THE U. OF M._ DAILY THIE T~WO SA1VMS , I'TEETWOs.ALMSIN WIIAT Tt) WEAR IN COLLARS, CRA~VATS, SIIIRTS, AND GLOVES, E 1O S [From the New York Furnisher.] The lhoen cottar ot ev ening drescontnuesthe straight-top effect, the potnts at te greatretN W0eiecweete lotmet n iiggaulyfo h ak The cravat of eventng dreso to of wehite laser, one tech wide, tithout stitching or embroid-i tryT or any adtventiotn of a tike character that may be av'oided. The fatt-deoo shirt hos a widte, ptatn bosom, tctttschtch are wortt threesottite pearl stods. 1je .T. aC s ir The gtoves of felt drstcs ate of deitcate peart, uoressed, and witth wchitte or oelf nacrowc cord-.jjj J j , Te handskerchisef of fttll dress is of fite wthite lineo, with narrotw hetmstitch bordter. The~. T. V aC1 C . The-boutotniere of fttll tress is of wstite flowers always-pintk, chsrysattthetmum, orchids, The ii. i. ac1s C hyacinth, gaedenias, or wchateer emay be ttte preevalent fowss'e-but lwrays swhite. There is a twitetnitg of the range otftwalinig gloves, and the ditterentce in wseight suggestsoh .T 'ja + sTat the fashitottable mat soutld hose two naits its his repertorey. F'or the morning ctall or otter- The .T.j ac b noontS ea there is a ligtesrr weigtolsightetr shades o~f tatt, that stould be, sosreov e, rsue ft- slog: and for the "cottstitu tiotttat" tosrning atnt afternoon stroll antd general swear, heasvy, loosse stitig "makes" antboth litht atnd dasrk tatn shodes. 'Thte heavy ondressedt kids, its gray atnd27A D 9AI NS'., NN RB . .ttsf-color, are perthaps the desiatstle walking glttves. Tthe back decorsstion is ligtht, beitng a 2 N)2 AN S. N RIR :fareow raised cording. At TasE Twos SiA-ts tise absove styles are nsow reatdy. Also intOetitirei litie of Swallow-TIail ('oats andt Vests antd Operta Overcoats. N. E.,-We still hav'c a nice assortment of Light Weight Ose THE TWO SAMS. ['Telcphtoie No, 99.] L. Blitz. S o be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. Co., ercoats AlArlbor 81011111Llllhltry. ,D GEORGE L. MOORE, (Morel& re.)s+Ta A C A.WORK OALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Fall Line of all College Text Books, inclssding I~attta,)ol Metdical Boos, Sty tetc" SPECIA RATESTO STDENTS. ____ CALL oN Cheapest place foe Note BooksacidtFotntainsPents ittthe city, Freshmen crowsotitt. 'otttsa long SPEIA RTEITOSTDETS old friends.,I ow hase my entire stocta at mty store ton NO. 6 S. M AIN LST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave.I No. 11 Ws' WASItINOtTOtN STlEtd't'. ~2LO9 WAHR'S BOOKSTORE, DOWN TOWN. G Z 1 a' EeyStotdent will Ostve itoney by buyitng Utnivcr'sity Text-Btook~ssn all stupplie's it Headqutarters. Wetallow!.Ortders ttorttittns, pttrtie's, tct'lltittgs, stc., specital dscouttott LAW IBOOKS' MEDICAL BOOKS, DENAL tIBOOKS ill htt> eer oty otk usedilin the 1 p515.0.rompitlyattenodeod to. a Utniver'sity. 5,110 Bltatk Books tat lowvest prices.I MS UIT RVS LEADING BO00K STORE IN THlE CITY.-- Mttsic Stre. _ THE -ICXCELI,101& - I.A17'N IJY ~IQhtTtond StraightQttt. I('Cortiellswill play lsinocton next Crover ClevelandRBonitos. 5Has5all te itttprtttrttmch'titneyttttttstpre. No. 1 Sasturdlay, at ltrisicetott -rIPsi''ce tstcra stsoSnttrettnd Iwtrttt "ttttts't.tNy- w,. CIGARETTES. .\Iusrsoec L.hols, of.ttIensyl'altta, IA ltfrtnthtgo h if5 est sut~ )ttttttettttt.N Cigarette Stmokees wtho tDforone vtl los fte Omocratic (CtobOctotber 23(1, i} O. tS.9ARTINd, te' are wlin-tos saynatittle unilted hsfrue ihtoeo h ELRI mo ssr e ttsass the pric e'tlacas - pursuance of a resolution introdutcedClot OCsktts, IN li s'ts cargedsfor the oiottey 2 ) w clssthtis wfteek.Gas 1 'er ( lohC ses, tli : . tradesCigasrettes, swilfind 'b'heeorrsentTclass r', Law ' 92,t ANt) COMMON COFFINS. '2 The tBRiDmsudperirtfinrshecsTinssatca alter.the chair appointed a committee of j J.A. POLHEMUS, The alRchmon Sraihtpathology fnse usa. OnI Tv M ? Cot No.1 Cigarettes are msade from the bright- WeneT the co lree to forward the resolution con- esot, most deltcately Slavored and htghest cost Wensay teseod class sill gauaigSeHn rvrCee LO'iSHC N