THE U. OF M. DAILY. ?KWE ARE THE- PEOPLE:" - ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY,~ Formnerly Altmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroosos, - - - - - - - - - Corner of Miaiiencn Liberl ~S/reels. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Baianjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find xm vM vsamc SL R Eoc, 25 South Fourth AveaneCt. Owing to She Expiratioantof intents, We are selling Nielkel Plated Centre Dlraft Laimps at greatly Itedneed tricers. $1s50 will gn an far this year as $2 590twnnid last yenr. "RED STAR" OIL SAFEST AND BEST in Market, Dieliveredt inou on astouseitmer in ay parlnfthe Citytn0lcents perglln. OIL CANS ef nil sines anai at Lnwest Pricer. Shoe Brnshes, tlicking andl To0ilet Articles at tine-third less thin uuanl Pricesi. DCIEAfl + & + QI2)PAnY. The ititest ini the toiarket, manufactured by Ruifuti Watet-lotise, New York, leveland Brown & Co., Boston, atid Cut- tet & Crossette, Chicago, at A_ _ O- ,'S (, - Sign of the IRED) STAR. GO TO0 --- OK S -- -For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. Nes (Gcods, tie Fall Goodso,lien- Winter Goods, Fttll Dress Sititings, Silk Vestings. Osercoatittgs, LontdonSuititngs. Tt-outserittgs t specialty. Largest atidtiost complete stock ini the city, at the loswest prices. 1Pleasne call and exainle. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON STl., tnear Maint. 44 SOUTH tRAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR, NICE. L{ ~ .JOLLY C O.) SELL . AND ALL x sx SfudGknfs' 05appI1ia, Ice Cream, Soda Water, and FRESH1 LUNCHES~, ETC. Wie heels the very bst linearf In tie.CLily Le~ate Orders for li ATHLETIC + GOODS. YOU CAN GET lWha o cst cciii.imid the Piiec till le riglO, ct BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Chemical Physical Apparatus, k C. P. and X Rare Clhcmicalsn Microscopteal SuppliCs. EBERBAC1I & SON. HA). SEARED AN .J.B. IDDECVIABL SUET'EAD.SAYERS N 'Rays," i yanareOankiagofrnt ouse. 3othm. Five aki alin s,nav. SAea rateOT. THE CAMPUS. t). D. Davis. late 'ot. is practicing law in Newport, Iod. Ground has beets broken for the new law building at Cornell. Dartmouth htan a foot-ball tackl- ing macblue on thte campus. Eightt Yale men have beets coacts- tug foot-ball elevens thsis fall. Cortnell recently sent out two foot- ball elevens. :Both were victorious. Thse Della Upsilon convention witll be Itelrdat IBostotn ots Not. ,it, toz and 13. Lewis, captaitn atsr centre, and Jackson, a half-back of Atulerst's team, are both colored. One by one the eastertn colleges are votitng down the cane rush. Hazing, fagging and rushing are myths of thte past, Cumnock, last year'n Harvard foot-ball captaitn, has been elected a member of tine Harvard Aluntni Ad- visory conmmittee for athsletics. Cornell University is the first Anterican institution to establish a. chair of the history and philosophsy of religion atid Chsristian ethsics. There was quite a rush in thne late departnment yesterday, betwecetnjun- torn comntg out and seniors enteritng tlhe lectutre count. Dean EKnowtots sooti appcared and put a slop to wvhat tmigtthave beets a seriotts crusth. TheIPennsylvatnia Club starts out this year witht entirely newv platsn, wvhiclh will be of personal interest to every student frons that state. There witl1 be a series of socials, of which totice will be given from time to time. Mr. J. WV. Browning, of the senior law class, has been elected prenident, and will doubtless push the interests of the club with his usual energy. Lean T Pwes. BILLIARD PARLORS Especial comntent on Mr. Ptowers Eleantly reafitddring thr pastsumr Nie luncah counterainaonection. is unnecessary in view of the fact BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, that his presentation of' 'David Cop- STTTET, ANABR perfield" here last year is remem- SAESRE, ANABR bered withs so much pleasure by -9THE ARGUS.- most of us. And so the Students' fillEJO IJT03 Fb 1\f0JJa) Lecture Association again is very AT" w gngs glad to open its splendid course this A O RCS year with Mr. P'owers, weho will ap- FIRST NATIONAL BANK pear next Satursday evcesing, Nov. 7, of ANN ARBORt. Capital, stlo,Stoo. Surplas and Profits, $30,000. at University hsall ts his famous T'ransaets at geaeral lansing buiness, ear- otonologue,'' David Garrick." Oine alga eaehange snld, letters ofceredit proeuredl for trarelers abroad. lion well said of hint "'Mr. Ptowers C. H. uRIHMND~. Pres. P. BACH, V. Pres. S. WC. CLAnnsoa0. Cashier. is a rcal, genuine artist-cte origi- natiots of a type of entertalismett all his owls, and lie can give David'O-R.A.N' h-RS Garrick so well thnat to see an ordi- nary theatre conspany attenmpt the Cf~-ff iI1 ll1PJ1 sanie in to be present at tlhe slaunls_ UhJ.UULl ~l~U ter of a happy ntemory." Now opett for reeeptiotn of Inupils. Of course an impersotnator like Mr. Powers is thrown entirely on his own resources. He can borrow New styiep in nothing from scenic effect or from a LINEN COLLARS. suggestive make-up. Under these conditions, to picture to an audience' thse features of any chsaracter is a Ij New Effect5 in cdifficult tmatter, yet yl1r. Powers iIaNECKWEAR. I msaster of rare art, an entire coma nv rolled into one poem,and portrays a tlse chsaracters.'Truly, Itr. IPosv ers is a remarkable and unique ex New Ideas in aumple of the absorptive powvers of one usan in histrionics. 1 HRS All those whlo lheardl Mr. Poweers '- ______________ its David Copperfield last year weill have reasoins for goiug to hear him 'WTAXG N 1 R thsis year, and those who ditd not erhm atyerhveti ya h valuable opportunity of hearing bins ALR N E NSES in what 'Mtr. Powers himself calls his 'best,'nanmely "David Garrick.' Boards open for reserved seats to. Handsome morrow (Thursday) morning at 7:30 f VROTNS o'clock at Mtoore's hook store, and at box office main hall of the Univer- sity. No extra charge for reserved seats. Season tickets, $a. oo. No $tyiish reduction after first lecture and none SUTITS sold after second lecture.SUTN .