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November 09, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-09

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'ZC. of W. 'DaIL.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dornng
the College yea, by
Sbscriptio pice $2.5 per year, invariably
an adasre Single copies 3 cots. On sale at
Sueernan Sansd Pst Office news stod at 12
ocloc,noona. Sbcriptis may be lets at
thr office ot the DottY, Oters Hose bisrk, at
Sheehan's, at Soet's, or sits ay ot the
Cosmnoicatoasshoboodi rebthe office by
o'slct. m. i they arc to appear the et
day. Address all matter intended for pblic-
tin to the Maaging Editor. All hotiness
communications shold be sent to he Boa-
acs Manager.
THE U. at . DAILY,
Ann Aror, Xtich.
RtALPHt SOsE, '2, Maagig Edtr
S. W. CRTISS, '92, Assist. Managig Editor.
G. L. CAesns,'9, Assist. Mansging Editor.
J. C. TAVS, '2, Busiess Maager.
F. E. JAsCEc, 'it, Asist.ttsiaen Itaanser.
C. W.RmCea, '5, Assist. Business Mang.
H. D. JFowELt. P. tG. W..OasL,1sA(sr,'2
F. . Gt, '92. . E. HcUGG , '2.
W. P.vATE, 'l. 3,.I. AssossL, 'l.
G. B. Dygert. '5. IC. F. Wat-s, 'li.
THE. negotiations between Man.
gers Iarrand and Galbeth, of
Mcigan and Cornell repectively,
bave finally cone to a cotclusion.
We do nt lknowv to what agreenent
thty came as to terms, but it is evi-
dently satisfactory to both man.
gers. Cornet) is playing first-class
ball this year, and Michigans has
better material antd is playing a bet-
ter game tan ever before. There
is no means Of comparing te re-
spective merits of the two teams.
Cornell bos undoubtedly improved
over last year, but we tink Michi-
gan has kept pace with her, and as
last year's game was closer than the
official score indicated, we may look
for a sharp contest in Detroit on
November 2.
THE editor-in-chief of te Wash-
tenawv Tinmes and one of his report-
ers, collectively, devote nearly a
column of editorial attention, in
Saturday's isste to the "setior edi-
tor" of the DIL. The editor-in
chief, who is not as badly "rattled''
as the reporter, cofites his remarks
to tie claim, in effect, that lilt
inmes is a Uiversity journal, and
that the reporter in question "h iolds
confidence of the faculty.'' We
never said that this feporter did not
"hold the confidence of the faculty,"
but we are glad to learn that tifs is
so. We herewith extend our con-
gratulations to him, and trust that
he may continue to merit this "con-
fidence of the faculty." Lucky
boy. We say "boy" because the
Times heads its University notes
with the statement that "This de-
partment is edited by U. of M.
boy." The DAILY is edited by col-

lege men, and that is just wherein
the difference lies. The Times' un-
dignified, unwarranted and uncol-
lege-like treatment of the Cornell
foot-ball management was a good
bit like "boy's talk." The editor-
in-ciief's clam that the Times is a
college jtturtsal is simply humorous.
The 'imtos is controlled Ypsilanti
anti Ann Arbor business men. All
its reposrters, including those who
gather University news are paid. It
is no more a University journal tian
the New York Tribune, whirls has a
correspotndent in Ann Arbor. The
purpose of the Tines in its attemtpt
to lead the DALYxt into a controversy
is very apparent. Its editor wishes
to use otr columns to advertise the
Times among the sttdents,ut we do
not fear any diminution in otr sub-
scription list because of the compe-
titiots of tieTi'ines. If studentst
wait college ness tey wiii take a
college paper.
We have no comament to make up-
on the stuff writtetn by the reporter
its Sattrdasy's issue of tie'i'imes.
T'he "boy' reporter sas evidently
isad, anti thercfore not resonsible
for what he sa. 'i'here are tstumt-
her of stateenetts its it whicll vi
not bear te test of exanination.
We xiii sot, hereafter, notice the
silly vporings of the Tines and its
"boy" editors.
INoticec inserted in this coum at the rate
at 10 cents per line. Special rates tr longer
tine, and extra lines furnished by applying at
the ALY office.1
Rtooms-Pleasant suite at 39 South
Fourth street furnace heat.
Do you need a tew Suit or Overoat?
If so. aee the lue of samples of the
Golden Eagle Clothing Co., Detroit,
Tilursday, 5th instant. Tis firns have
made hunldreds of suits for students
last year (to wom they refer. its
evey ase tey guarantee prfet sat-
isfatiots in point tof style, etut, make
and trimmitigs, and will save you at
least $10 oil suit or overcoat. Leave
your address at Goodyear & St.Jtimes',
Maint stteet, slid Mr. Rosengarteta ill
cl ott yo tttyour oveietce.
WAN-E-By a ecompetett lady a
positioni as matronl in' a Fraterity
house. Referenes given. Address t-.
of M. DAItLv.
Anllen te of Nekwer just received
atndl to better styles xwiii be fottstits
toxxt. Yotuxvisy they tre ote-ltf
thte price you pay for thetiselsewhre.
Macek & Settiid.
Roomis-xery tdesiraibe suite its newv
htotuse No. 5 Motro. Furtiaseeaest
titd use of bat. Prie reasoalble.
Dott forget we keep sweters, best
qutlity, $.Sto0$4.25. Mak & Smid.
Hot atd old athin 10 cent, at Post
Office Biarber Stp.
Pull litte new style ollars 4 ply. l5e
or 2 for 25. Mack & Shmid.
DANCNG-Mrs. Annie Ward Foster
will open a lass in daning, also in
Delsarte in November. Also will hae
evening asemly after class.
Ladies of the UT. of M. will find it
greatly to their advantage to all on na
when in need of Cloaks, Dress Gooda
or Fancy Dry Goods. Mak & Shmid.