AGG Ig Gold Leaf grown tin5Vtrgtnia. Thts tt the Oldgatlain-te Nnstovrelee-AtO B S AltsAD BAt AGtet. E and Ortgtnat Brandt bof i Straight hCutya 87.Ctgarettet, begtn itIs work, land andlaypo the birtha of RINSorh&MiSESte. Beware of tmttattosa, ansd ohserve that the If ColadylupototRINSEigh aSEABOLTs fran was behtoatby an hey pcaearl. ornel beatsdwn high ndmodstheir daughter and yesterday morn- Bakers and dealers tn TanhetALEN&GINTRteanhnsgotomtd cnsity ugtheutgrphc Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, Of the AmericTobcoC.en h olwn uorp etrMa haendVigiC a cnclaim to be fourth or ffhamong atownl6 and 85E. Washtngtosn St. ~Af~~~ the teams of the country-Cornell was received by Mr. Meyert U. H AL LE R tke riaes, nt xlkadf ik- Sn.5165MADIaSON AVENGE,, Capita. $aSS0. Surplsasmt Prcfits, $17,00. TSian mtte.hodecidedte EIND TnsMYtRtt epairngaseiltyTIL4LSOTHl tAIN ST. Doces a general Banktng bustness. Fayt tn- relatise merits of the men at the A, 0.'TfssNI'5nno, T Q i terest on Saving Deposittt. Has safety FRAsNSARTNds. J U. D. STIMSON (, ..ON37, tepositt aoxes for Bent. recent tennis toutrnament at New Cotmtittee and Gtltmesn: State Street Grocers. R. KEMPF, Fees. F. H. BaELSE, Casier.Ihaercidacpyfte 'St- Bank otsen Satnrday evening. Haven, Itave rated the ten bcst men Ittvreiedatt)obteeuls.Stutdents patronatgeuespecially solicitedl. AnAbrSvnsBikaccording to their skill as followst tioat passed by Itte' tniversity of Micht- 24 S. STaATEO STRETdS. Ann Arbor thS apvintgk~tOsSSta g tofigiast Democratic (Ctub, whirch yotu Sutrplas, SaSIOS. clrst,.tHovey of aarvartd, mnu, Leoftrantsmnittedl to m nisotits locetalf, antdlI Oeganiaed unsder the Genernl Banking Laws te University of Ptennsylvania; 351, dsire to retutrnathtrostghsysosutsothoe of this state. Receives Dtepsits, boys ansdy Fells exchanoge on the prisncipal cities of the Msci'tulliit of Cototmbias; tto, Iarker mttetbcrs ofthetlteb'otmny thsasnks fior Uaited States. Draftsottcotase pon prsoper'4' idestifications. Offies: of Yale; 5th1, Wrenn of Hfarvard; the friettily feclintgs thtey tiave thtus CRSINMCPe. aietd W. D. H RRIAoss, Vtce Fees., 6th, Johnoson of .Prinlceton,' 7ttm CHAS. E.RzStCOC, Cashier. Msoso very trutly, Chandler of H arsard; .S'tl, Jones itf lItilt E CVESLAND. 71FrStWs,-DrotMth yio PobbyIt'ettaetokn BaiIrosvn;9tth, H-owland uf Vale; tloth, T+- cle of, t ',C .- l maeilofrd n JEER RAWTH OTWatson of tint nirerlstsof tenn-t Ntrtt-Alittratofr I NiritHe All tose whto base not sylvania. WACH UTcompl1etitiOon for thtelprizes offered by paid their Gymit. suttscriptions will OFREAI, ylana. 40.thme Oracle of '94 soot!line loandlesd 1n greatty solige tecusmmuittee by re- OF. REPAIR, by-Nov. 36MItSREtyrittingantmontofsusbsrription t Istasewtacetogo. NOTICE.-Owsing to) the pamin t NOTICF.-All membters itf the1 'I'. 1S. ltoN1ssxtAN, 'reasuarer~ Chicago, Nov. 14, it will be nteces- Juonior Law Foot-ball 'leant will i07 L. ashington-st. X A A L sary for thse Athletic Board to meet meet daily on thme campus for prac-.0Noac t~~'ao'sr'2l'' y M~fX. ,,-onday evening, at 6:t30, in Alpha lice. Bty order of the captain. C.5 t Itt , ter ilb i_________ nuvHall.toI'eAvitsoryBadae NOsTICE.-All candidates for 95 meseting of '92 lit., for the purpose FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, inietomt vh us. foot-ball eleven are relocated 101 of electing class officers for the en- MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! C. A. BossoE, Pres. appear daily on the campus for, suing year, on Saturday, Nov. 14, 30 Etuo Sret,5NOTICE-All Sophomores should practice. Cos. at A:30 p. nm., in room A. leave orders for class canes at Moore's NOTICE.- All members of the S. WV. CURTISS, tPresident. SHOR HAND TAKE A hook tore at once. CANE Cuss, "Elite Terpoichore" are requested Nose-nnanpnfudn ST WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand Slew .----- to meet at Grangerns Hall on Sat- campus. Owner can obtain same Butlding, tat snuth state streeL. Powers to-night. 1 urday morning, Nov. 7, at 9 O'clock. by calling at 26 Maynard.