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November 07, 1891 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1891-11-07

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' ofPublished Daily (Sundays excepted) dunes
the Colee)ear, by
WiE suggest that the burners in
the back part of the room in the
library building be lighted after half
past ire p. n. It nakes it very
sunconfortable to be obliged to
crowd diretly under those usisally
IN foriier years it has been the
custom among a certain class of st-
dents to cut their initials, class year,
or fraternity symbols, on the bench-
es. This year, new seats have been
placed in many of the rooms through-
out the literary building. The fresh-
men classes have been warned against
cring any fantastic figures on these
seats. It is sincerely hoped that the
spper classmen will Jenud their aid in
suppressinug this untidy custom and
that the seats will always look as
neat as they do now. -
A N~uw clmer, especially if he be
from the cast, would think it strange
that Ann Arbor supports no bowling
alley. This could hardly le sa,
howeser, for there are tn-, one at
Ilobart Giuildl and the oher in con-
nection with a salooin on Washing-
ton street. iBoth are niserable af-
fairs. In every city of any imsport-
ance whatever, and notably in coll-
ege towns, bowling associatiots
flourish apart from the gymnasiums.
The sport is vey popular, not only
among the athletes, but also among
the ladies, many of whom become
expert players. Little or no inter-
est is manifested here because there
is no opportunity. There are a large
number who have been interested in
bowinlg at other places. Several of
these have signified their willingness
to support a project of this kind.
Should some one with an eye to
business see fit to build a first-class
alley, we pronmise that it iould
be a payig business.
incise are probably -very few
students in the University who
knowv tnder what circumstances Mr.
M. C. Murphy, the trainer of the
D. A. C., comes to Ann Arbor to
assist in coaching Michigan's foot-
ball eleven. Mr. Murphy not only
does not charge for this service in-
self, but the D. A. C. spare him for
two or three afternoons in the week
without charging the Athletic Asso-
ciation anything beyond his actual
expenses. This is very generous, to
say the least, not only upon Mr.
Murphy's part but upon the part of

the D. A. C. It is evidence that
the most celebrated amateur athle-
tic club in the West takes an active'
interest its the success of Michigan's
athletics. Mr. Murphy is one of
the finest trainers in the country.
He is a trainer by instinct, as well
as by profession. H-e was one of
the moust potent factors ii bringing
Vale io athletic lrominence a
number of years ago, and it is safe
Iso say has sdne as much as any
siller influence in developing the
group of celebrated athletes whics
has brought the ID. A. C. to the
fore-front its American amateur ath-
letics. Mr. Murphy has already
done wonders, withs the co-operation
of Mr. Crasford, in developing our
team. We bespeak for him the
hearty support of the foot-ball ele-
"A Night at the Circus.'
Nellie Melteiy as tousands of
Pihiladelplia plygoers ktow, is one of
the most clharmiiingly vivacious comedi-
eiines oni the stsge, atist"A Night at
the (Circus, the new p1y wnicI.
Girattanu Donntelly iwtutote l esfits
thitaistress as sisugy s the pretty pale
blue costushe weai in 511the lst act.
For the first te -A Night t the Cir-
cus"s wsas performsed t the teiard
Avenuesi Thleatelst niiht ansifomi
the vey stat it was a ase ot "g."
The large sitndhreally eitiealaitisleice
vote[ it a stisesssinista success it w5ill
undoiubte-dly be. " A Night at the tr-
ciis is us farce-oedyitl but tinlike the
averasge fstse-csomesy it hasisasplot ssf-
ficiently stronsg to trete .111 iteest
outsiside of the specialties . Te ltiay
bristles will suasrrises, stutins ais
wit. Theiso ngs suit the play as well
sin the play suits the sctress atidt ter
suppoisrt. Thle erts seem to hasve been
nlit lto it the players.
(iNtice inserted ia thit cumass at the rate
tf10cets pee line. Special rates oe lnger
time, and extra lines furished by applying at
the DAILY offic.
Rtoos-Pleasant suite at 39 South
Fourth street; furnacte heat.
Dii you need ansew Suit or Overcoat?
If so, see the lite of samples of the
Golden Eagle Clothing Co., Detroit,
Thursday, 5th instant. This firm have
made hudreds of suits for students
last year (to whom they refer. its
evey ase they guarantee perfect sat-
isfaction in point (f style, eut, make
and trimmisigs, and will save you at
least $10 ott suit or overcoat. Leave
your address at Godyar & St.Jaimes',
Maiti stret, ansd Mr. Rosengartei will
all ont yost at yur convenieste.
WANTED-By a etinpetent lady a
positioti as matronint a Frateriity
houisse. Ifeferenes given. Address U.
A iewrlhne of Necsesr just reeied
anid nIbetter styles will be fond its
towni. Yous will nay they sre ote-half
the price s-sitspsyfr Ilium elsewhere.
Msiac & elrsis.
IRootms-very idesiruble suite i newv
hosie No. 5, Montroe Frsiec heat
anustie of bath. Prie resonaisble.
Dottfosrgt we keep sweaters, hut
squiality, $.50 to $4.25. Mback & Shmid.
Host atd eoldl bats 10 cents, at Post
Officec Barber Shop.
Full hinetnew style eollars, 4 ply, l5e
or 2 for 25. Mack & Shmid.
I5ANCNo.-Mrs. Annie Ward Foster
will open a class in dancing, also in
Delsarte in November. Also will hae
everinig assemblys after class.
Ladies of the U. of M. will fisd it
greatly to their advantage to call on us
when its need of Cloaks, Dress Goods
or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Schmid.
Powers to-night.

