THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE.: :-- ANN ARBOR. ORGAN COMPANY~ Forerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New JIyocemoiu, - - - - - - - - Corner of' lila/ct and liberty/ S/y-e/ls. I will "Open the Ball" by placinlg a litic stock of Guitails Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find M-U~'s~atS0c S m= N.5 Seath Fouarth Av enue,City. Oawing thaetExpiratinaof Patenta, We ane' wihag Nickel Plated (CanteDrOft5Laaps at areathlyIc~luePrices. S$L50 wit llgasarthias Faras $250 tntahllast year. "RED STAR"S OIL SAFEST AND BEST ins Market, Delive ed n ou (tn aut utomers inaart oftltthetCityt lata1 ettper-ala. OIL CANS atf all sietsadaat Loest 'rice. Shage1Brushes, lllagtinand olet Artlielesat ttag-Thixa lessi tausualPie. OC,,%APn + + .jOmpAny. 44 SOUTH RAIN STREET, - - - - - ANN ARBOR, RICH. Tile latest in tinhetarket, tsatnfactured by Rufus Waterihouse, Now York, Cleveland Brown & Ctt., Boston, And Cnt- ter & Crossette, Chicago, at j Sign of thte REDl)STAR. GO0 TO----, - - =For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. N et. ,lltotsnewtc itliGools. naew Wintelr Gootds,1fu111Dress Sutintgs. Silk V'estillgs. Overcoatittga, London Sauitintgs. Trtotserirtgsa 11specialty. Largest 1a1d1niost comll~tete stock ill the city, at te lowest prices. Plealse call NO. 2 EASTIXASINGTON STl., nlear Mlain. i ..SELL -,',ND ALL 5txuda Intat ppI 1E, Ice Cream, Soda Waler, and FLESh LIUNTCHES, FIG. We 1tcit l)tevary heat lne af In the Citi. Leave Ordlerslaorall ATHLETIC + GOODS. YOU CAN GET WhatI yo1 11111, 111o1dltePrice fill be tiytl, ll BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Chemical_ Physical Apparatus S C. P. and } RaIre Cheias, a Mrso pical'suplas, E BElIBACIL & SON. AD. SEYLEII & SON J. B. MIDDLECOFF, Type-Writing, .Shaa1t-Itailtt stat Mimeaqrapiiitw, Thesestat'- sapaiilteet .Leltues, alsa Praofs for :34 Soush Puhlictlian of alt]rintt. Unie. Ace. OC6JDEPT7{I "i"1FOWBLEi STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS. "Boae' it yea are leaking far any ef your friends,'lake a thair in the OccidenaliHotal elfice for ten minutes. Yea will surely ase them. Five o'elock dinner, Sundays. Spetlal raltes. THE CAMPUS. Thtere are between 14o atnd 15o Andover men at Yale. Tracy Hoppin has avon thae tennis chtampionship of Harvard. 53 per cent, of thae mets at H-arv- ard are froma Massachnsetts. Ftour boat crews of co-eds will be trained at Wellesley thtis year. Willianss will play both Columtlbia and B lrownt on next Wtednesday. Thte Manbattan A. C. lsas resigned fromlte Antericats Fool-Ball Union. Yale htas mlade five additions to tlse tFaculty Ibis year, and Harvard eight. tDuring last sumnter fonr naew buildings were conmpleted at~krince- tots. Miss Kale McChesney, fornserly wills '92, is teachinag at Motnt Rose, Col. The Alumnio at Wesleyan have voted to change the name~ of tlae University. The faculty at Brown proposes to chlange 111e acedemic year fronthtiree termss to two. iss Esther Boytnton, formerly' Witht '92 is leaching in the1 Detroit High Schlool. George Browla, '91 lawv,lass re- Genltly hunag ont lis shingle at Mar quette, Miicht. C. I.. Dunadcy, the yaungest noeto- her of the law class of '91,1is now an Omlaha lawyer.. Saturday, Nov. 7, tite North Western World will print an extra edition of 4,000 copies. Johns Hopkins has decided to disband its foot-hall team and or- ganize an inter-class league. Thse '92 lit Independents hold a caucus Saturday, no a. in., Nov. 7, room A, to nominate officers. J. L. Haner, lit 'go, law 91r, is in the law oldier of Powell, Owen, Rick- BILLIARP PARLORS ella & Black, at Columbus, t). lteesetly retfittetidurn h atlssr, Colombia's foot-bail team will dis- Nite tenth conete in cannection. band after Nov. 4th. Lack of suip- BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, port is the reason for so doing. STATE STREET, ANN .ARBOR. In thse Harvard inter-class foot- ball series '92 and '93 played a tie .THE AROUS~S- game, 12-12; atad '94 won front '95, FfJNz OfJ0f .f61; Na 10-0. AT LOW PRICES. Harvard, is haaving considecrablIRScA IN LB N trouble in fsding a strong center.FIS NA O AL B K OP ANN ARBIORI. D~exter, thseir tsewv expcritstnt weighss Capital, $100,0000. Surplusi ted Profts, $30,000 Trasascts a sgeseral hintingbuiness, tor- 225 poundcs. itnextchdanges sald, letters at cradst protcsred Thse alumttti rccord of te Yale far transelersabahed. C.5H. tICiHMOND, 1Pres. P. BACHa, V' Pres Lawv Schtool showsvat al1,742 Sts- S. 'W. cLAlstia. Cashiet.. dents Itave beets graduatced from v 1824 to 18g91. .alias Fletcher, of last year's sopia- onsore msedical class, and a graduate of Harvard annex, is now teachsing at Stanford Jr., University. The Blind Boone concert cons- pany gives an entertainment at the Congregational chaurch Mtonday night, Nov. 9. Admission 25 cents. H. F. Johns, law '91, list former poet-hunsorist of the Webster So- ciety, was msarried to Miss Grace Clark recently, and will practice his profession in Woodbine, Ia. Thec bicycle relay race frcomn Hart- lord to New York, aon Saturday, was run in 8 hours and 22 mtinutes, the distance being 126Y4I. There were twenty-atne riders in the relays. Thse Cisesmical Society at the t'ni- versity, htas died a natural death. Last year regular meetings were held, but so far this semester noth- log has been beard of the society. Foot-ball games: Harvard 34, Staggs team o; Crescent no, Man- hattan a; Princeton 13, Wesleyan o; Yale 38, Lehigh o; Pennsylvania 28, Trinity 5; Annapolis Cadets 21z, Rutgers a2; Dickinson 22,Haverford 4; Williams 6o, Stevens o. 011 2htGR'S SCHOOL FOR DANCING Now opens for reception of Puipils. Newer ty~e;5 in I~LINEN COLLARS. New Effects in NECKWEAR. rNew Ideas~ in S WHITE SIRUTS. WAGNELR & coo TAILORIS AND FIURNnSHER~S. Hct}{ndsome + OVERCOATINGS. $thh SUITINGS.