THE U. OF M. DAILY. " o ,1y~ ~~{ on the increase. The victory over I J* Butler wasrnotan insignificant one. The Butler men knew how to play Published Daily (Sundays excepted) durin he College year, by good foot-ball, and they have been THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION trained by experienced players. But Michigan out-classed them, played Subscription price 82.50 per year, invariably better foot-ball as the score shows. in advance Single copies 3 cents. On sale at Since Michigan's eleven have Sneenan s and Yost Office news stand at 12 o'clock,noon. Subscriptions may be left at shown such a vast improvement, it the office of the DAILY, OperaHouse block,at is the duty of the students to give it Sheehan's, at Stoffiet's, or with any of the editors. better support in the way of attend- Consmunications should reach the office by ance at practice games and at match So'clock P. M. if they are to appear the net day. Address allmatter intended for publics- games. let the players understand tion to the Managing Editor. All business that the sfidents appreciate their communications should be sent to the Busi- ness Manager, workand better results will besecur- THE U. of M. DAILY, ed. Thisyear's team is one of the best Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan ever put in the field, and EDITORS. with the wise coaching of Crawford RALPH STONE, '92, Managing Editor. and Murphy, will develop an eleven S. W. CUnios, '2, Assist. Managing Editor. G. L. CeAPMAN,'92, Assist. Managing Editor. inferior to few in the country. J. C. TnAvis, '9S, nusiness Manager. --- F. E. JANETTE, '3, Assist.Business Manager. Albion men are unanimous in de- C. W. RICKEaTsS, 94, Assist. Business Man'gr. Glaring H. G. Prettyman, of Ann H. D. JEwELL.P. G. w.H.DELLENHAcK,'9s F. D. GmEsN,'92. F. E. RUGGLEs, '2. Arbor, the fairest man that ever pre- W. P. PAises, '1. J. . AuNEsiL, '9E. G. B. Dygert.'i3. C. F. wELLs, '94. sided over a foot-ball game in Mich- THE AR U" PunLrsHiNG HOus-. ]gat. The opening lecture in the Unity THE University has reason to feel Club Course On Monday evening encouraged because of the progress drew a large audience. Dr. Vaugh- the foot-ball eleven has oxade within pasttel day. I las Saur-an's description of the benefits that in the past ten days. In last Satar- science has conferred uponmakn, say's game against the champions of . .and of those it is yet to confer, were Indiana, it played a more effective and scientific game than last year's highly interesting and intructive, eleven played at any time during the and atties not a little amusing. The readings by Miss Briggs and the whole season. When one or two quite serious faults are remedied,the music by Miss Davis and Mr. Giles- team will be fitted to cope success- pie were also much enjoyed. fully with any college eleven west of BUSINESS LOCALS. Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. Un- I Notices inserted in this column at the rate der the direction of Messrs. Craw- of 10 cents per line. Special rates for longer time, and extra lines furnished by applying at ford and Murphy the individual the DAILYf tice.1 members of the eleven have evel- Do you need a new Suit or Overcoat? If' so, see the line of samples of the oped wonderfully. They play with Golden Eagle Clothing Co., Detroit, more intelligence, with a better Thursday, 5th instant. This firm have made hundreds of suits for students insight into the finer points of the last year (to whom they refer). In game, and with a more familiar ac- evey case they guarantee perfect sat- isfaction in point of style, cut, make quaintance with the signals. The and trimmings, and will save you at least $10 on suit or overcoat. Leave training table has already worked your address at Goodyear & St.James', wonders. The men are brought Main street, and Mr. Rosengartei wil together at meals, talk over the call o you at your convenience. FOUND-A white silk handkerchief. matrix and practice games, listen to Owner can have the same by calling at instruction and criticism from the the DAILY offce and paying the cost of this advertisement. coaches,and imbibe some ofthat en- WANTED.