have teceived for ttie opening of college 20,000 Books, newv and second.
hand of all kinds, Greek, Latins, French, Germant, Law arid Medical Books,
which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Mathematical Inistruments asid Laboratory supplies. See our Note Ilookn"
for 1891-2.
Pour departmients-Commiercialtio tixtbookt
oremanuscriptswork- S&nglish, Shorthand osid
- - -~ Penmanship.Piegant i lding, sips at-
=Y- -fie--tend ane eeffcent inotriuctorso noik thor-
ough living expetisesettemelyloss$.25 t
$250pee cechstudnts ssioel For00icatalogue, address P. R. ('tEAtS's, President.
_____ " ~MIum lON GENTIRAL
JAS.M. SAFFIR I The Niagara Fala Roue."
FI Thin Loader EASTWARD.
I 21 ulxur11 SAIONS Mail i t55rlNT Ni s Ail RiK
in Fnlisuts ti Cp binEar i x. 5 ap Ac
T T:=Iy eY nucliaust Tail- &.M IA. M. 11. CM. en ensP. tuA
CiaoL..? 5 0012 2 ItO0'52-i, 5i
O ' 11rg. 1 tue J ao..... 2 55 44I,5b 847s5u 6 6Is s o i5i
0 thls1a......i 59'.... ... ... . 5 5 1 71Y 9 42
Dasher......414;.... 572.51 9i55
line suf Piece DelhitMillx... 4301...... .73
T ANN ARBOR..4 452 5 1 2 9555 '745 15)i
LO Goods to select I Ypusiansu.... r(510 si 956:5623:i8us10.i
frss alfu etit, Acr- la 16 451720Si 5 ~
Buffo ...o.-.... s8ic dii4 3ii 1:.1 i)
afhne fittig.
stilt. - Chi.' Nth
19 S MAN $., . 1 STATINSt CiiChi. Lisu Eve. 5bnc Par. Mall5
19 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x N.MiiT. O 9CpEp aEtp.jtim ho. Ass.
Stret.A.CM. A. M .. .i. M aP. .-A.M
CCN ARBOR, MICH.S. AlitiStre tiBuffalo,..... 20l63945 3~ 40 125655655
A M. A.M. P. M. P. C. P. Mx. r1. P0
Detit,tLv... 5550 7t515 120745 9515 915 4d4t
WayneJane 00... ...- 55..-.-9554 5559
". ^ F""" ~~Ysilnti..as.9 s28s1ins058Sd7.1015 5 40
ANNARBOR.. 91358 39 2t5 195isIS191 s 10oh5
G c c c DelOnhi Mills.. 9 45 ..- .. 55.........
Jacsoen..isle00925. 1 3 s4 10t25'11 14'55
LEAVE YOUR ORDERS thicagn. Acr. 153 5,5 9il 50esu 50s8S0tsits
-AT--tDa ily. *Sanday excepted.
111 FOR-C. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann A rbor
Newspapers, Magaines, Periodicals, Pine
Confections. Cigars and Tobacco. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
- Michigan Railway.
Time Table going ito effectSeptesmber 13, 1091
Arival oftrainsat Ann Arbor.
Py. O R AP No. 2.iThiughil uiaosd Sapriso... 7l40t. m.
NO. 12 W. HURON S.. ENo.4. Ann Arbor & Tledo Accuim..11t50 . m.
_______________ ____ _-__(No.i 6.iuClareassnger....... 505 p. m.

Thursday Eve., November 12
The Queen oc Soubrettes, will be here with
The evening the was here tint year she wai
delaye in Jicksn ind did not arrive here un-
til tn o'clock p. m.. ansd ihen give her enter-
tainment maione oftine most enthusasatic an-
diencesn ever in Ann Arhor.

EN . Clarecsnd Toldo cuum. Si 1 0s. m
Esi. . Throuigihl. ..i]25P.m
No. 5. Atm Arbor & Toledo Accomo.. I n0a.
Trains 4iundbe uunbetween Aiun Arborcind
Toledo only.
Central Stsndord Time.
All Trains Dully cxcept Sanday.
Geo. Pass. Agent. Local Agent.

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