$H~A~ &Qo., Sfadts f.
have received for tile opetning of college 20,000 Books, new and second
]lansd of all kinds, Greek, Latln, French, Germatn, Law stid Medical Books,
whichl they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prilces.
Mathematical Inastrunsents and Ltaboratory supplies. See ottr Note Books
lot 1891-2
IiI Is theLEItN13G SCHOOL ot bt SINSht
_ - . r :Four departments-ComtaeciatlI No text-bosh
ti mnscurtpt sork-&nglishi Shorthad ant
P enasnshtp. Elegant bsilding, large at-
_ = - tadareefficient sinstruossworktb tor
- sa-ogh, livingexpenses extrtemiely lowe$2.5to
$250 per week; students asssted to positionts.
For cataloou, address PF R.CLEARY, Fresident.
JAS. M. STAFFORD, agaFllRuc'
FINE Thto Loader - EASTWARD._______
in Fshsios i aSeTONsStMall Day Sloe N Y1NiOAtlt.Kit.
Morchtant Tail- - A. MAa. M a . .M.,P M. e. in...,i
11, ,x J Chicag,ILv. 701t9st0'12 1 0 tt9235 10t10 t
\J IJ 1 1 Ori ng. Fili ek n.-'.. 2554 2535130 841,440i 6)
lino of ieico Delhi Mills,... 4 31 ....'. 0
m 7 ~011ANAROt.. 4, 5t2its602'9 45 to50',7 45 0,K
J L """1 Goods to select Ysiani.. o(351... 1 5. (2s o1.
frot. Call fot' I Detroit, A r 06151 645 1 20 10 45; 7301 920 11
afinoe dfiig Bao........t8iV t 41725 itt 116055-
suit'-__ WESTWARD.
Chi. N'tli
19 S. MAIN ST., 19 STATONS. Bet, Chi. Limo Eve. Sti'csPe. MSlt
NO. 19 - sp p hal p. ILint Ex. Ace.
ANN ARBOR, MCH. S. Minl Street. Baffalo,...... 2059609451 340 t1t2506
D etroit, Lv.. 8320 7ii51 2t7 459 9199t15 4 41
IOWayneJane 9 00 ... 55525.. 9 sad5it9
""} {"" ' ~~Ypsilanti..ill9 ssc i02o058 47..1015 5340
ANN ARBOR.. 9 35 8S95 219 9 18 10519 In0 35
Delhi Mills.. 9td.-. -"' ,... 9 15.....
Jrt' 1r s , 1 t lsDeter...... 965 ... .. 92s ..... ..,... 6 t
Chelsea ..... 1010 :.... 99 -0. 18
Jaksn...1100 925154li0251110 1142 6555
LEAVE YOUR ORDERS Chicago. Ar.765035519(10 650 450 851115lt
' -AT- tDaily. eSunday excepted.
- -ro - . A&T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann A rboe
Newspapers. Magazines, Peeiodicals, Fiat
Confections, Cigars and Tobacco. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Time Tabe going intaon et Septemsber Ia, 15'-s
~ Arrival at trains at A0.in Aches.

NO. 12 W. HtURON ST.
Wednesday Eve., Novem~ber' 11
-Go sod hear-
Jubilee - $ingers
Under thin management of
Choruses, Quartettes, Trios, Duals and Salon
mtaheup en evening's entertainment
of rare enoymnent.
PRICES, 25, 35 and 50 Cents.

Ntt. 2. Ttirogh Mailad Express... 7450a. m
No.4. Anna Arbor&d.Toletdo Accssl..il50 .sti
Ess. 0. Clare Passenger .... 1... 135 5p.
Nit1.(Clarrand Toledo Accem. 5is1 30a.tm-
No. 3. Throughs Saill......... at20p.II
Ne. 5. Ann Arbsor & Toledo Aceess.. ;720 a. m
Trains adi5 run between Ann Arbor-tand
Toledo saip.
Central Standard Time.
Alt Trains Dailiy except Sunday.
Gen. Fast. Agent, Local Agent.

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