-By a competent lady a thusiasm and earnestness which as. position as matron in a Fraternity istsma ytow . thouse. References given. Address U. s nstmaterialy twin games. It of M DAILY. very often happens that an eleven.. Anew lineof Neckwear just received will play miserable foot-ball at the and no better styles will be found in town. You will say they are one-half beginning of a season, and takes a the price you pay for thene elsewhere. wonderful brace about the middle of Mack & Schmid. the seasonwithout any radical Rooms-very desirable suite in new t shouse No. 5 Monroe. Furnace heat change in the make up of the team and use of bath. Price reasonable. or in the methods of training. This Don't forget we keep sweaters, best quality, $3.50 to $4.25. Mack & Slimid. seeus to be the case xvith our eleven. Hot and cold baths 10 cents, at Post The season was started in anything Office Barber Shop. but an encouraging manner. The Full line new style collars, 4 ply, 15c or 2 for 23. Maek & Sehmio. men did not play together at all, and DANCG.-Mrs. Annie Ward Foster as a consequence, the eleven was de- will open a class in dancing, also in feated by an inferior team. Since D tien t embaer s will have evnng assembys after class. that game, the eleven has been Ladies of the U. of M. will find it steadily improving, and has won greatly to their advantage to call on us when in need of Cloaks, Dress Goods every game by scores that have been or Fancy Dry Goods. Mack & Schmid. have received for tue opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin French, German, Law and Medical Books, which they will sell at Greatly Deduced Prices. Mathematical Instruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books for 1891-2. Is the LEADING SCHOOL ofuBUSINESS. Four departments-Commercial, No text-book or manuscript work-&nghish. Shorthand and Penmanship. Elegant building, large at- tendance,efficient instructors, work thor- ough, isving expenses extremely low, P2.25 to V2 50 per neck; students aistedso positionis. Fo r calogue, address P. R. CLEARY, President. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. . M. SrAFFORD, Time Table going into effect September 13, 189t I' Arrival of trains at AnnArbor. FINI- _.0 19 S. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, ' MICH. 1 LEAVE YOI. ~-' F. 0. NL-W --M Newspapers, Magazine Confections, Cigi NO. 12 W. F GRANDP0-- Thursday Eve., NELLIE l\ The Queen of Soubret hi POPULAR --o* THURSDAY E The evening she was Y delayed in Jackson and, tii ten o'clock p. m., ann tainment to aneronfeth diences ever in Ann Arl J. A. STAFFoRD GOING NORTH. The Leader No. 2. Through Mail and Express. .. 7 40 a. s. No. 4. Ann A rbor & Toledo Accom..11 50 in Fashions No.6. Clare Passenger.............. 505 p. m. I OING SOUTH. Merchant Tail- No 1. Clare and Toledo Accom......11 30 a. to. No. 3. Through Mall,............... 920 p.m. o r i n g. F i n e No. 5. Ann Arbor & Toledo Aecom.. 7 20 a. m. Trainsi4 and 5eanbetween Ann Arbor and line of Piec Toledoonly. hne f 1 ece Central Standard Time. All Trains Daily except Sunday. GoodIs tO selectW.H. BENNETT, R.S.GREENwOOD, roin. Call fu' Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent. a fine fiftting MHI6NG.IL suit. 'The iiag ara Falls Route." No. 19 TIME TABLE (REVISED) JUNE, 28, 189. S. Main Street. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. EASTWARD. N't h| sTATiONS Mail Day Shre N YNi't Atl. Kal Exp Lim Exp Ex. Exp A c- iA. M . M . .. Pa...Mn. AM r ~ yrv',~~svs'ChimgaLv.)70 5 no9it it 3 925 1010 45 Jackson..... :255, 425 5S 847 4 40 615s 85 Cheisea....... 359 .......... 530 71t 942 JR ORDER S Dexter. i-- -...... :.. 145 725 95 T_ DlhiMis... 4301- - - -I 73. T- ANN tRE.. 4 421 525 6 22 9 45 6S0 745109 '[A D Ypsilanti.... 5 i5 940 ... . 956 e2i 8s '10112 WayneJune 527. . 47 85 1050 )R--. Detroit, A r l 6 15 645 7 20 1045 7 31 9 20 11 25 es, Periodicals, Fine A. M. A.- IA.M .. nP.M.PM ars and Tobacco. Bufalo......... 810 4 00 7 25 3 15 6011i -- WESTWARD. Chi. N'th STAT1ONS. Detr Chi. Lita Eve. shre Pae. Mail ___ Enp sp aExp Exp. Lim Ex. Aec. iBufao,........ 120f 630 94 1340 1250 60 inM AM P . . is. " I ns i. Pa. Detroit,Lv. , 8' 071512u 745 92 915 445 HIURON ST. WayneJunc 00 .......... 8 25 . 954 5 19 Ypilanti..... 9 22 s 10 2 05 8 47 .... 10 15 540 t tANN ARB.. 9 35 8 39 2 19 9 18 lo 19 103 5 52 Delhi Mills.. 9 4>.. . 915 .. ... - -eten . 55 -.... 92-. - 6-07 Chelsca..1010...! 39...... 618 --- Jackson..... 1100 925 34 1025 1115 1ii45 6 55 P.M. P.M. P.M. A.M .M. A.M. November 12 hiecae Ar. 755 355 9100 650 450 805 5th1 tDaily. *sunday excepted. 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HA YES, L N Cl.i~ G. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor ea, will be here with w COMPANY K VE., NOV. 12. here last year she was did not arrive here un- d then gave her enter- most enthusiastic au- r