1J 1>1. of L. Wkilj.
VOL. II.-No. 33.
The U. of M. Appreciates Classical efforts succeeded in establishing a Comments of the Cornell Sun.
Music, reputation which entitles it to a fore-
--- - An AnAbr ewppno iR
most position musically. The pro- tne nn.ro r essoerilays
It is desirable that the processes grammes which have been given by the'U. OF M. DA1.y, some days
of liberal culture should be accom- the Boston Symphony Orchestra ag, "pitched into' Cornell be-
panied by the development of those have been of a character extremely cause the latter had asked 40 per
finer feelings which are drawn forth complimentary to the appreciation cent. of tse gate receipts if a gane NEW
- .is arrangedt to tie played in Detroit
by great music, and in fact by all of Ann Arbor audiences. A glance .isafall.dthe CoryedlSnDri
true art. For that reason no one at the list of concerts proposed will
as follows:
who has the interests of osr Uiver- show conclusively that we are justi- ' PRICE
sity at heart can be blind to the fled in asserting that this series is ' hot tis aitery tmesigime
.i iiac . ftefctta n story about the attempts to get a game
significance of the fact that Ann unparalleled by anything in the with our eleven now being made by the
Arbor is fast becoming noted for its country, all things considered. Such tniversity of Michigan management.
musical advantages, as well as for its a series of concerts at regular city As fiction, the sketets is delightful LIST
unsurpassed literary opportunities. prices would cost six dollars, but the reading; as facts, well there aren't any
Harvard, Yale and Columbia, by price here is but $2. As an illus- facts to it. In the first place Cornell is
lnot scientlg to pissy foot-bssil with Minis-
virtue of their location in large cit- tration of what such a series means, igain, We have beiteli thlei tssiee
ies, have great advantages in a mu- we cite the fact that the performance badly, and from present appearances,
sical way, and many a western man of the "Damnation of Faust" will Cornell is stronger and Michigan weak-
has taken his M. A. at Harvard on cost $1,5oo-more than an ordinary er than ever before, so it is not proba-
account of the Boston Symphony concert course. This work is an- ble that our manager would beg for a
Concerts. Shall an institution like game on the 21st or 28th of November
Counced as one of the three great or on any other date. On Thanksgiv-
our own remain without such oppor- works to be given by the Apollo ing Day Cornell plays the University
tunities for culture simply because Club of Chicago this year. The club at Chicago, and if going or return-
Atuns1r-1 r4is no#-iD-,4-,ienT aveno..,, iar, .i, , ,*T.}.4
Ann Arbor is not -Boston, New Haven
or New York ? The students have
already answered this question, and
in this they have been aided b the
hearty co-operation of those citizens
of Ann Arbor who glory in the
University and who rejsicc at every
indication of its prosperity. The
Choral Union has become a new
factor in University circles. By its
enthusiasm it has made possible a
series of concerts which have excelled
in artistic value any offered by a
student organization. Its perform-
ance of the "Redemption" last year
was said by a musical enthusiast of
New York City to have been one of
the finest performances he ever lis-
tened to. Within the last few days
the writer has been told that the
concert managers in New York say
that nothing but the very best can ;
to Ann Arbor. As an indication of
this we cite the following facts:
Prof. Stanley has not received so
much as a circular of a second class
combination or artist for one year,
with one very amusing exception,
while he has been asked within six
weeks to take Seidl's Orchestra,
Damrosch's Symphony. Orchestra,
(both of New York,)Lillian Nordica,
Frau Materna (the greatest Wagner
:singerliving), Mad. Joachim, singers,
Alfred Grunfeld, Paderenski, D'Al-
bert and Pachman, pianists, at prices
ranging from $5oo to $16oo. We
cannot have them all, but it is an
indication of the fact that the Uni-
versity of Michigan has by its own
work has never been given in this ing a game cousi oniplayed at Detroit,
,in fact, but few everybody would be satisfied. Itow-
state, fatbuteorganzations ever, the management of our eleven
have ever given it. In selecting the has several other offers and won't feel
artists for this series no pains have injured, if the game with Michigan
been spared to secure the greatest. isnt played. As to the 40 per cent. of
The Boston Symphony Orchestra the gate receipts, the Sis fails to see
h~i er t bnnrn itan[ rm P ).I
(without a peer in this country),
Mad. Bloomfield, Mrs. Bishop,
Heinrich Meyer, the great Wagner
Iaritone, and ANDREAs DIPPEL, uni-
versally conceded to be the finest
heroic tenor who has ever been con-
nected with the Metropolitan Opera,
New York, represent an enormous
expenditure, but they are artists
worthy of the audiencewhick assem-
bles at the Choral Union concerts.
1500 tickets must be so/l, but the
writer utterly mistakes the temper of
the students if this number is not
exceeded. The interest in each and
every University enterprise thrives
upon continued successes, and the
way to make everything succeed is
for each and every interest to com-
bine and help each other. But these
concerts mean much more than ap-
pears on the surface. The reputa-
tion of the series is attracting stu-
dents who would otherwise pass by
the U. of M. and this fact means
that the ultimate outcome of this
enthusiasm will be a "School of
Music," liberally endowed not alone
with money, but brains and enthu-
siasm. Let each and every student
and citizen contribute to this end.
R. E. VanSyckle, lit. '91, is visit-
ing friends in the city.
Ii 're the exoroianee conics n.
Tliat the greatest part of the audience
will come front Ann Arbor is not an
argument against Corisell's receiving a
fair sum for traveling four or five hun-
dred miles. Cornell's expenses would
be twenty or thirty times as great as
Michigas's and yet Miclhigan objects
to a forty per cenit. gen tee. If
anybody wants the earth, and is ex-
orbitant in their demands, it is the
management that refuses to play
anywhere except on their own grounds,
withfifty supporters to theiropponents
tye and then twshigamoses than
sixty per cent. of the gaste seceipts.
Cornell does not seem to think that a
Detroit game with some college is ab-
solutely necessary, and if U. of M.
holds up a game with Rochester as
a threat "to bring us to terms," it will
only make their claims ludicrous. As
matters stand now, Cornell will play
Michigan at Detroit for a reasonable
sum, and if Michigan does not see fit
to agree to the plan, they are at liberty
to play with anyone they see fit. But
when the U. of M. people begin to dis-
cuss claims to the possession of the
earth, they should not be over modest
and forget themselves as available
candidates for that position.
At the clinics yesterday Dr. Car-
row had ten cases, many of which
were not presented for want of time.
Dr. Nancrede presented seven cases,
with several very 'important opera-
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