YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. e- The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The J. T. Jacobs Co.,
Call and see us. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR.
1.. BLITZ. N. B.-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats
to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices.
A ANo toa1 LlrY. COA L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Moraer) + +
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, A Ful Line of all College Text Books, including Law andI Medicd Rooks. by the stacks,
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. CALL oN Cheapest place for Note Books and Fountain Pens in the city. Freshmencrowd in. Come along
S I R S S D S /_ST E ER, old friends. I now have my entire stockat my store on NO. 6 S. M AIN ST.
Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WEsT WASHINGTON STREET. CEO. z.vooRE_
Every Student will save money by buying University Text-Books and all supplies at Headquarters. We allow -PIANIST-
special discount on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, DENTAL BOOKS, in short, every Book used in the Highest Grades Taauhtore.pply at wiisey's
University. 5,000 Blank Books at lowest prices. THE - EXCELSiOR - lAUNDRY
Has all the improved machinery, and is pre.
pared to turn out first class work on short no-
tice. Commercial work turned out same day.
LE ADING BOOK STORE IN THE CITY. Prices reasonable and work guaranteed. No-
20 East Huron st. A. F. COVERT, Proprietor.
Riehmond Straight .C1.I The Yale Rush. Bulletin Board. IEALRTIN
No. 1 T- Cloth Caskets, Metallic
CIGARETTES. Freshmen this year arc NoTICE.-English course S1. AND COMMON COFFINS.
Cigarette Smokersawho stronger than ever before. They Those electing course 15 in English . J. A. POLHEMUS,
mrei to nay at 1ter overwhelmed the Sophs completely. -Principles T Style-will mee . ' 'N '''' T -
ae r nary On Saturday Freshies,aded room L, Friday, Oct. 2nd, at 2:30 ALSO 'Eu HACK AND BAGGAGE LINE,
This BRAND superior to bp M., to arrange for hours. North Main Street.
alTl .Rtnh t by a brass band and preceded by a F. N. SCOTT. RINSEY & SEABOLT,
Cut No.1 Cigarettes are made from the bright- band of seniors, were dressed as NOaPhiloeanrs and dealers in
cnn most dellestely Sfavored and. highest cost tta ~ <<NTIEandospy a History GrcreProvisions,Flour and Feed,
oled af grae in Virgnia. Tsnisthen Old an-tiques' and horribles," and of British ethics. Students wishing r 6eandRe P WrshingtondS. ,
and Original Brand of Straight Cut Cigarettes, ci t ae o c n okh e l
and was ro h out y s the ar 1875. caried torch canes from which dan- to take the course will please meet
Bewar of mitaipleasetu tmeetarJ -H A. L L E R
m n a below aandvery egeat tthe gled bladders. Most of the seniors the instructor in room 20 Friday 3-4.
Of the American Tobacco Co.. w were blackened, and Wore false A. H. LLOYD.
Manufacturers. - - Richmond.Virginia. beards and wigs. The Freshies were Prof. Demmon will meet his class Repairing aspecialty. 46 sOUTH MAIN ST.
n n, clothed in canvas jackets, laced with in masterpieces tomorrow at 4 p. m.T. D STIMSON & 3012,
____copper wires. In the rush against NOTICE.-French, Course D, Sci- State Street Grocers.
Capital .i50,060. Surplus and Profts,$17,000. the Sophs, the latter went down in entific Prose, will meet in Room M, Students patronage especially solicited.
Does a general Banking business. Pays in- an instant. One Freshman was Monday and Wednesday, 3-4. Id S. STATE STREET.
terest on Saving Deposits. H~as safety k kd b h dy
Deprst Boses foraRent.e. knocked insensible. The parade German. Students electing Course M. W. BLAKE,
R. KEMPF, Pres. ;F. H. BELSER, Cashier. home was made up of the seniors aTieck's Romantic Dramas, will PICTURES, FRAMES, A nD
Bank open Saturday evening. mostly, who danced behind the p9e eet i Rom M, nl ARTU EOS 15E Aes S
Ann Arbor Savings Bank band and banged one another with 4 stomarrange hours. ,ModA___.__sr__
Ann Arbor Mich. tal Stock, $50,000, the bladders.
Organized under the General Banking Laws ' , NOTICE-I shall meet my classes
of this state. Receives Deposits, buys and Robert Downing. and lectures at the hours announced.
sells exchange on the arinca cities of the
Unte Sat's Dafs asd pn uro er ---_L Course 3 will be given by me, while
V IdmsC11 outtiLc . Oicrtui- - - - -Robert Downing. the eminent young
CHRIsTIANn MAC, Pirs., American tragedian, supported by his
w. D. HasIMAN, Vice Pres., own strong company of legitimate
CHAS. E. HiscoCK, Cashier. players which is led by that beautiful
woman and charming actress Eugenie
You Probably have some Broken Arti- Blair, will appear at the Grand Opera
cle of House on next Saturday evening, pre-
JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT sentintig Saumet's grand play, "The
Gladiator," with this great actor in
OF REPAIR, the title role. In this part Mr. Down-
WM. ARNOLD, 36 MAIN STREET, ing stands alone and without a rival on
Is the Place to go. the American stage, and in fact the
stage of the whole world. In such
characters he is par excellence. The
'A Philadelphia North American says:
SSince the death of John McCullough
,, there is no abler exponent within a
limited range of roles of the heroic,
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, stalwart order thana Mr. Robert Down-
MILLINERY AND ARt GOODS! log, and that gentleman's inpersona-
3 East H'uronStreei, tion of the "Gladiator" iia Saumet's
play of that name, was very vigorous
and bipressive. Mr. Downing is sup-
RTHA TAKE A ported by a strong company, and the
SHORT COURSE. etitre perf'ormance was much applaud-i
IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthand School, New ed and enjoyed by th Ia ge audience
Building, 20 South State Street. which witnessed it. l
course 9 will be assumed by Mr.
Lloyd until Dr. Mead arrives.
Course 2a will not be commenced
until Dr. Mead comes, but should
be elected now. Students desiring
advanced credit should call at room
21 and not at my house. I will
meet students for consultation abouti
work every evening this week after
8 o'clock, at 15 Forest ave.
-- AND
kin.-Pha ma- ,
Yale's fielding average in base ,
ball last season was 902, and her
batting average 224. Princeton's
fielding 933, and batting 247.
Young, of Princeton, averaged 9gy :
strike-outs per game, and Bowers
and Case, of Yale, five strike-outs .,;O- ,
apiece. 71 F ofSt.. Wt, - Detroit, Mich.