. -t-THE RUs- 44 SOUTH MAIN STREET,- - --- --ANN ARBOR, MICH N JO13 P I JING> THE CAMPUS. Ion ronventioni at Boston. He cx- peels to visit Yalc on the wvay dowvn. lFilkins, '9i, is teachsing in Coo- Mr. WV. F. Palmcr, whso took M. radio. A. in 'go, antI workesi ons his D~r. 's Pterry Blriggs, 'qu, 1slarnsic, is in degree last year, has a fine position towns. at Lake Forest Unilversity, as in- Deswey, 'go, is teachsisngat Taconsa, strssctor of L.atin and Greek. W ashington. Thse tleiad, the students' psublica- Albol deeaed tilsral, o Stifossof Albion College, hsbhens urday, 26 to 4 changed from a monthly to a weekly. White, '88, is editing the denmo- The indepessdents have been given cratic organ at Oweosso. representation sipon the staff. Converse, '88, is superintendent Thse Albion correspondent of thse of the Pontiac schools. Detroit Tribune said in Sunday's B. E. Davis, law 'gi, Isas opened issue that Albion would play Michi- an office in Oregon, Mo. gni eri nNvme 1 Wood, '91, is superintendent of This is a mistake, as Michigan plays schools at Birmingham, Michs. Cornell on that day. The net profits of the Yale Glee and Banjo Clubs Association wvas 'The international tug-of-war con- $4,qif.5i. test ended M~onday night. Den- T1wo hundred and eighst American msark defeated Norway, and Ger- students are its attendance at Berlin msany beat America. Scotland got University. first prize, Denmark second, Ger- Life-sized panels of athletes are many thirsd, and Ireland fourth. being placed in the front of the new T1he Detroit High School defeated Yale gymnoasium. the cadets of the Michigan Military McBride, '89, was muarried last Academy in D~etroit, on Saturday, Wednesday. He is editing the re- by the score of 18 to t16. Thse publican organ at Owosso. cadets dispute the game and say that Four of Andover's victorious elcv- it should be 16i to 12 in their favor. en of last year have entered Williams The attendance at Yale this year and four have gone to Yale. is just 18oo, an increase of zoo over Other western colleges think that last year. There is a gain of 64 in the U. of M. is not invincible, he- the academic, 8z in the Sheffield cause it met with defeat in the game scientific, 34 in the law, 114 in the with Alhion. medical, 31 in philosophy, and a C. C. Benedict, lit '92, left on loss of 20 in the theological and one Tuesday to attend the Delta Upsi- in the art departments. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFP ANN AiRiORt. Copitou,$10i5,0000. Stirplus and Prsfits, $30,000. 'transaicts a genseral tanting tstsinsess, for- eigt oecsangeold, letters nt credit procureds fosr travelers atroasd. C. H. utiCH-NiANA, iPres. P. BACH, V. Pros. S. xv, CL osssos. Cashier. Sf3HOL FORDANCING Now opein for reeptiois of Pupilo. New -Stylep in LINEN COLLARS. New Effect3 in NECKWEAR. YNew Ides in WHITE SHIRTS. WAQNER & CO. TAILORS AND FURNISHERS. SHasndsome OVE-RCOATINGS. $yih SULTINGS.