Of AL A VOL. II.-No. 35. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1891. Practice Game. The U. of M. Co-ed. Communication. Th 'asiyelvn ra-Editors U. OF M. DAILY. OUR Tke 'Varsity eleven played a prac- The girl who goes to the Univer- 'do s s.ssden whose moriing tice game on Saturday afternoon, sity of Michigan to-day, just as when slunbers have given place to a six against sixteen picked players. The I entered there in 1872, finds her ,y 'Vrst ea pt p 7fne 'm o'clock jonrney to Moore's book 'Varsity team put up a finer game own boarding place in one of the store, there to wait in line for two or NEW than at any time this season. quiet homes of the pleasant little three hours for an opportunity to they scored rapirly, although the city whose interests centers in the secure a reserved seat for an enter- scrub team was the strongest that 2,500 students scattered within its tainment in the lecture course, the could be picked, including such play- borders. She makes the business horrors of tlI present system of as- 111CE ers as Dygert, Thomas, .Berry, Mow- arrangements for winter's fuel and sigument of seals need no exposition. ry and McPherran. its storage; she finds her washer- An idea has occurred to me which I Several new men were tried upon woman or her laundry; she arran- believe suggests a remedy for this on- LIST the 'Varsity eleven. Jeffris was ges her own hours of exercise, of pleasantness. Let an oblong cardI tried at center and promises to de- study, and of sleep; she chooses her bpear etanuberao velop into a superior player. He own societ clubs and church. Theb.e weighs 196 pounds, and found no advice she gets comes from another end, corresponding to every seat ins difficulty in forcing his opponent. girl student of sophomore dignity, so much of the hall as is usually or- - co~pied. Place these cards withth le ___ Wickes and Bently played guards who chances to be in the same house, numbered end downward in a box and made a more effective combina- or possibly from a still more ad- suitably partitioned, in groups of tion at center than any yet tried. vanced young woman whom she six cards each, each six cards repre- Rittenger was tried at half back and met on the journey, or sat near in senting consecutive sittings, but the showed great strengthki ng church on her first Sunday. strength.buckingsesersfirstiSunday. groups being scattered permiscu- he tine. He possesses considerable Strong is the comradeship among ously in the box. Then let a man endurance.thsamiiugilwhnreoe Trethsese ambitious girls, who srse one who has a ticket approach the box, wlen yo 'oe eleven was coached by Messrs. another in illness, admonish one show his ticket and draw a card from ill Shoes Crawford, Murphy, Duffy and Mr. another in health, and rival one whichever appartment he lilkes and Jamsses Walker, the latter a senior at anotoer in stud only less ragely a ante nsuYonyeseary pass on to another moan who sliall Q Harvard. During the intermission than theyalt rival the boys. Is r o t e r allthaostheyoahaveiplaytheuboys.hInymY indicate on his ticket the number he all ttose sho have played upon the time in college the little group of has drawn. If he has more than Varsity eleven were photographed irs udelinoucdntth s e roeo egs uddeny introdured ito the one ticket he may draw accordingly, be Gibson, being groupetd 010 thsegrs sest Library steps. army of young men, felt that the and of course ie has an opportunity i fate of o-r sex hung upon proving to take any number of consecutive Lelad T Poers Hit "lnrdvGreek" involved the a(,_ PRIoE, THREE CENTS. OF YOUR SOCIETY EADGE WILL BE l Mailed to You -- Through Your CHAPTER UponA - - L -:- --APPLICATION. Manufacturers of Finest Plain and Jewelled Society Badges. DETROIT, - - MICH. uwanttheLatest Metropolitan Styles at 50e to Kla pair less than Ann Arbor prices, sendforCatalogue to -. FYFE & DETROIT, M It. xs. Speller & . University Outfitters, TlI STATE ST., ANN ARBOR. kwear, ess Shirts, Gloves, Underwear, TS' FURNISHINGS, I"e*s Saturday evening University Hall was crowded to hear Leland T. Powers in his famous rendition of "David Garrick." To say that the audience of 2,500 persons was fully satisfied, but feebly expresses it. They were simply entranced by his marvelously quick transformations from one character to another, his flexibility of voice and his clear enunciation. To be able to carry through successfully so many differ ent parts unaided must involve un- told hours of study and great physi- cal endurance. All the parts were very well impersonated but that of David Garrick, who pretends to be intoxicated, and that of Mr. Ingot, the rich merchant, deserve especial mention. Mr. Powers appeared in University Hall last season in "David Copperfield," which though well performed cannot compare with his impersonation of David Garrick. Mr. Powers has won the support of the students of the University and when in future he desires a large and appreciative audience he will be gladly welcomed. naL la~ y C 11VVl111 cents, and that women's minds were particularly absorptive of the calcu- lus and metaphysics. And still in those sections where, with growing experience, the anxieties about co- education have been allayed, a healthy and hearty relationship and honest rivalry between young men and women exists. It is a stimulat- ing atmosphere and develops in good stock a strength and independent balance which tell in after life.- Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer in Forum. Michigan in the Far West. 'The University of Michigan out- ranks any other institution of higher education in the opinion of people here. It seems to be regarded as a model. There is considerable dis- cussion in the newspapers in refer- ence to the state university which is soon to be erected, and the remark is daily made that the U. of M. should be the model."- Extract from letter of H. B. Dewey, '90's orator, dated Tacoma, Wash. sittings up to six. In this way no 20 Ssou man knows which seat he will have, and the first man to draw will have NeC no better chance of securing a good Dr seat than the last. Why not try this scheme once ? GRADUATE. *GENT Senior Lit. Caucus. The senior lits held a caucus Sat- urday morning in Room A, for the purpose of selecting a ticket for the coming election. The meeting was large and enthusiastic, the co-eds turning out in a body. The follow- ing ticket was chosen: P. W. Ross, president; Miss Maud Forham, vice- president; W. H. Dellenback, orator; Miss W. H. Borthwick, prophetess; Miss Julia Herrick, poetess; C. H. Towle, historian; E. H. Edwards, treasurer; G. L. Chapman, secretary. The utmost good feeling prevailed, and the Independents are' confident of success. Dudley Dean, Harvard's great quarter back of last year, has made arrangements to coach Amherst's team two days each week. "FOOW-WI iU GOODS," English Mackintoshes, Athletic and . . . . . Gymnasium Goods, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SAYE TIME ANDI MONEY ly Buying your of us while we are here. CALLAGHAN & Co., PUBLISHERS, 114 Monroe St., Chicago. 50 S.State St., Ann Arbor.