THE U, OF M. DAILY. 4K WEAR-TE EPL'w,> ANARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, New Waici'osois, - - - Formerly Alimencinger Piano and Organ Company. Cre fhm adLbiySres I wiliopen the Ball" by placiing a fioe stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find Wis m's Mtpmic STORE, 25 South Fourth A esi e, City.S C O L A NEW LINE OF - ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED)185i. a~ r0('OI'RSE, one year. Three foill termis S r p3, required. Terms begini, Seiiteiiber, January and March. R azorp I ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. Eltc. rul Corp of instructors and Looturors Degree of LL. B. Conferred. _AT-__ Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13.' TAILOR A 5SSH US SIll CAN ROIIf MADE OVERCOATsj A. L. Noble's. GO TO O7, 'For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. Nesw Goods,iieir Fall Goods, nsesv Winter Goodso, Full D)ress Seitings, Silk Vestings, Overcoatiiigs, Londons Snitings. Trouiserinigs a specially. Largest aiid iiost complete stock ins the city, at the lowest prices. Please call andi exaniine. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST., nsear Malo. { Address the Bean er Secretary, C ALKINS' PHARMACY. ALBANY, N. Y. i B, Er J6LLY CSO, ..SELLfa AND ALiL x fudgnt&' SuppliaS, ice Cream, Soda Water, and FESh LIIICIIES, ETC. We kethe v ii ery best liue of Inithe ily. LeavscOrdesifocall ATHLETIC + GOODS. YOU CAN GET Whatilyeou ccin, (riiheicPrice wiil bc rigtiji,ot BROWN'S DRUG STORE, Chemical Physical Apparatus X C. P. and X Fate CE emiote, Microscopical Sapplies, EBL'RBACLI & SON. oAE ARED50ios A. D. SEYLER & SON Opp. Court Cease. J. B. MIDDLECOFF, Type-Writing, Siort-Haeh anda Mimaeographingi, These, Cr- respseeo ctgures, also Proofs for h39 leash Pablieatlti e f all limids. Unix. Ave. O99IDEfIc~W7L r*: 1O Wi1 STUDENTS' 1HEADQUARTERS. "Bovs, if yea are leeking fer anyof r~s friendsn, take a chair in the Ocidenalfe! effilce fec ten minuates. You will enrels' seei them. Five o'cloek dinner, Sundays. Special. rates. =77= == = S=- BILLIARD PARLORS Owlog to the Espiration of Patents, We are selling Nickel Plated Centre Dealt Laimpss at Elegantly refilled daring the past summer, greatly Rleducedi Prices. $150IO till gs as fsr this year aso$2 50 would last year. Niee lunch counter in connectioni. "RED STAR" OIL SAFEST AND BEST ino Market, Delivered in our BPJTTS & HAZLEWOOD, own Cauis ts Customerrs in any earl sf the City at 1ilceents pee gallion. OIL CANS of all slzts aod ot Lowest Price. Shoc Brashes, Blacking oand Toilet STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR. Articles at One-Third less than usual Prices. Den & OrnPAflY. N~-tTHE ARGUS- DEAM + &+ _6I1f J013rPIN@5Ta 44 SOUTH MAIN STREET,- - - ----ANN ARBOR, MICH' AT LOW PRICES. THE CAMPUS. ansd was taken to Iis roons. Hc is somel beater co-day. Lehsigho 22, Lafayette 4. Mrs. Scnator Stanford was so well D~artnsouithi32, Stevens 02. pleased swills the Palo Alto, a college A. H. Covert, lit. '92, is confised paper publishedcl ly the students of to his rooml by illness. Leland Stanford, Jr., University, Prof. Roebrig, of Palo Alto Ui that sloe ordereu iflily yearly sub- versity, specks thirty languages. scriptions to send to friensds thsrough- From tswenty-tsvo touchodowvns in out tloe coontry. thle recenstliarsvard-.Wesleyan game, lDr. Chsas. F. Decker, formerly of Trafford kicked j S goats. Battle Creek and a graduate of last Blowdoin has been invited to take year's medical class,was the success- part in the regatta to be loeld on the ful one among the competitors in Hudson next sunmmer by Colunibia, the federal examination at St. Louis, Cornell and flhe University of Penn- and iu appointed an assistant surgeon sylvania. in the marine hospital service at San The football manageenlt have Francisco. decided not to hsave a ganme to-day, The record of thse Yale eleven for owing to cisc poor condition of sonme October is: 238 points, opponents of the players. It is hoped that a o; last year Yale scored 185 points, day's rest may he beneficial, opponents 6, and the same month in A systens of having a foot-ball '19, Yale scored 365 points and 11cr ganic, base-ball game, and a fieldI opponents 1 h. The Crescent scored day for points betsveen the freosmen six points last year; Wesleyan, five. and sophonmores, laos been substitut- and Cornell, six, in '89. ed for thse annual rushses at Cornell. Rev. Duncan MacGregor, B. D., The Manhattan A. C. has resigned D. D., of Philadelphia, will lecture fronsthse American Foot-Ball Union. at thse Baptist church Tuesday even- The club has decided to offer a two lug, Nov. 17th. Subject, The Grip hundred and fifty dollar cup for a and Grapple of Great Men and Great Nations.eniseeeanthto Dr. MacGregor is recog- Harvard.nixed throughout the east as among Geo. W. Thompson, of Marion, the greatest orators of the country. Ind. a unio la stdentwhohasAs a lecturer he is said to he the been overworking himself in study- pCoweisopeiTmagn RellH ixg, was seized with heart trouble Conwel,_DeittTlmage last evening while out on the street, powers to-night. ' EtHS I INAIIUONALIBAINK OF ANN ARIBORS. Capital,5$10,0000l. Surplus unid Profits, $30,000. ''ransacts it genierailiboeking bsiness, for- eign eexcisnge sod, letters ofcrcediit procured lee travelers oarooah. C. H. ICHMONDh, Fees. F.shACH, V. IPres. 0S. .LARKSON.Cashier SCHOL GR DRIN SOLNosy opens for reception of Pupilo. New Styles in I LNEN COLLARIS. INew Effect8 in NECKWEAR{. 4. New Idea$~ in S WHITE Sj IRTS. WAGNER& Co. TAILORS AND FURNISHERS. Hatndsome + OVERICOATINGS. $tYlish SUITIN GS.